All records are from Avon Meadows Wetland.
6 February 2025:
Misty and cold, -2° to +2°C; wind calm. Rainfall since last count = 4.0mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 32 species. Quite thick mist made it difficult to see the birds and appeared to reduce the amount of movement resulting in a low count for this time of year. It was nice to flush a Common Snipe from the North Meadow and there were two pairs of Common Teal on the scrape just discernible through the mist. A surprise sighting was of a Water Rail in wet woodland close to the main entrance and only 3 or 4 yards from the main path. Moorhens were hard to find but most were from a similar location to the Water Rail. Perhaps the open mud was too frozen for them to feed. Surprisingly, most of the open water was free from ice. Cetti’s Warblers were calling from time to time and we found a male Blackcap managing to survive the winter. Long-tailed Tits were found this week but no raptors or other waterfowl. No Fieldfares this week but Blackbird, Song Thrush, Mistle Thrush and Redwing proved reliable. A Grey Wagtail was found later near the ASDA culvert but too far away to count officially for Avon Meadows!
30 January 2025:
Clear and cold, -2° to +8°C; wind calm to S 2-3. Rainfall since last count = 34.3mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 38 species. Some flooding earlier in the week which is largely cleared today. The contractor has left site. Overnight frost allowed thin ice to form on areas of open water which reduced the number of wildfowl present. No particularly unusual species today. It was nice to see Red Kite, Buzzard and Sparrowhawk in one morning. Similarly, it has been a while since we saw all our thrushes in one session; Blackbird, Song & Mistle Thrushes, Redwing and Fieldfare. Water Rail and Cetti’s Warbler numbers seem to be maintained following the reed cutting work. A couple of Blackcaps were recorded.
BUTTERFLIES: A single Red Admiral was seen flying in the sun in late morning.
25 Jan 25:
A Common Snipe and a Red Kite were both recorded today.
23 January 2025:
Overcast with light showers, poor light, 5° to 7°C; wind S 2-3. Rainfall since last count = Nil.
BIRDS: Total species count = 36 species. The reed clearance work is largely complete although the level in the main pool is still low. Large lengths on both sides of the main pool have been cleared of reeds. Happily reed dwellers like Water Rail and Cetti’s Warblers are still present and calling. Moorhens and Black-headed Gulls seem to like the changes. There were 2 pairs of Teal on the scrape. The Peregrine Falcons are back on Pershore Abbey. A flock of about 300 Lapwings flew by. Redwing numbers were down to just 4. A single Green Woodpecker was recorded. Unusually we found a party of 7 Greenfinches flew out of the middle hedge.
16 January 2025:
Mist at first, later sunny but cold, 1° to 6°C; wind calm. Rainfall since last count = Nil.
BIRDS: Total species count = 38 species. The highlight of today’s count was the sight of 2 Whooper Swans flying over, this are a new record for Avon Meadows, our 138th species. Other sightings will be affected by the extensive reed clearance around the main pool which started on 10 January and is due to last for about 1 week. Its purpose is to cut the reeds back so the area of the main pool is brought back to its original area. In spite of this, 3 Water Rails were heard, 5 Cetti’s Warblers and 9 Moorhens recorded, all of these are reed bed dwellers. The first Sparrowhawk of 2025 flew by and the first Blackcap was recorded too. There were plenty of Black-headed Gulls around today with the usual number of Lesser Black-backed Gulls and Herring Gulls. No other records of particular note today.
12 Jan 25:
A Great White Egret was seen flying up river.
9 January 2025:
Clear, sunny, cold, -4° & 2°C; wind calm. Rainfall since last count = 48.1mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 34 species. Heavy rain on 5/6 January caused extensive flooding which prevented normal access for the bird count on Thursday. However, two members conducted limited counts and it is these results that are referred to here. The pools were frozen over so water fowl counts were down and they move on rather than walk on ice. Cormorants and gulls were more numerous today with all 3 of our commoner gulls; Black-headed, Lesser Black-backed and Herring Gulls, present in good numbers. The Mute Swan count is down to a single cygnet on the main pool. A Buzzard showed, the first for 2025. A Grey Wagtail on the boardwalk was also new for 2025.
4 Jan 25:
A Goldcrest was recorded at the east end of Mill Lane.
2 January 2025:
Clear, sunny, cold, 1° & 2°C; wind calm. Rainfall since last count = 9.8mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 41 species. A nice morning, if cold, but with good light for once. The highlight was a flock of c.150 Lapwings flying by. A Little Grebe was still on the scrape. There was only one Mute Swan (a cygnet) on the main pool but 12 Gadwall equalling the count on 14 November 24. Water Rails and Cetti’s Warblers were present although not many calling. Single individuals of both Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers flew over. Two Ravens were recorded and a Greenfinch which had not been seen for a few weeks. Reed Buntings were more apparent today.
Looking back at 2024, the total species count was a below average 89 species but with two new species, Black Redstart and Little Bunting which increased the overall site total to 137 species.
26/27 December 2024:
Overcast, misty, poor light, 7° & 4°C; wind calm. Rainfall since last count = 3.2mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 36 species. This report covers two counts each carried out by one person in very similar weather. Birds at any distance appeared simply as grey shadows often defying identification. There were no surprises. Gadwall appeared on the main pool on 27th only and a Green Woodpecker on 26th only. Black-headed, Herring and Lesser Black-backed Gulls appeared in larger numbers on 26th. Water Rails and Cetti’s Warblers announced their presence by the familiar calls. Chiffchaff and Goldcrest were each recorded on one day only as were a Chaffinch and Ravens. So the last count for 2024 has been completed with a total of 89 species for the year.
19 December 2024:
Long sunny periods, 3°-5°C; wind W 2-4. Rainfall since last count = 18.6mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 40 species. A chilly morning following heavy rain the previous night. Work is due to start “undercutting” the west side of the main pool to remove the reed grown back towards the main path by 5 metres.
Many of our regular species turned up but few of the less usual ones. There were 8 Teal on the main pool. The two Little Grebes on the scrape were seen again, once more in front of the bird screen. There may be a third at the far side of the scrape but we could not confirm this. Mute Swan numbers have been maintained with 8 on the main pool and 4 on the scrape. No birds of prey today. Four Water Rails were heard and 8 Cetti’s Warblers. We flushed a Kingfisher on Piddle Brook and a Great Spotted Woodpecker was recorded. Redwing and Mistle Thrush numbers were good and we located a single Song Thrush. Several flocks of Long-tailed Tits were seen totalling 27 birds in all. Two Ravens flew over early on. Reed Bunting numbers are still low.
14 Dec 24:
A Rook flew over today.
12 December 2024:
Overcast, drizzle and mist, 5°-6°C; wind calm to NE 1. Rainfall since last count = 11.3mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 38 species. The drizzle and mist got worse during the morning leading to poor visibility. Most of the duckweed has gone from the main pool, for the time being! There had been flooding during the week which was likely to be responsible for this. There was still a good number of Mute Swans on the main pool, often hidden by reeds at the south end. This week 2 Little Grebes were found on the scrape. There was still a pair of Gadwall on the main pool. Water Rails and Cetti’s Warblers were heard from time to time. A Red Kite flew over and more unusually a Kestrel flew by, last recorded in May 2024. Two Kingfishers were recorded today, another unusual event. Blackbirds were recorded in good numbers and Redwings, Song and Mistle Thrushes too. There were just a couple of Chiffchaffs but 4 Goldcrests were found. Five Chaffinches were discovered but Reed Buntings were scarce, just two.
8 Dec 2024:
A pair of Shovelers were recorded on the main pool.
5 December 2024:
Overcast, mild 13°C; wind SW 2-3. Rainfall since last count = 14.6mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 36 species. The notable record of the day was the unusually high number of Mute Swans using the wetland. Swans are looking for territories at this time of year so hopefully this number means we could have some nesting on the meadows this year. The recent influx of waterfowl has gone but a Little Grebe returned. Water Rails and Cetti’s Warblers continue to maintain their populations. We had a good count of Blackbirds and local thrushes, Mistle and Song Thrushes were recorded. The first Blackcap for several weeks was recorded but Chiffchaff numbers are dropping.
Storm ‘Darragh’ is expected to arrive on Saturday 7 December bringing rain and exceptionally strong winds so next week’s count will be interesting.
28 November 2024:
Overcast, foggy, cold -2° to 0°C; wind calm. Rainfall since last count = 47.4mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 29 species. A turbulent week in terms of weather with flooding a couple of days before and a really cold, foggy morning – bad for birds, bad for bird watchers! So no big surprises today and quite a few missing species. There was one Gadwall remaining on the main pool and 3 Mute Swans. All the Mallards were on the scrape. A couple of Water Rails called and two Cetti’s Warblers. There were Pied Wagtails on the roof of Cherry Orchard House, a few Wrens, a single Dunnock and several Robins. Blackbirds showed well and we found 2 Mistle Thrushes but just one Redwing. We found 4 Chiffchaffs, a good count on such a cold morning. Even House Sparrows were difficult to find!
21 November 2024:
Overcast, sunny later, cold 1° to 3°C; wind calm to NE 1. Rainfall since last count = 27.6mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 40 species. There had been snow two days earlier which was still lying so the bird numbers were down a little. Cetti’s Warblers and Water Rails were still advertising their presence. Waterfowl variety had dropped, just one Gadwall and 2 Teal remaining. No birds of prey. A Great Spotted Woodpecker showed and one Meadow Pipit was recorded. Chiffchaff numbers had reduced to one and a Goldcrest was recorded too. All three finches showed, Chaffinch, Greenfinch and Goldfinch. Three Reed Buntings were present.
14 November 2024:
Overcast, sun breaking through later 10° to 12°C; wind calm to NE 1. Rainfall since last count = Nil.
BIRDS: Total species count = 44 species. The highlight this morning was a party of 8 Shoveler on the scrape, there were 20 Teal there too. A new high count of 12 Gadwall on the main pool. A Common Snipe was found on the scrape and a Sparrowhawk was seen being chased by a Carrion Crow over the scrape. There was a good count of 60 House Sparrows along Meadow Walk. Both Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers showed, two of the latter. A single male Stonechat was a welcome site. There were plenty of Blackbirds and Redwings plus 4 Mistle Thrushes and a Fieldfare. There was a good number of Chiffchaffs present and 2 Ravens flew over. Reed Buntings are still scarce but we found two. There was a couple of Chaffinch and several small parties of Goldfinches.
7 November 2024:
Overcast, 10° to 12°C; wind calm. Rainfall since last count = 0.2mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 37 species. Highlights today were a flock of 10 Gadwall on the main pool and a single Wigeon. The highest Gadwall count is only 11 and this is the first Wigeon record since October 2023. There was a good count of 14 Collared Doves and 3 Goldcrests. Chaffinch, Greenfinch and Goldfinch turned up in small numbers. Chiffchaffs are still present but just one Redwing today.
6 Nov 24: Two Common Teal were seen on the main pool and 3 on the scrape.
10 Nov 24: A pair of Tawny Owls was heard calling overnight.
31 October 2024:
Overcast, 11° to 14°C; wind SW 1. Rainfall since last count = 4.4mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 42 species. The first Common Snipe of the autumn were flushed from the scrape this morning. Also, the first Fieldfares of the autumn were recorded flying over. There were several small flocks of Redwings arriving. Two pairs of Mistle Thrushes appeared, a sign of autumn. The Blackbird number was boosted by the arrival of some European birds. Water Rails were particularly noisy this morning. Surprisingly, 2 Coal Tits turned up, an uncommon bird on Avon Meadows. The Little Grebe was elusive but still to be found on the scrape. The number of Gadwall present has increased to 6. It was nice to see Mute Swans on the main pool, 3 initially to be joined by 2 more later. A few Skylarks flew over. Chiffchaffs were scarce today as were Reed Buntings.
24 October 2024:
Clear and sunny, 9° to 14°C; wind SE 2-3. Rainfall since last count = 15.3mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 45 species. Another beautiful autumn day, and signs of movement with winter visitors beginning to arrive. Redwings were passing over and a few were found in hedgerows. A single Siskin was heard flying over. There were 4 Gadwall on the main pool and a Little Grebe arrived on the scrape during the morning (last recorded 23 Feb 24). Six Water Rails and 7 Cetti’s Warblers were heard. A Rook flew over, an unusual sighting for us although a party flew over 2 weeks ago. There were 2 Stonechats present this week away from the scrape so presumably new arrivals. There were quite a few Blackbirds in the north hedge leading one to speculate that they were arrivals from Europe. A Grey Wagtail landed briefly on the scrape. Dunnocks were calling and there was a party of a dozen Long-tailed Tits. A Kingfisher call was recorded.
BUTTERFLIES: A Red Admiral flew up from near the boardwalk.
17 October 2024:
Light cloud and sunny, 11° to 14°C; wind SW 1-4. Rainfall since last count = 27.9mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 40 species. A beautiful spring day, the sun making it seem quite mild. A single Mute Swan has taken up residence on the main pool. The scrape now seems to be staying full of water and a pair of Teal alighted there briefly this morning. Otherwise Mallards and Moorhens are the residents. Two Water Rails called and we located 5 Cetti’s Warblers. There seemed to be plenty of Chiffchaffs although only one was heard singing once. Finches are present in small numbers including Chaffinch, Greenfinch and Goldfinch. It was very pleasing to find a male Stonechat on the scrape in front of the hide. Reed Buntings showed occasionally.
BUTTERFLIES: Two Speckled Woods were found near the tilting weir and this equals the latest date we have recorded for this species.
15 Oct 24: A Tawny Owl was heard once more behind Cherry Orchard.
10 October 2024:
Clear and sunny, 4° to 9°C; wind N 2-3. Rainfall since last count = 35.4mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 41 species. A fine cold morning with a northerly breeze. No especially unusual birds but most of them showed resulting in a good count. A party of Rooks flew over today, an uncommon bird over Avon Meadows. Once more Skylarks were flying over and our first Meadow Pipits of the autumn flew by. Reed Buntings reappeared after an absence of a number of weeks. A Red Kite flew over, providing an additional raptor for the more usual Sparrowhawks and Buzzards. Water Rails and Cetti's Warblers were both heard calling. Finches were represented by two Chaffinches and 8 Goldfinches.
BUTTERFLIES: A couple of Speckled Woods were recorded.
DRAGONFLIES: A Common Darter and Migrant Hawker braved the cold today.
8 Oct 24: Several late House Martins flew over, a new late record for Avon Meadows.
3 October 2024:
Clear and sunny, 5° to 15°C; wind calm. Rainfall since last count = 35mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 39 species. Today, the scrape had sufficient water in it for ducks, just Teal and Mallard today. A couple of Swallows and a House Martin flew over. A Willow Warbler was a new late recordfor us.
A Red Kite was a nice sighting to go with the Sparrowhawk and Buzzard. Water Rails were calling and there were a dozen Moorhen showing on the main pool. Black-headed Gulls have begun to appear more regularly as winter approaches. We recorded several Pied Wagtails including one on Cherry Orchard House.
Dunnocks have started calling making them easier to find. Several Jays flew over and a single Raven. Cetti’s Warblers were singing noisily.
BUTTERFLIES: The warm sun brought out a few butterflies, Large White, Red Admiral and several Speckled Woods.
MAMMALS: Today there were two Foxes basking in the sun beneath the hedge on the north side of the mini-football pitch.
26 September 2024:
Overcast, 12° to 17°C; wind SW 1. Rainfall since last count = 92mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 41 species. Today was a beautiful autumn day following several days of persistentrain. Small parties of Swallows, House Martins and Skylarks were moving through. Water Rails were noisyand many passerines had started singing so Wrens, Dunnocks and Robins were easier to detect. A pair of Sparrowhawks flew by as did our first Black-headed Gull for several weeks. Grey and Pied Wagtails flewover.
We recorded 8 Blackbirds today which reduced the concern we had about their populations being ravaged by a virus. Two Song Thrushes were recorded and 3 Goldcrests were heard although we could notget sight of them. A Blackcap and Chiffchaffs were recorded and the first Chaffinch for several weeks.
BUTTERFLIES: Encouraged out by the warmth of the sun; Large White, Red Admiral, Comma and SpeckledWood (10).
19 September 2024:
Overcast, 15 to 17°C; wind NE 2-4. Rainfall since last count = None.
BIRDS: Total species count = 37 species. The number of Teal on the main pool has increased to 19 today. Two Coal Tits were heard today, the first record on Avon Meadows for 2024. Blackbird numbers are still down witha single bird being recorded, only one Starling today too! There were mixed flocks in the hedges comprising Blue and Great Tits, Long-tailed Tits, Chiffchaffs and the occasional Willow Warbler. Cetti’s Warblers wereheard occasionally. Two Ravens flew over and several flocks of Canada Geese. A Jay was heard across theriver.
12 September 2024:
Sunny, cool, 6° to 14°C; wind W 3-4. Rainfall since last count = 25.1mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 32 species. A small party of Common Teal on the main pool was a sign ofautumn movement. Cormorants too are autumn/winter birds with us. Swallows are passing through in small numbers all morning. This week a few House Martins were heading south too. Two Water Rails called briefly,the water has risen on the main pool so not so much mud in front of the reed beds for them. The morning wasnotable for the species that were not found, Dunnock, Song Thrush, Long-tailed Tit, Greenfinch and ReedBunting, only 2 Starlings! It looks as though the Sedge and Reed Warblers have left now. A Blackcap and Willow Warbler turned up in a mixed flock of Chiffchaffs with Blue and Great Tits.
10 Sep 24: A Kestrel was seen over the north meadow and a Kingfisher on the river. Swallows have beenmoving through all week.
5 September 2024:
Overcast with drizzle, autumnal, 12° to 15°C; wind N 2-4. Rainfall since last count = 6.9mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 29 species. The sudden cooler day silenced many of the birds thus reducing theoverall count. Not all bad through, the low water in the main pool encouraged Water Rails to show themselvesat the edge of the reed beds. There were mixed flocks of Long-tailed Tits, Chiffchaffs, Blue and Great Tits.
Cetti’s Warblers called occasionally. A flock of Canada Geese flew over. There were several flocks ofhirundines flying over, those near enough to be identified with certainty were Swallows. There was a Grey Heron on the main pool and a number of Moorhens on show, the young birds are taking on their subadultplumage. Just one Sedge Warbler showed itself. Only large gulls flew over, Lesser Black-backed and Herring Gulls and a single Cormorant flew down river. Just single records for Robin, Blackbird and Song Thrush.
29 August 2024
Sunny, mild, 13° to 21°C; wind SW 2-3. Rainfall since last count = 6.7mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 37 species. The first Jay of the year flew onto the wetlands from across the river. The sight of two separate Grey Herons has become quite regular recently. A Tawny Owl was heard early in the morning. Five Buzzards were seen soaring above presumably including some passing through. A Kingfisher and Great Spotted Woodpecker were found in a patch of willow woodland beside the main path. There was a continuous small passage of Swallows passing through today, we counted 17 but only one House Martin. More Robins singing this week but few Blackbirds. A couple of Cetti’s Warblers called but Reed Warblers were largely silent. Another week, another Raven, always nice to see these impressive birds. Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs were recorded and a single Goldcrest and one Linnet.
BUTTERFLIES: A Red Admiral was seen flying in the sun today. Also Speckled Woods and Large Whites.
DRAGONFLIES: There were a number of Brown Hawkers about and plenty of Common Darters. What was thought to be a Migrant Hawker was seen several times but never still long enough to be certain of the identification.
INSECTS: A Common Scorpionfly was discovered beside the boardwalk and photographed.
MAMMALS: A Pygmy Shrew was found on the path this morning, sadly dead.
28 August 24: A Four-spotted Orbweb Spider was found near the tilting weir. The second record for Avon Meadows.
22 August 2024
Cloudy with light showers, windy, mild, 17° to 21°C; wind SW 4-6. Rainfall since last count = 2.6mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 36 species. Another quiet day with few surprises. A Greenfinch was seen clinging on desperately in the wind at the top of a tall willow! A Mute Swan was a welcome sight last recorded on 18 July. A party of Canada Geese flew over in early afternoon. Two Grey Herons appeared at different times. Sparrowhawks and Buzzards appeared too. Small parties of Swallows and House Martins flew over heading south. A Great Spotted Woodpecker afforded a brief glimpse. Dunnocks, Robins and Cetti’s Warblers were hard to find. A Willow Warbler was an unusual find and a Goldcrest was heard briefly.
MAMMALS: A female Roe Deer with two young was recorded in meadows to the north.
PLANTS: Angelica is now in flower. The first signs of ash die-back was noticed today. A Dewberry plant was discovered, a first for Avon Meadows.
15 August 2024
Sunny periods, 18° to 20°C; wind SW 3-5. Rainfall since last count = 3.6mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 36 species. The stiff breeze kept many of the passerines down making them hard to find. Cormorants made a reappearance today having been last recorded on 18 April 24. There was a single Canada Goose on the river. A Sparrowhawk flew through and two Buzzards were seen soaring above. Both Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers were recorded. Three Swallows flew over and two Cetti’s Warblers called briefly. A couple of Reed Warblers were heard and Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs were recorded too. A small party of Long-tailed Tits was discovered along Mill Lane where a number of birds were sheltering from the wind. A single Chaffinch was heard, two Greenfinches flew over and the usual Goldfinches were present. A pair of Linnets flew over too but Reed Buntings, although present, were hard to find.
8 August 2024
Overcast and cool with drizzle, 17.5° to 18.4°C; wind S 1-4. Rainfall since last count = 0.6mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 35 species. A cool damp day quietened the birds. Those that were calling were mostly only making contact calls. There were no special sightings, simply the 'usual suspects'! Two Grey Herons flew over as did a Peregrine Falcon. We did hear a Water Rail calling once from the middle of the reedbeds. The 3 Moorhen chicks are alive and well. Both Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers showed. Two Swallows and one House Martin were seen briefly. Sedge and Reed Warblers are present but difficult to locate. Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs were located by their contact calls and two Goldcrests were heard. Only one Reed Bunting was recorded today.
1 August 2024
Sunny and hot, 20° to 28°C; wind N 1-2. Rainfall since last count = 0.4mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 41 species. Another week with a similar bird count! The surprise sighting of the week was of a Common Stonechat, 10 days earlier than we have previously recorded them on Avon Meadows. It was found quite early but not again so presumably moving through. There were more Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers around than we would normally expect indicating that many were birds on passage. Birds of prey were represented by Buzzards, a Sparrowhawk and a Peregrine Falcon. The meadows had been mown last Saturday which has changed the look for a while. Small numbers of Swifts, Swallows and House Martins were recorded. Both Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers were seen, including young Great Spotted Woodpeckers. A single Sedge Warbler showed and there were several Reed Warblers were present. Blackcaps sang occasionally too. Four Ravens flew over during the morning and a Jay was heard from the other side of the river (not counted as an Avon Meadows record).
MAMMALS: A young Common Rat and a Common Shrew were both found dead beside the path.
25 July 2024
Overcast with occasional drizzle, 19° to 22°C; wind SW 2-4. Rainfall since last count = 9.6mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 41 species. Pershore Abbey Peregrine Falcons seem to make regular visits over Avon Meadows now. It was good to hear a Water Rail this morning after a few weeks without. Moorhen chicks were on show for the first time this summer. Several Black-headed Gulls flew over, now without their black heads. Swifts, Swallows and House Martins were present in reasonable numbers. A Kingfisher was heard flying along the river behind the reeds and a Cetti’s Warbler called briefly from the reeds beside the river. Reed Warblers are still present as are Blackcaps but this week no Chiffchaffs but surprisingly no less than 3 Willow Warblers were heard along Mill Lane. A pair of Ravens flew over early on and there were at least 4 Linnets recorded. However, today we could only find one Reed Bunting.
BUTTERFLIES: The sun came out briefly later in the morning and butterflies began to move. Large and Green-veined Whites were present in small numbers, there were plenty of Gatekeepers and Meadow Browns, Speckled Woods and Peacocks were all recorded.
18 July 2024
Mostly sunny and warm, 19° to 27°C; wind S 1-4. Rainfall since last count = 8.8mm
BIRDS: Total species count = 41 species. A Cuckoo was seen flying south, a new late record for Avon Meadows for an adult Cuckoo (juveniles leave 6-8 weeks later). Another unusual summer record was of a Willow Warbler. There were plenty of Swifts about and we did record small numbers of Swallows and House Martins which were a welcome sight. The Cetti’s Warblers have stopped singing but we did hear one today. Again we found some young Goldcrests, this time at the back of Cherry Orchard School. Blackcaps are singing and Chiffchaffs occasionally too. Two separate Linnets were recorded.
BUTTERFLIES: Not huge numbers of butterflies but more than recently. They included Large White, Small Skipper, Comma, Red Admiral, Peacock, Meadow Brown and Speckled Wood.
DRAGONFLIES: Several species of dragonflies were evident today, Banded Demoiselle, Black-tailed Skimmer, Brown Hawker and Common and Ruddy Darters.
OTHER INSECTS: A Musk Beetle and the Ichneumon wasp, Dusona falcator were photographed.
11 July 2024
Sunny periods, 17° to 19°C; wind W 2. Rainfall since last count = 40.7mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 34 species. Many species not singing now so difficult to detect (e.g. Cetti’s Warbler). It was nice to find young Goldcrests on Mill Lane. Sparrowhawks were much in evidence this morning. A Kingfisher showed briefly at 'the beach'. A couple of Swifts appeared near Cherry Orchard House followed by a large flock later in the morning and a single House Martin very high up. Two Song Thrushes were singing as were Blackcaps but Chiffchaffs were silent. A single Greenfinch was spotted.
4 July 2024
Sunny with occasional cloudy periods, cool, 15° to 18°C; wind SW 3-5. Rainfall since last count = 0.2mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 31 species. The main part of the scrape is now quite dry so the egrets and herons have gone. So, in spite of the extraordinarily wet spring, the scrape has dried out at about the same time as last year. June has seen only about 28% of average rainfall.
Birds are now mainly bringing up their young so are fairly quiet which as the effect of lowering numbers counted. 3 Buzzards were recorded flying over and a few of our common gulls. Notably, 3 Cuckoos were seen flying NE but quite low so were presumably birds that had spent the summer locally. Several parties of Swifts were seen flying overhead but the only hirundines recorded were 2 House Martins. Reed Warbler numbers are good as were those for Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs. Sedge Warblers were hard to find.
27 June 2024:
Cloudy with sunny periods, hot, 19° to 24°C; wind SW 2-4. Rainfall since last count = 5.9 mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 37 species. A lot of birds quiet today after a spell of hot, dry weather.
Unusual sighting of a Teal, a new early record for a species that is a winter visitor to Avon Meadows. A late Cuckoo was heard soon after sunrise. There was still one ?Little Egret on the scrape. There was a brief sighting of a Green Woodpecker. Just one House Martin was recorded, the only hirundine today, and 9 Swifts. The
BUTTERFLIES: A Marbled White was seen today, the first of the summer.
DRAGONFLIES: The first Broad-bodied Chaser and Southern Hawker were recorded today.
OTHER INSECTS: A Pied Plumehorn (Volucella pellucens) was discovered today, only the second record for Avon Meadows.
20 June 2024
Sunny with high cloud, hot, 19° to 26°C; wind calm to S 1. Rainfall since last count = 11.5 mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 35 species. Owing to the recent wet weather, the scrape has more water in it than in previous years. This encouraged 4 Little Egrets to use it and it appears as though they are there for much of the time. Mute Swans are present on the river and one pair near Avon Meadows has 3 cygnets. The Peregrine Falcons on the Abbey make occasional forays over Avon Meadows. Once again we had a Red Kite early in the morning, and later Buzzards and Sparrowhawks showed. There was a small party of Swifts over head early on and two House Martins flew over. Hirundines have been scarce this year. At this stage of the breeding season bird song is much reduced but Cetti’s Warblers and Blackcaps bucked this trend. Sedge Warblers were surprisingly quiet today but there was a good number of Reed Warblers, some with young.
A Cuckoo was heard on 18 June but not today, it is coming to the time when they leave us, and their chicks, to head south to their wintering grounds in the forests of Central Africa.
BUTTERFLIES: An early Meadow Brown showed this morning taking advantage of the warm weather.
DRAGONFLIES: Not numerous today but a Black-tailed Skimmer was found at "the beach".
13 June 2024
Overcast, cool, 14° to 16°C; wind SW 3-5. Rainfall since last count = 2.2mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 42 species. A good number of young birds around today of various species. 2 Little Egrets on the scrape and they joined two more flying over. Raptors were much in evidence, 2 Red Kites, a Sparrowhawk, 3 Buzzards and a Peregrine Falcon harassing a crow, part of the family on the Abbey. Male and female Cuckoos calling with another more distant male heard. Two Kingfishers seen, one beside the main path. Swifts and Swallows were recorded flying over. A single Great Spotted Woodpecker was located and a Goldcrest heard. There was a Pied Wagtail on Wyre Mill. Just 3 Cetti’s Warblers today. Three Linnets flew over, we believe there is at least one pair breeding. Reed Buntings were very vocal.
6 June 2024
Sunny periods, 16° to 20°C; wind calm to W 1. Rainfall since last count = 2.6mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 39 species. The most unusual sighting of the day was both Great and Little Egrets present on the scrape together. Hirundine numbers are still down with just a single House Martin recorded. There was a pair of Greylag Geese on the river and two Mute Swans with 3 cygnets in the Wyre Mill Marina. Two Red Kites were seen soaring high up. Male and female Cuckoos were calling. Two Black-headed Gulls were seen flying up the river, not such a common sight in summer. Sedge and Reed Warblers were recorded but not in number. Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Cetti’s Warblers were present as has become usual.
BUTTERFLIES: A Red Admiral was the only butterfly recorded.
DRAGONFLIES: 3 species recorded today, Banded Demoiselle, Large Red Damselfly and 4-spotted Chaser.
MAMMALS: Another dead Water Vole was found, this time an adult.
30 May 2024
Overcast cool, 14° to 16°C; wind W 3-5. Rainfall since last count = 16.9mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 41 species. A cool day today but the birds: were calling. The level of growth of reeds and other plants since last week has been remarkable! A Garden Warbler was heard singing behind Cherry Orchard. There was just one Mute Swan on the scrape but it was joined by a Grey Heron and later a Little Egret. A Kestrel and a Peregrine Falcon flew over and a Buzzard soared by. Once again, 3 Cuckoos were located, one being a female. Several Swifts appeared with a small party of House Martins and later a single Swallow. Sedge Warblers were hard to find today but Reed Warblers made up for this lack. Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Cetti’s Warbler numbers were good. Several Long-tailed Tits were found today and 8 Linnets, an unusually high count.
FLOWERS: A Bittersweet plant was discovered along Mill Lane.
MAMMALS: A young Water Shrew was found dead on the path beside the scrape.
MOTHS: A large number of caterpillar webs was found in willow trees beside the main pool. It is believed that they were larvae of the Willow Ermine moth.
23 May 2024
Overcast with watery sun, 12° to 16°C; wind W 3-5. Rainfall since last count = 25.2mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 35 species. The cooler weather seemed to quieten most of the birds:. A notable exception was the Cuckoo with two males and a female calling through much of the morning. A Great Spotted Woodpecker was found in Mill Lane. A single House Martin flew over, just the second individual House Martin recorded this year. Counts for some warblers were down this week including Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warblers.
DRAGONFLIES The first dragonfly count of the season took place this week, there was a good number of Banded Demoiselles on show together with Azure and Red-eyed Damselflies.
16 May 2024
Overcast with watery sun, 15° to 19°C; wind E 1. Rainfall since last count = 13.0mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 37 species. Still no House Martins! 3 Cuckoos today including one female calling occasionally. A Coot has a nest on the scrape and a Greylag Goose was seen with a chick on the river. Juvenile Starlings are now on the wing. 3 Red Kites flew over but just a single Buzzard. Several Song Thrushes were singing all morning but just 5 Cetti’s Warblers today. Only 2 Sedge Warblers today but Reed Warblers seemed to be everywhere! A pair of Linnets are faithful to their bramble patch beside the scrape.
MAMMALS: A Roe Deer was located in deep scrub behind Cherry Orchard.
15 May 24 A Common Whitethroat was heard in the North Meadows.
9 May 2024
Clear, sunny, warm, 16° to 24°C; wind SW 1-2. Rainfall since last count = 23.4mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 37 species. A single Mute Swan remains on the main pool. The Canada Geese are no longer on the scrape, the reason for their departure is unknown. However, there were two pairs of Coot on the scrape this morning! A pair of Greylag Geese flew in to the main pool in late morning. Not so many Cetti’s Warblers singing this morning, just 6 and a single Water Rail was heard. The pair of Peregrine Falcons on the Abbey now have 4 chicks to feed. A single Buzzard was the only other bird of prey recorded. The first Swifts of the year arrived, a party of 8 flying over very high up. Two Great Spotted Woodpeckers were seen collecting food. Sedge and Reed Warbler numbers remain strong and Blackcaps seemed to be singing everywhere! Two Ravens flew over.
7 May 24: A male Tufted Duck appeared briefly on the main pool. Later a Green Woodpecker was recorded.
4 May 24: A Kingfisher was seen fishing along Piddle Brook.
DRAGONFLIES: The first dragonflies of the year showed up, a Large Red Damselfly and a Banded Demoiselle.
2 May 2024
Overcast but no rain, 11° to 13°C; wind NE 3 becoming calm. Rainfall since last count = 27.7mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 42 species. First the bad news. The Mute Swan shot last week died. It is believed to have been shot with a shotgun! It is uncertain if it was shot over Avon Meadows or nearby and flew in. The Canada Geese nesting on the scrape is still OK (risk is foxes) and 3 Greylag Geese flew over. There were 8 Mallard chicks on the scrape, down from 10 a couple of weeks ago. 2 Water Rails called and there are Coots on the scrape and the main pool now. A male Cuckoo is calling regularly from the tall willows beside the main pool. Our first Sand Martins of the year flew over today plus 2 single Swallows. There seem to be 9 Cetti’s Warbler territories now. Reed Warbler numbers are up, we recorded 15 today. No other new warbler sightings today though. A single Chaffinch and 3 Linnets were recorded.
1 May 2024: Three species recorded this month although not on the bird count are; Sparrowhawk, Common Whitethroat and Skylark.
MAMMALS: There was a Roe Deer on the scrape this morning.
25 April 2024
Overcast with a sunny period, cold, 7° to 10°C; wind SW 2. Rainfall since last count = 3.0mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 39 species. Cold morning made the birds very quiet at first. Once again a Mute Swan was found on the main pool with severely injured head apparently caused by it being shot! It was collected by Vale Wildlife Hospital in the hope it can be saved. The first Cuckoo of 2024 was heard this morning. 11 Cetti’s Warblers were located and a single Water Rail. A single Skylark was heard flying over. A Raven was recorded, the first since 29 Feb. A pair of Linnets showed briefly.
18 April 2024
Sunny and mild, light cloud later, 5° to 16°C; wind calm to SW 3. Rainfall since last count = 3.0mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 40 species. A reasonable count although no new summer arrivals this week. Swallows had been seen earlier in the week and a few passed through today just in one’s and two’s. A pair of Canada Geese appear to be nesting on the scrape although later in the day a Fox was seen nearby so not much hope for them. Once more a Red Kite put in a brief appearance. A single Water Rail called and for the second week in a row 9 Cetti’s Warblers were holding territories. Two Linnet pairs were recorded in suitable habitat for breeding. Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Sedge and Reed Warbler numbers were all a little up on last week.
BUTTERFLIES: The first Holly Blue of the season was a nice sighting and a Large White turned up too, a new early record for Avon Meadows.
17 Apr 24: A Common Snipe was recorded on the scrape today.
16 Apr 24: A Garden Warbler was seen and heard but it did not stay long. A new early record for Avon Meadows.
12 April 2024
STOP PRESS!!! A Little Bunting was recorded near the dipping pond at 07h30 today. It proved to be very elusive and was not relocated subsequently. This is the 137th species recorded from Avon Meadows and is a very uncommon species in the UK.
11 April 2024
Sunny periods later more prolonged, 12° to 20°C; wind SW 1. Rainfall since last count = 9.5mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 46 species. A real spring day! The first Reed Warbler of 2024 recorded today. Other warblers were well represented with Chiffchaffs, Willow Warblers and Blackcaps all being recorded. No hirundines so far this year though. Several Grey Herons flew over and two Little Egrets dropped into the scrape for a short stay. Once more a Red Kite flew over and there was a female Sparrowhawk hunting over the meadows through the morning. There was a significant movement of Buzzards flying north today, with a new high count of 14. A Kestrel was a welcome site later in the morning. The Cetti’s Warbler count gets higher each week, 9 singing birds today. Early in the morning two Rooks flew over, quite a surprise to record them 2 weeks in a row after a long break. There was a pair of Linnets around their nesting site of last year.
8 Apr 24: The first Sedge Warbler of 2024 recorded today.
7 Apr 24: The first Common Whitethroat of 2024 recorded today.
BUTTERFLIES: The warm weather brought out a few butterflies; 5 Brimstone, a new early record for Small White and an Orangetip.
FLOWERS: The Marsh Marigolds are in full flower now providing a splendid show beside the boardwalk. Earlier plans, forestalled by the wet ground, to clear scrub around them has not prevented the show!
MAMMALS: A male Muntjac was discovered in scrub behind Cherry Orchard. It was not especially bothered by our presence!
4 April 2024
Overcast with light rain, clearing with sunny periods later, 9° to 14°C; wind calm to SW 4. Rainfall since last count = 30.1mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 45 species. Scrape pairs still present, Mute Swans, Canada Geese and Coots. A Little Egret was flushed from the scrape, a nice surprise. Several Grey Herons and Greylag Geese flew over. A Red Kite and female Sparrowhawk flew over too. Collared Doves were recorded this week. A Green Woodpecker was heard and a Great Spotted Woodpecker turned up along Mill Lane. No less than 7 Cetti’s Warblers where heard. There was a Pied Wagtail on Cherry Orchard house and a pair flew over. There was a pair of Grey Wagtails on the carpark. Blackcap and Chiffchaff numbers are good and a single Willow Warbler was heard. A Rook flew over, the first sighting since 7 June 2023. Chaffinch, Greenfinch and Goldfinch were all present and there was a pair of Linnets behind Cherry Orchard.
BUTTERFLIES: A Green-veined White was recorded, a new early record.
28 March 2024
Sunny, overcast later with showers, 7.5° to 6.4°C; wind calm to SE 4. Rainfall since last count = 31.3mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 38 species. No summer visitors on show this week. The pairs of Canada Geese and Coot are still on the scrape. A pair of Mute Swans on the main pool with a single male Tufted Duck. A single Water Rail called and the usual 6 Cetti’s Warblers holding territory. A Peregrine Falcon flew over heading towards the Abbey. Other raptors recorded were a male Sparrowhawk and 4 Buzzards. Chiffchaffs are singing much of the time now. A Linnet and Siskin were both heard flying over but we failed to locate them. This is a new late record for Siskin.
BUTTERFLIES: A single Peacock seen near the scrape.
FLOWERS: The Marsh Marigolds are coming out but partly obscured by scrub which it has been too wet to clear! A single Meadow Buttercup was in flower.
26 Mar 24: A Drake Shoveler turned up on the scrape but only stayed for a short time.
21 March 2024
Overcast with sunny periods, 10° to 14°C; wind S 2-4. Rainfall since last count = 19.7mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 40 species. The most surprising sighting of the morning was of a Willow Warbler, a new early record for Avon Meadows, the previous earliest was 30 Mar 2017. It seems there was an early influx of Willow Warblers with several other records being reported from the West Midlands today. Birds turning up in pairs now with pairs of Canada Geese and Coot on the scrape. The male Tufted Duck has returned to the main pool. Once more we recorded Red Kites, 2 today together with a Sparrowhawk, 3 Buzzards and a Peregrine Falcon. Water Rails and Cetti’s Warblers were vocal today. A pair of Pied Wagtails appeared on Meadow Walk. Chiffchaffs are singing now and 4 Linnets were located. A flock of c.100 Jackdaws flew over.
BUTTERFLIES: Two Peacocks and one Comma butterfly were on the wing.
FLOWERS: Ladies Smock have come into flower this week.
14 March 2024
Overcast, mild, 11° to 13.5°C; wind S 2-4. Rainfall since last count = 16.3mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 34 species. Although there were good numbers of birds present, many thinking about breeding, the variety was low. Canada Geese were heard on the scrape early on. A Red Kite flew over. There are a number of Red Kites that are drawn to the Throckmorton tip and we believe that those recorded on Avon Meadows are on their journey either to or from the tip. A Peregrine Falcon flew over, heading south. A single Water Rail was heard but there were 6 Cetti’s Warblers calling. Redwing are still present, 8 were counted. A similar number of Chiffchaffs were counted, they are now singing strongly. It was good to see that the finch numbers were still good.
13 Mar 24: 3 Meadow Pipits were flushed from the North Meadows.
10 Mar 24: There were two Common Teal on the scrape today and a single Tufted Duck on the main pool.
7 March 2024
Overcast, chilly breeze, 6° to 8.5°C; wind NE 1-3. Rainfall since last count = 14.2mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 45 species. Two Greylag Geese flew over this morning, the first sighting of this species since last June. A Red Kite soared over in the late morning and a Sparrowhawk earlier on. A Peregrine Falcon flew over before returning to the Abbey tower. Good numbers of Water Rail and Cetti’s Warbler called in spite of the dull weather. Two Meadow Pipits were flushed from the meadows in the afternoon. It has not been a good winter for Stonechats but one showed this morning. Small numbers of Redwing and Fieldfare are still around. Finch numbers were good today, with Chaffinch, Greenfinch and Goldfinch all present. A single common Redpoll was spotted in the carpark, it has been a good winter for this species.
29 February 2024
Overcast, light rain at first, 8° to 9°C; wind calm to SW 2. Rainfall since last count = 19.6mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 37 species. This week the count was not curtailed because of the weather conditions! A male Tufted Duck was recorded on the main pool (first seen on 28 Feb, yesterday). The last Tufted Duck record was on 9 June 2022. There were good counts of Water Rail (5) and Cetti’s Warbler (6). A flock of Common Pheasants flew up from our side of the river. Redwings are still present. Single Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers turned up. Two Goldcrests were found, one in a usual site in a conifer behind the school. Chaffinch, Greenfinch and Goldfinch were all recorded. Reed Buntings are more numerous now and beginning to sing to hold territory.
23 February 2024
Sunny periods, 3° to 6°C; wind SW 2-3. Rainfall since last full count = 52.7mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 36 species. Once again, the count was disrupted by flooding. As of today nearly three times the average rainfall has fallen this February! The 'official' count was deferred from Thursday to Friday and then cancelled on Friday as the flood water increased in depth. However some hardy souls conducted their own counts and these results for the two days have been recorded for this week.
The first Linnet of the year was recorded today. Hopefully they will breed on Avon Meadows this summer. The Little Grebe is still on the scrape in spite of the floods. A Red Kite flew over in mid-morning and a single Buzzard drifted across. Later in the day a Sparrowhawk put in an appearance. Several Common Pheasants were seen, presumably steering clear of the guns on the other side of the river! A Water Rail called once but we heard at least 4 Cetti’s Warblers. Several Redwing showed themselves so are still around.
21 February 2024 A Gadwall was seen on the scrape today and later a Stonechat on the bonfire heap just north of Piddle Brook. A single Redpoll was found feeding with a flock of Goldfinches which is uncommon for us.
17 February 2024 A large mixed flock (c. 100) of Redwings and Fieldfares was recorded today.
15 February 2024
Broken cloud, showers with sunny periods, very mild; 13° to 16°C; wind SW 2-4. Rainfall since last full count = 64.6mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 40 species. Really warm spring weather made for a pleasant morning’s bird count. Water bird numbers were down following the floods however we did record our first Little Grebe on the year on the scrape. The other new species for 2024 was a Kestrel. Just a single Water Rail called and our Coot has moved away following the flood. We counted 5 Pied Wagtails during the morning and both Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers were recorded. Once more we had a count of 5
10 February 2024
Full count prevented because of flooding which continued until the weekend.
BIRDS: Total species count = 28 species. Coot and Moorhen present in spite of flooding. In spite of everything, the weather was quite spring-like resulting in bird such as Dunnock being in full mating routine. Most thrushes were present including Blackbird, Song Thrush (singing), Redwing and Mistle Thrush. The House Sparrow number was good and Chaffinch, Greenfinch and Goldfinch were all recorded.
9 February 2024 A new bird for Avon Meadows was recorded today, a BLACK REDSTART, our 136 th species. Seen initially on Cherry Orchard House and remained in the area for about 24 hours. One or two occur on the Malverns each year when they show a preference for rocky hillsides, something Avon Meadows does not have!
1 February 2024
Full count prevented because of flooding which continued until the weekend.
High cloud, sunny; 1° to 9°C; wind S 1. Rainfall since last count = 2.1mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 52 species. The last time we counted over 50 species on Avon Meadows was on 11 November 2021. This morning was truly an excellent morning. We had hardly had time to write down Red Kite (which are becoming more common) then a male Gadwall was seen on the main pool. We recorded 5 each of Water Rails and Cetti’s Warblers both of which were very vocal. Sparrowhawks and Buzzards were seen on several occasions during the morning. A single Common Snipe was flushed and a large flock of about 200 Lapwings flew by. Both Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers were seen and a single Skylark flew over. Other flyovers included a single Meadow Pipit and two Siskins. Overwintering Blackcaps and a Chiffchaff turned up too. There were two Goldcrests on show today, one in the usual spot behind Cherry Orchard School. A Treecreeper was observed by the keen eyed behind Cherry Orchard. There were plenty of Long-tailed Tits on show and there were good numbers Chaffinches, Greenfinches and Goldfinches. Reed Buntings were much in evidence this week as they returned from surrounding farmland to establish nest sites in the reed beds.
25 January 2024
Overcast, dry, mild; 9° to 11°C; wind S 1-3. Rainfall since last count = 20.5mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 37 species. Lots of bird activity early on but quieter later. The mild weather caused the Dunnocks and Song Thrushes to start singing. It was nice to see the Goldcrest was still in thesame tree as last week. The number of Mute Swans was notable as there were 13 recorded of which 7 were cygnets in the process of being thrown out by their parents at the beginning of the new breeding season. A Little Egret beside the river was an unusual sight. Two Water Rails were heard making contact calls to one another and 4 Cetti’s Warblers were defencing territories.
23 Jan 24 A Red Kite was seen soaring over Avon Meadows.
21 Jan 24 A Common Gull flew over.
19 Jan 24 A male Kingfisher was seen near “the beach” in the middle of the day.
18 January 2024
Clear skies, sunny, cold; -7° to +2°C; wind calm to NE 1. Rainfall since last count = Nil.
BIRDS: Total species count = 44 species. The cold weather and sunshine seemed to bring the birds out. Highlights were a small party of Lapwings flying over and a pair of Redpolls were discovered in the carpark. Later in the morning a male Bullfinch showed well. The pools and scrape were frozen which kept waterfowl away. There were flocks of Common Snipe and Fieldfares foraging in the meadow north of the wetland. The Fieldfares were partnered by their cogeners, Blackbird, Mistle and Song Thrushes and Redwings. Several Blackcaps were discovered including one pair. Chaffinches, Greenfinches and Goldfinches all showed in relatively good numbers. A Water Rail called briefly and two Cetti’s Warblers were heard. A Red Kite flew over in late morning. Both Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers were recorded.
17 January 2024 Two Jack Snipe were flushed from the North Meadow. A Tawny Owl has been heard calling from behind Cherry Orchard.
11 January 2024
Broken cloud, cool; 2° to 6°C; wind calm to NE 3. Rainfall since last count = 41.4mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 41 species. Floods have receded so a normal count today. Nothing very unusual was recorded but a good variety of birds put in an appearance. Reed Buntings have begun to return, just 2 seen today. Four Cetti’s Warblers and a single Water Rail were heard. A single Common (Mew) Gull flew over and Black-headed, Lesser Black-backed and Herring Gulls were flying over in good numbers. No Song Thrushes but Blackbirds, a Mistle Thrush, Fieldfares and Redwings were all present. A single Chiffchaff was found, unusually, foraging on the ground and a Goldcrest, both along Mill Lane. Two Common Snipe were flushed from the meadows. One Raven flew over and several parties of Long-tailed Tits were seen, one flock of 13.
4 January 2014
Access to Avon Meadows was not possible today because of flooding so the usual bird count was cancelled. Some casual recording has taken place since the New Year with some interesting records. A pair of Mute Swans with 5 cygnets have taken charge on the main pool. A single Siskin was seen on 1 January, a Tawny Owl was heard on the night of 2 January and a Red Kite flew over the floodwater on 4 January.
28 December 2023
Broken cloud, showers and sunny periods; 8° to 9°C; wind calm, gusting SW 6. Storm Gerrit passing through. Rainfall since last count = 16.5mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 31 species. The weather was not as bad as predicted although light showers were frequent. Some adjacent fields were flooded which brought in a number of Mute Swans leading to an unusually high count of 14 birds for us. Wrens are not singing so difficult to find. All the thrushes turned up, Blackbird, Song & Mistle Thrushes, Fieldfare and Redwing. A flock of at least 30 Fieldfares flew up from the waterlogged meadow. The flock of over 100 was reported a couple of days earlier. Still plenty of Long-tailed Tits and Goldfinches to be seen.
21 December 2023
Mainly overcast and mild, very windy; 12° to 13°C; wind W 3-5 gusting 8. Rainfall since last count = 15.5mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 36 species. Very windy but plenty of bird activity early one. The party of 8 Siskins was a good record. A Red Kite appeared in late morning at the N end of the Meadows. Not much bird song today, perhaps because of the wind. Two Water Rails were heard as was just one Cetti’s Warbler. Fieldfares, Redwings and Meadow Pipits appeared, as is more typical at this time of year, in small flocks. A single Goldcrest was located near the HQ. There were several large flocks of Goldfinches this week and small numbers of Chaffinch and Greenfinch. Raven was a good record for the day.
14 December 2023
Overcast and cold, mostly dry but poor light; wind light. Rainfall since last count = 13.2mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 36 species. There was a welcome return of two Stonechats this week and no less than 4 Goldcrests were counted. A Water Rail and 3 Cetti’s Warblers were heard. A single Grey Heron was recorded and one
7 December 2023
Overcast and cold, mostly dry, 7°C; wind SE 2-6. Rainfall since last count = 46.6mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 39 species. Perhaps the surprise of the morning was seeing a Little Egret which had been on the partially flooded mini-football pitch for over 24 hours. There was a pair of Mandarin Ducks on the scrape. There were 90 Mallard counted, all on the scrape, as was a party of 8 Teal. Raptors were out in force this morning with Red Kite, Sparrowhawk (seen twice) and 3 Buzzards. A number of birds favoured the margins of the flood water; these included 16 Pied Wagtails and 3 Meadow Pipits. Winter thrushes appeared in number for the first time this winter with 22 Fieldfares and 29 Redwing flying over. We found one party of 11 Long-tailed Tits. The common finches were all present today, 7 Chaffinches, 2 Greenfinches and 27 Goldfinches.
1 Dec 2023: A Tawny Owl was heard calling in the night.
2 Dec 2023: Two Common Snipe were recorded flying over the scrape.
30 November 2023
Overcast and cold, sunny later, 0° to 4°C; wind calm to NE 3. Rainfall since last count = 4.5mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 39 species. A Jack Snipe was seen briefly on the scrape before it disappeared behind some reeds, this is a new sighting for 2023. Birds were slow at first but after the sun came out they became more active. The scrape was mostly frozen over resulting in the birds seeking the small areas of open water particularly in late morning. There were 6 Common Teal present then. Two Water Rails called as did Cetti’s Warblers. Three Green Woodpeckers were recorded during the morning. Song Thrush, Redwing and Mistle Thrush were all recorded. Two Chiffchaffs were found feeding in the treetops and there were 4 Greenfinches feeding on Field Maple seeds, the first record for this species for several months.
23 November 2023:
Overcast at first with sun breaking through later, mild, 11° to 14°C; wind SW 3-4. Rainfall since last count = 6.6mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 35 species. We eventually managed a decent total but once more birds seemed to be comparatively few. Only one Cetti’s Warbler was singing although lustily and a single Water Rail was heard. A Coal Tit was discovered in a wooded area near the tilting weir, uncommon on Avon Meadows. A single Fieldfare turned up around midday, our first Thursday record and only the second record of the autumn. There were 6 Common Teal on the scrape among the multitude of Mallards. Pied Wagtails are now appearing on the rooves of buildings as winter approaches, thus we recorded 4 today. A single male Blackcap was found at the west end of Mill Lane. Two Redwings flew over and a single Mistle Thrush was discovered eating Mistletoe berries in the S Meadow. A single female Stonechat was watched hawking insects just north of Piddle Brook. Finally, we found a pair of Chaffinches in the carpark.
16 November 2023
Overcast, chilly, 5° to 8°C; wind calm. Rainfall since last count = 25.5mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 35 species. The species total was about average but the morning seemed to be very quiet. One high point was both Water Rails and Cetti’s Warblers calling (4 of each). Grey and Pied Wagtails flew over. Just 2 Redwing were recorded, still rather scarce this autumn. Three Goldcrests on Meadow Walk were a welcome piece of interest. A Tawny Owl was heard calling early in the morning.
9 November 2023
Sunny with light cloud, cold, 6° to 8°C; wind S 3-4. Rainfall since last count = 13.4mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 40 species. A large flock, quite distant, believed to be European Golden Plover. A Kestrel was recorded today, a quite infrequent species on Avon Meadows. A Coot was recorded on the main pool, last recorded on 1 June 23. A single winter male Stonechat was found where Piddle Brook enters the river. Two Redwing were recorded, still quite scarce this winter. A single Mistle Thrush flew over. Just two Cetti’s Warblers were calling today.
In the week, pair of Mandarin Ducks on the scrap and a Treecreeper along Meadow Walk, both on 8 November.
3 November 2023
Sunny with light cloud, 8° to 11°C; wind S 2-3. Rainfall since last count = 30.7mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 43 species. This week’s count was delayed by 24 hours to allow Storm Ciaran to pass through. A good count today after a period of lower counts. We saw a flock of about 250 Lapwing to the north of Avon Meadows and two Red Kites flew over. A couple of Meadow Pipits were spotted, two WaterRails called and at least 4 Cetti’s Warblers were counted. A Goldcrest put in a brief appearance, but it was not until the afternoon we could find a Common Stonechat. Redwing numbers are increasing with several small parties flying over. Otherwise thrushes were hard to find although Song and Mistle Thrushes were seen.
The first Common Snipe of the autumn was recorded in the week. Also a Grey Wagtail along the culvert near ASDA (this sighting is not included in Avon Meadows records).
BUTTERFLIES: Two late Red Admirals were seen in the sunshine today.
DRAGONFLIES: Several Common Darters were flying about today, a late flying species.
MAMMALS: Two Red Foxes were spotted during daytime at the bird count, They are becoming bolder.
26 October 2023
Overcast with drizzle and showers at first, clearing later, 9° to 12°C; wind calm to SW 2. Rainfall since last count = 50.5mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 36 species. Following the flood, the scrape now has plenty of water in it and there were no wildfowl on the main pool, just a couple of Moorhens! The highlight of the morning was seeing a Great White Egret get up off the meadows, just our 4 th record for this species. The Mallards on the scrape had drawn in a pair of Common Teal and 3 female Wigeon, our first record for this species this year. Rather unusually there was a flock of 10 Common Pheasants present, doubtless escaping from the guns across the river!
Winter thrushes are still scarce but we did find 3 Redwings. There were 2 Mistle Thrushes and a single Common Stonechat too. Pied Wagtails were present in small numbers, they like the meadows in winter. Both Cetti’s Warblers and Water Rails announced their presence by calling from time to time. There were no other warblers this week but small parties of Long-tailed Tits put in an appearance from time to time. We counted 3 Chaffinches this week, a species that has been rather scarce in recent years.
21 Oct 23 4 Fieldfares flew over, our first for this autumn.
19 October 2023
Overcast, sunny later, mild, 14° to 17°C; wind calm to SE 2. Rainfall since last count = 64.4mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 38 species. The scrape now has a little water in it so all the Mallards were there! Several Water Rails were heard and a couple of Cetti’s Warblers called. Several Ring -necked Pheasants have moved to safer territory from across the river! There was a single Common Teal on the main pool. The first Common Stonechats have arrived, 2 today. 3 Pied Wagtails flew over at different times and a small party of Redwings too. There was a large flock of Black-headed Gulls (70) flying over. Our first Chaffinch for several weeks showed briefly.
16 Oct 23: A Kestrel was watched swooping with a Raven.
15 Oct 23: The first Common Stonechat was recorded today.
12 October 2023
Overcast, cool, 10° to 12°C; wind calm. Rainfall since last count = 17.0mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 38 species. The arrival of some autumn species served to boost the total. The first Redwing arrived today and our first Skylarks since January too. There were two Mistle Thrushes and a single Song Thrush showing. We found and extraordinary 38 Blue Tits. Mute Swan cygnets were much in evidence and a flock of Canada Geese flew over. There was just one Meadow Pipit today and a single Goldcrest. Four Cetti’s Warblers were heard calling, there was a single Blackcap and 5 Chiffchaffs. Surprisingly just one Goldfinch, usually so numerous and no other finches.
MAMMALS: We found a dead Common Shrew on the path, cause of death not obvious.
5 October 2023
Overcast with occasional light rain, 13° to 15°C; wind SW 2-3. Rainfall since last count = 11.9mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 30 species. A relatively quiet morning with some interesting sightings. A few Swallows were still passing through and we found two Great Spotted Woodpeckers. There were 5 Teal on the main pool and a Peregrine Falcon on the Abbey. Chiffchaffs were singing occasionally and a party of Pied Wagtails flew over.
A Tawny Owl was heard calling before dawn.
3 Oct 23: A Gadwall flew over, the first record since 4 Jan 23 and a new early autumn record, the previous record being on 30 Oct 20.
28 September 2023
Cloudy, 13° to 16°C; wind S 1-3. Rainfall since last count = 13.5mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 35 species. Prompted by the visit below, a group set out at sunrise (07h00 BST) but only found a Green Woodpecker that was not seen later. Both Cetti’s Warbler and Water Rail called, the latter only briefly. Meadow Pipits have started to arrive in small numbers mostly flying over. There was a trickle of Swallows moving south and four House Martins. A singly Pied Wagtail was recorded.
22 September 2023: A visiting bird watcher went round Avon Meadows at sunrise and found several interesting birds not recorded recently. They were; Jay, Willow Warbler, the first Meadow Pipit of the year, Common Whitethroat, Yellow Wagtail and Siskin. She recorded 36 species.
21 September 2023
Light cloud, sunny, mild, 10° to 18°C; wind S 1-2. Rainfall since last count = 15.1mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 33 species. A better count this week although not wonderful! There were 5 Common Teal on the main pool and both Water Rail and Cetti’s Warblers were heard nearby. Parties of 3 Sparrowhawks and later 3 Buzzards flew over the latter including 2 Ravens. Common Pheasants were foraging and a Grey Wagtail turned up in the carpark in early afternoon. Only one Collared Dove was found and that looking in a sorry state due to its moulting. Chiffchaffs, Long-tailed Tits and Blue Tits continued to appear in good numbers. Reed Buntings were found this week too.
BUTTERFLIES: Several whites were enjoying the sun plus a few Red Admirals and a Speckled Wood.
DRAGONFLIES: Several Migrant Hawkers were observed and of course plenty of Common Darters at this time of year.
14 September 2023
Overcast with light drizzle, cool, 15° to 16.5°C; wind S 1-3. Rainfall since last count = 6.6mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 27 species. Another low count today. Not a matter of observer effort, just that there were not the birds around. Two pairs of Mute Swans were seen on the river, one with 3 cygnets and one with 4. The first Common Teal of the autumn was recorded on the main pool. 2 Cetti’s Warblers called but Blackbirds were in short supply, the total boosted by a party of 5 seen on Mill Lane. Still plenty of Chiffchaffs this week and a nice record of a Chaffinch which have become scarce in recent years. A Common Raven flew over.
MOTHS: The caterpillar of an Elephant Hawk Moth was seen crossing the main path near the entrance.
7 September 2023
Sunny and hot, 20° to 29°C; wind E 1-2. Rainfall since last count 2.4mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 32 species. Perhaps some improvement in the species count but numbers are still low. A pair of Mute Swans were resting on the S Meadow, their (3) cygnets being quite independent. A small number of Buzzards passed over heading south. Gulls still in short supply, just one Black-headed Gull on the river and two Lesser Black-backed Gulls flying over. Two Great Spotted Woodpeckers today. Swallows are still collecting into flocks to head south. 3 Cetti’s Warblers recorded singing today and a single Reed Warbler turned up. Another good count of Chiffchaffs and just a few Blackcaps. 81 House Sparrows were counted and this probably an under count! Reed Buntings are becoming more visible now.
BUTTERFLIES: Remarkable for the number of Red Admirals on show today.
DRAGONFLIES: Migrant and Brown Hawkers present.
31 August 2023
Cloudy, damp, drizzle, 12° to 15°C; wind calm to W 1. Rainfall since last count 24.2mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 32 species. Another quiet day although the total species count was boosted by records from our Bioblitz in the afternoon. Cetti’s Warblers have started singing again and we recorded a Water Rail for the first time in some weeks. There were plenty of of Chiffchaffs passing through. We recorded a surprising total of 43 Blue Tits and 93 House Sparrows. House Sparrows have a strong breeding population on Avon Meadows. A couple of Blackcaps were recorded, one eating Elderberries near the entrance. A small party of Ravens flew over in the afternoon and a single Reed Warbler turned up. Five Swallows flew over in mid-morning.
24 August 2023
Light cloud with long sunny periods, 18° to 24°C; wind W 1-2. Rainfall since last count 10.7mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 26 species. Another surprisingly low count. There just do not seem to be the birds around at the moment. Many were not calling which made them more difficult to locate. There were plenty of Chiffchaffs, presumably, most passing through. Robins have started singing their count was up. Both Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers showed. A single Reed Warbler called. Young Swallows were passing through too.
A Mute Swan on the river added to the species count for the month.
10 August 2023
Sunny, warm 18° to 24°C; wind SW 2. Rainfall since last count 14.2 mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 31 species. A number of similarities with last week. Swifts, Swallows and House Martins were still present and, unusually for the summer months, we recorded both woodpeckers, Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers. The meadows were cut on Tuesday which can bring in raptors, there were 3 Red Kites over today. Sedge Warblers seem to have departed but Reed Warblers are still present together with Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs. A single Song Thrush was recorded, more difficult now as they have stopped singing.
3 August 2023
Sunny periods, 17° to 21°C; wind NW 1-3. Rainfall since last count 9.1 mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 29 species. This is our lowest Thursday count since 14 Nov 2019! Swifts, Swallows and House Martins were still present. Unusually for the summer months we recorded both woodpeckers, Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers. Cetti’s Warblers were present but not singing.
INSECTS: A Hornet’s nest was found in the top of a dead tree near the tilting weir.
MAMMALS: A European Otter was seen during the day at 'the beach' on 2 August. Two Roe Deer were watched grazing near Pershore Rugby Club.
27 July 2023
Overcast, warm, brief sunny periods, 18° to 22°C; wind calm to SW 3. Rainfall since last count 25.6mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 35 species. A quite day for birds today as many have stopped singing as the breeding season draws to a close. Mallards are all in eclipse plumage busy feeding on the duckweed on the main pool. A Sparrowhawk was seen briefly and two Buzzards were recorded, one a young bird calling. Cetti’s Warblers are present but only making their contact call, not singing. As for the rest of the summer there are regular sightings of Common Swifts and today a few House Martins and Swallows too. At this stage they will be feeding up preparatory to heading south for the winter. Sedge and Reed Warbler numbers are beginning to reduce and Chiffchaffs have stopped singing and are more difficult to locate as a result. Blackcaps are still singing. Two groups of Linnets totalling 5 birds were a nice site.
During the week both Barn and Tawny Owls have been seen on Avon Meadows.20 July 2023
Light cloud, sunny periods, 16° to 22°C; wind calm. Rainfall since last count 16.5 mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 38 species. Highlights were a Little Egret flying over and a Garden Warbler singing. The high count of Cettis’s Warblers was due to the presence of young birds. A Red Kite flew over in late morning and a Buzzard was located atop the rugby posts, a favourite spot.
BUTTERFLIES: A good day for butterflies, particularly on thistle flowers. Species recorded included; Small Skipper, Large White, Small White, Holly Blue, Red Admiral, Small Tortoiseshell, Comma, Meadow Brown, Speckled Wood and Gatekeeper.
DRAGONFLIES: A Brown Hawker was sighted beside the river this morning, the first for this year.
MOTHS: An Emperor Moth caterpillar was found on brambles near the scrape on 17 July.
13 July 2023
Sunny periods, 18°C; wind SW 3. Rainfall since last count 33.1 mm
BIRDS: Total species count = 35 species. Another fairly quiet Thursday in terms of birds and no new species for the month. The Great Spotted Woodpecker is a species that has not been recorded often this summer so was a nice find. Barn Swallows and House Martins continue to appear but in very small numbers. This week a Goldcrest was a nice find and although Linnets are breeding we only see the occasional single bird. A single Raven flew over, an uncommon sight this summer. Numbers of Sedge and Reed Warblers and Blackcaps are holding up well.
Another Common Tern was recorded on 12 July flying down river with a fish in its beak. It is good to know that Tawny Owls have been calling, last heard on 14 July
MOTHS: Our first Moth Night of the summer took place on 7 July, delayed due to the changeable weather. A total of 52 species were recorded, the find of the night was a Box-tree Moth, an elegant micro-moth. This is a new species for Avon Meadows!
6 July 2023
Overcast at first then long sunny periods, 17° to 22°C; wind S 2*5. Rainfall since last count 3.8mm
BIRDS: Total species count = 38 species. Very quiet at first but a good number of new species turn up in late morning. The scrape is now completely dry. The big surprise was a Common Tern over the river. House Sparrow numbers are particularly high (117) as young birds join the flock. A Red Kite and a Grey Heron both put in an appearance. Two Cuckoos flying over were a new late record for adult birds. There were small numbers of Swifts, Barn Swallows and House Martins. Four Cetti’s Warblers were calling. Goldfinch numbers were boosted by young birds (34) and there was a single Greenfinch.
DRAGONFLIES: The first Common Darter of the summer was found.
MAMMALS: A young Water Shrew was found alive but in a poor way and taken to the Vale Wildlife Hospital. Another was found dead.
29 June 2023
Long sunny periods, 17° to 23°C; wind NE 2. Rainfall since last count 2.4mm
BIRDS: Total species count = 31 species. And odd day with few birds. The pair of Mute Swans seen on the river with 5 cygnets were those from the Pershore Bridges. A single Barn Swallow and 5 House Martins flew over the scrape but the scrape is practically dry now. Blackcaps were putting on a good show and there are still good numbers of Sedge and Reed Warblers. We recorded 5 Greenfinches which is unusually high in recent months. A single Linnet was seen near one of the presumed nest sites.
A Lesser Whitethroat was reported from Mill Lane on 25 June. Cuckoos had been calling on 28 June and 1 July but not on Thursday.
BUTTERFLIES: The first Small Skipper of the year turned up today.
A Marbled Whit was reported on 21 June 2023 – a new early record for this species on Avon Meadows.
MAMMALS: Roe Deer found dead having unsuccessfully tried to jump a fence and broken its leg. Very sad.
22 June 2023
Sunny and hot, 18° to 28°C; wind calm to SW 1. Rainfall since last count = 36.6mm
BIRDS: Total species count = 38 species. Kestrels have become a rather uncommon sight on Avon Meadows in recent years to today’s record was most welcome. A Cuckoo started singing early on. There was a pair of Mute Swans beside 'the beach', no cygnets. A Cormorant is an unusual sight in summer as they breed elsewhere. Swifts and House Martins were seen regularly but the Barn Swallows were a nice surprise. Only one Dunnock and Robin were recorded today, surprisingly low numbers. Other single records were for Chaffinch and Greenfinch. Blackcaps were singing in a variety of locations.
A Tawny Owl was heard calling last weekend.
BUTTERFLIES: Butterfly numbers seem to be down. Today there were plenty of Meadow Browns, a small number or Ringlets and a single Comma.
15 June 2023
Sunny and hot with light hazy cloud, 17° to 28°C; wind NE 2. Rainfall since last count = 14.1mm
BIRDS: Total species count = 35 species. The morning’s highlight was recording both male and female Cuckoos. Otherwise, no surprises. The hot weather kept the birds quiet but there are two pairs of Linnets beside the scrape. Just 3 Cetti’s Warblers called this morning. Swifts and House Martins were flying over, the latter drinking from the main pool. No Whitethroats this week but plenty of Sedge and Reed Warblers including young birds. Blackcaps continue to call as do Reed Buntings.
BUTTERFLIES: The first Meadow Brown of the year was recorded in the South Meadow yesterday, 14 June.
DRAGONFLIES: A single Scarce Chaser was seen on Piddle Brook this morning. Despite its name this species has been turning up regularly this summer.
MAMMALS: A Muntjac was spotted quietly grazing in reeds on the scrape quite close to the path.
8 June 2023:
Cloud clearing very slowly, cold, 16° to 21°C; wind calm to NE 2-5. Rainfall since last count = Nil.
BIRDS: Total species count = 45 species. Surprise sightings today were 4 Lapwings flying over, unusual for this time of year and a Garden Warbler singing lustily near the main entrance. A
A Rook seen during the week was the first one for 2023.
MOTHS: A small moth was spotted flying in the grass tops and it turned out to be a Yellow Shell, not uncommon at the time of year on Avon Meadows. A large furry caterpillar found on the boardwalk turned out to be that of a Drinker moth.
DRAGONFLIES: This week was notable for the number of Scarce Chasers found beside the riverl
1 June 2023:
Cloud clearing very slowly, cold, 11° to 16°C; wind calm to NE 2-3. Rainfall since last count = Nil.
BIRDS: Total species count = 40 species. The cold weather kept the birds quiet. A gaggle of 9 Greylag Geese flew over and two Lesser Whitethroats were calling. Only 4 Cetti’s Warblers calling today but there were 2 Water Rails heard from deep within the reed beds. Otherwise the warblers could be detected by call, Reed and Sedge Warblers, Chiffchaff and Blackcap were all present. The Cuckoo called intermittently and a Great Spotted Woodpecker flew over. A single Mistle Thrush was heard. Finally, there was a pair of Linnets behind Cherry Orchard.
Our first Hobby for two years was seen chasing Swifts on 27 May.
BUTTERFLIES: Both Common Blue and Brown Argus butterflies were found during the week.
DRAGONFLIES: The first dragonfly transect was carried out recently although still quite early in the season. 4 species were recorded, they were, Banded Demoiselle and Large Red, Blue-tailed and Red-eyed Damselflies.
25 May 2023
High cloud, sunny periods, 14° to 19°C; wind calm to NE 2. Rainfall since last count = 1.4mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 46 species. There was a surprise sighting of a Little Egret flying over. A Common Jay flew off from Mill Lane. The once injured Mute Swan is now on the river and the pair were found on the scrape. Also on the scrape was the pair of Canada Geese now with only 1 gosling. Two pairs of Linnets were found around the scrape too. A Kestrel flew over the N Meadow, now a rather unusual sighting. A single Cuckoo called on and off throughout the morning. Again, plenty of Swifts (16) but 2 House Martins were the only hirundines recorded. 5 Cetti’s Warblers were recorded today and a Lesser Whitethroat was signing loudly in the NW corner. A Goldcrest was heard in the fir tree behind the school. The first juvenile Starlings are now flying.
During the week a young Tawny Owl was spotted, definitive proof of the owls breeding on Avon Meadows.
BEES & FLIES: A Grey-haired (Ashy) Mining Bee was recorded today on Cow Parsley.
DRAGONFLIES: The first Broad-bodied Chaser was recorded today.
FLOWERS: Yellow-rattle is coming into flower beside the main path in the S Meadow.
18 May 2023:
Cloudy, sunny periods, 13° to 17°C; wind Calm to S 1. Rainfall since last count = Nil.
BIRDS: Total species count = 41 species. The surprise sighting of the morning was of a Common Tern flying S down the river, last recorded on 22 April 2022. A Peregrine Falcon flew over high up and later a Sparrowhawk. The Mute Swan that was injured has now been returned and has recovered thanks to the Vale Wildlife Hospital and seemed perfectly OK on the scrape. A Cuckoo was singing for most of the day joined briefly by another male. There was a good number of Common Swifts but Swallows and House Martins were in short supply. 6 Cetti’s Warblers were recorded during the morning all singing lustily. Lesser and Common Whitethroats were both present and Sedge and Reed Warbler numbers have built up nicely. It is good to record Linnets each week. Starlings and House Sparrows appear to be seeking food to feed their nestlings
A juvenile Tawny Owl was photographed on Avon Meadows on 17 May!
DRAGONFLIES: The first dragonflies appeared this morning with two Banded Demoiselles and a Large Red Damselfly.
11 May 2023
Cloudy with sunny periods, 11° to 12.4°C; wind Calm to NW 1. Rainfall since last count = 51.6 mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 44 species. The Canada Geese that nested on the scrape now have 5 goslings. The record for the day was for a single Coal Tit, scarce on Avon Meadows. This week 7 Cetti’s Warblers were holding territories. Notable sightings included 17 Common Swifts and 6 Barn Swallows flying over, 4 Lesser Whitethroats were found and two Linnets.
The West Midlands All-dayer count was 52 species on Avon Meadows all from one observer! He recorded our first Green Woodpecker of the year. Birds recorded during the week but not today included an Oystercatcher flying over and Garden Warbler calling. The Tawny Owl continues to call although from further away than recently.
4 May 2023
High cloud clearing to give long sunny periods, 10° to 16°C; wind NE 2-5. Rainfall since last count = 0.9 mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 49 species. Today saw the arrival, on passage, of two new species of this year, Little Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper. They remained on the scrape for most of the morning. The numbers of other summer visitors grows slowly with the arrival of Sedge, Reed and Willow Warblers together with Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Lesser and Common Whitethroats. Cuckoos have not settled down yet and seem to be rather mobile, today only calling for an hour in the early morning. Linnets seem to be regular now which is nice to see.
Rather alarmingly and shockingly, today we discovered a Mute Swan that had been shot in the head with a BB gun. What dangerous idiots do this sort of thing? The good news is that the swan was recovered by Vale Wildlife Hospital and is now doing well. Our thanks go out to all those who made the rescue possible.
Additionally, the Mute Swan’s nest by ‘the beach’ no longer has eggs leaving the nest completely clean of egg debris. The swans are attempting to build a new nest so it seems likely that the eggs were taken.
Earlier, on 1 May, a Red Kite flew over Avon Meadows.
BUTTERFLIES: First sightings of Holly Blueand Speckled Wood in the sunshine along Mill Lane today.
30 April 2023
Lesser Whitethroat found near the main (Cherry Orchard) entrance today and later a Garden Warbler nearby – both first records for 2023.
29 April 2023
Although no new birds for the year were recorded today, summer visitors continued to perform. A Cuckoo was heard and seen today and the Grasshopper Warbler allowed itself to be photographed. In fact, 8 species of warbler were recorded today, Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Common Whitethroat and Reed, Sedge, Cetti’s, Grasshopper and Willow Warblers. A Jay flew over to make the morning complete.
28 April 2023
BIRDS: The big excitement of today was a
MAMMALS: It has been a while since a Muntjac deer has been recorded so it was nice to find one on the Meadows today.
27 April 2023
Cool, 9°C; wind SW 3. Rainfall since last count = 29.4 mm.
BIRDS: Total species count =
21 April 2023
Everything seems to happen the day after the count with the first Cuckoo of the year being heard today, it is believed this bird flew through as it could not be found on subsequent days. The first Common Whitethroat of the year was recorded today too.
20 April 2023
Sunny, cold wind, 7° to 15°C; wind NE 2-5. Rainfall since last count = 6.6 mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 36 species. A Reed Warbler was heard briefly today. The Mute Swan nest near ‘the beach’ remains undisturbed. There appear to be 2 Coot’s nests on the scrape and one Canada Goose nest. The first Reed Warbler was heard this morning and 6 Cetti’s Warblers were defending territories. A single Water Rail was heard from deep in the reed beds. Blackcap and Chiffchaff numbers are being maintained and two pairs of Linnets were seen.
The most surprising record for the week (the year?) was for 9 Goosander on the river opposite Piddle Brook on the 15th! Summer warblers began to arrive with a Sedge Warbler heard on 14thand the first House Martin and the first Willow Warbler were recorded on the same day. More recently the first Common Whitethroat was heard on 21st.
BUTTERFLIES: The following species have been recorded on Avon Meadows so far this year; Brimstone, Small White, Peacock, Comma and Small Tortoiseshell.
13 April 2023
Mainly sunny, cold wind, 7° to 12°C; wind SW 4-5. Rainfall since last count = 26.6 mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 41 species. Summer warblers have yet to arrive. A Green Sandpiper was put up off the scrape in the early morning. The Mute Swans nesting near “the beach” have 5 eggs. A pair of Canada Geese appear to be nesting on the scrape and there is a pair of Teal there too. A Kingfisher was seen flying from the scrape. Blackcap number is increasing slowly. Several Song Thrushes were singing and 3 Linnets were seen flying over.
A Little Egret turned up on the scrape on 11 April.
The day after the count, 14 April, saw the arrival of the first House Martin and Sedge Warbler.
FLOWERS: The first Marsh-marigolds came into flower on 12 April in the area cleared recently by volunteers to encourage this species.
6 April 2023
Sunny periods, 9° to 13°C; wind calm to SW 4. Rainfall since last count = 31.6 mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 42 species. The first Greylag Geese and Barn Swallows of the year flew over today. Warblers continue to arrive, now 3 Blackcaps, 10 Chiffchaffs and 1 Willow Warbler. 7 Cetti’s Warblers were singing. The two Peregrine Falcons recorded were on the tower of Pershore Abbey. A pair of Linnets was recorded in nesting habitat and Reed Buntings were very obvious today. The two pairs of Coot remain on the scrape and there was a single pair of Canada Geese there too today
A Tawny Owl was recorded during the week, they have been recorded every month so far this year.
BUTTERFLIES: The first Tortoiseshell butterfly of the year was recorded during a sunny period today.
FLOWERS: The first Ladies Smock (Cuckooflower) were in flower today, later than last year.
30 March 2023
Sunny periods ,11° to 14°C; wind SW 4-6. Rainfall since last count = 24.9 mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 38 species. Winter visitors have departed and summer visitors have yet to arrive so no surprises today. A Grey Heron made dignified progress over the meadows and at least 3 pairs of Canada Geese were on the scrape. Breeding attempts in recent years have failed due to predation by foxes. Four Teal are still present. A Water Rail was heard and 6 Cetti’s Warbler territories were located. The Coot on the scrape are busily nest building. A single Common Snipe was discovered on the scrape, it kept very still so difficult to find. Chiffchaffs were numerous, 12 counted but only one female Blackcap was recorded. It was nice to find 6 Greenfinches whose numbers have been challenged in recent years due to a viral disease.
A pair of Shovelers spent Sunday, 24 March on the scrape.
23 March 2023
Sunny with cloudy periods ,11° to 13.5°C; wind SW 5-6. Rainfall since last count = 19.8 mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 34 species. Strong wind today kept numbers down. Most winter visitors seem to have departed and just Chiffchaffs are arriving so far for the summer. There was a Little Grebe calling on the main pool. There are still 5 Teal on the scrape and a pair of Coot arrived during the week and have started nest building there. Almost all the gulls this week were Herring Gulls. A single Meadow Pipit represented the last of our winter visitors.
19 March 2023
4 Sand Martins flying over the scrape, our first for the summer.
BUTTERFLIES: 3 Brimstone butterflies were seen by the work party on 18 March and 3 Commas on 19 March.
16 March 2023
Cloudy, damp, mild,11° to 13°C; wind calm to S 4. Rainfall since last count = 35.2 mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 45 species. What a difference a week makes! No unusual birds today but most of the "usual suspects" showed. There were larger than normal numbers of Wood Pigeons (134), Mallard (67), Redwings (121) and Goldfinches (81) this week. Single Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps were recorded. Unusually in recent months, a single Common Snipe was found roosting on the scrape. As has become usual, Water Rails and Cetti’s Warblers were heard.
A Barn Owl has been reported from the North Meadows on a number of occasions in recent weeks. There were 2 Shovelers on the scrape on the evening of 15 March. The turbidity of the river after recent rain drew a Kingfisher onto the Meadows. A Goldcrest was spotted in a usual spot just behind Cherry Orchard School and there were several small parties of Long-tailed Tits.
MAMMALS: Two European Otters were reported from "the beach" on 14 March.
9 March 2023
Cloudy with snow showers turning to rain, 1° to 2°C; wind calm to NE 2. Rainfall since last count = 17.4mm
BIRDS: Total species count = 33 species. Poor weather kept bird and observer numbers down! The areas of open water were not frozen so in use by birds. The scrape had 8 Teal, a Grey Heron and 2 Common Snipe, the last two being in short supply this year. A Water Rail scuttled into the reeds from beside the main path and just two Cetti’s Warblers called. Long-tailed Tits were not deterred by the weather and Blue Tits were plentiful.
MAMMALS: A Roe Deer was on the scrape too alternately showing itself and merging into the reeds.
2 March 2023
Overcast at first clearing for sunny period, 4° to 8°C; wind NE 3. Rainfall since last count = 2.4mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 45 species. An odd day today, seemingly quiet but a good count with some interesting birds to see. The Teal count on the scrape is now up to 16 and there was a pair of Stonechats there too. A single Water Rail called but we located 6 Cetti’s Warblers. A single Common Snipe flew in. 3 Red Kites were recorded, a high count for us. A Tawny Owl was heard at 05h45 from behind Cherry Orchard. Other singletons were a Redwing, Mistle Thrush and female Blackcap. A pair of Siskins was an unusual find on Avon Meadows, last recorded on 2 Feb 2022.
23 February 2023
Sunny periods with a biting N wind, 3°C; wind N 3.
BIRDS: Total species count = 41 species. Several sightings of interest this week. A Barn Owl was recorded hunting just north of Piddle Brook and a pair of Water Rails was seen near the tilting weir. No less than 7 Cetti’s Warblers were recorded. A Grey Heron was recorded, less common so far this year. The first Kingfisher of the year was seen briefly flying along the river. A Jay put in a welcome appearance and there were 2 Blackcaps recorded.
The Tawny Owl was heard calling on 22 February at 18h00. A small party of Redpolls was recorded during the week, our first record of this species since October 2021.
16 February 2023
Overcast, damp, clearing later, 10° to 13°C; wind SW 3. Rainfall since last week = 1.2mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 39 species. The highlight of the morning was two Great Black-backed Gulls flying over, our first record since 2021. Additionally we recorded no less than 6 Stonechats, 3 in a small party which were presumably passing through. There were 9 Teal on the scrape and Cetti’s Warblers were heard calling from 6 territories. 8 Chaffinches were recorded; this year has seen a welcome increase in their number.
A Red Kite flew over during the week.
9 February 2023
Sunny with light cloud, clearing later, 5° to 9°C; wind calm to NW 3. Rainfall since last week = Nil.
BIRDS: Total species count = 42 species. Large flocks of Golden Plover and Lapwing east of the river. Several Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs recorded enjoying the sun. There was a pair of Stonechats just north of Piddle Brook. There were 9 Teal on the scrape but not much else. Reed Buntings are beginning to sing so much easier to see. 7 Cetti’s Warblers recorded. A single Water Rail was heard and there were 4 Buzzards recorded.
2 February 2023
Light cloud, sunny periods 7° to 11°C; wind S 4-5. Rainfall since last week = Nil.
BIRDS: Total species count = 42 species. The Peregrine Falcon from Pershore Abbey flew over. It has been provided with a nest box on the Abbey. 2 Coot were back on the main pool and 8 Common Teal were on the scrape. A single male Shoveler flew over around midday. 6 Cetti’s Warblers were recorded, a good count. There were two Blackcaps, male and female. There were high counts of Blackbirds, Redwings, Blue Tits and Great Tits. Finch counts were good too, 8 Chaffinches, 5 Greenfinches and 33 Goldfinches. A Tawny Owl was heard in the early morning.
26 January 2023
Overcast at first, sunny later, 5° to 7°C; wind N 2. Rainfall since last week 1.8mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 40 species. A steady week with no particularly unusual sightings. Highlights were 3 Common Buzzards and a pair of Stonechats. 34 Blue Tits and 22 Great Tits were unusually high counts for these species. A Tawny Owl was heard in early morning where it has been heard regularly for over a year. Water Rail and Cetti’s Warbler were both heard.
19 January 2023
A lovely, sunny winter morning but frosty, -2.5° to +2.6°C; wind calm to SW 1. Rainfall since last week 5mm. All pools frozen over almost no waterfowl on the reserve.
BIRDS: Total species count = 41 species. Bird numbers this week were not large but there were two sightings of unusual birds. First was a male Bullfinch, the first recorded on the meadows since 6 Jan 22. Then a European Treecreeper was located on a dead tree. Two Blackcaps turned up in different locations, one male and one female. A Buzzard was a good sighting for this year as was a distant Grey Wagtail. Cetti’s Warbler and Water Rail were both calling occasionally. This week the three common finches showed, Chaffinch, Greenfinch and Goldfinch. A single Goldcrest was found foraging along Mill Lane. Another week with a comparatively good count of Stock Doves (8) and Collared Doves (12).
12 January 2023
Overcast morning after heavy rain overnight 11° to 12°C; wind SW 3. Rainfall since last week 54mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 40 species. At the time of the count the North Meadow was beginning to flood as Piddle Brook began to overflow. This brought in a large number of gulls including a single Common Gull. Other birds attracted to the flood water were 10 Meadow Pipits, a Stonechat, 15 Reed Buntings and at least 40 Pied Wagtails. There was a pair of Shovelers on the scrape early on before flying off. Water Rails and one Cetti’s Warbler were heard. This week Redwings were rather few but Fieldfares and Mistle Thrushes had higher counts. A single overwintering Chiffchaff was found.
5 January 2023
Light cloud and week sun, mild, 10° to 12°C; wind SW 2-4. Rainfall since last week 11mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 42 species. A decent morning for bird recording saw us off to a good, steady start to the year. There were 2 female Shovelers on the scrape that had been around for a few days. Several Water Rails were heard and the big surprise was two Coots on the main pool, our first record since 16 August 2022! Cetti’s Warblerswere calling. There were several large flocks of Lapwing flying to the NE, total count around 300. A pair of Blackcaps turned up and several Mistle Thrushes clearly relishing the Mistletoe berries. Finally, we found 5 Chaffinches, a good count for us in recent years and it was nice to find a Goldcrest.
A further 8 species have been recorded since 1 January; Common Teal, Gadwall, Pheasant, Tawny Owl, Meadow Pipit, Stonechat, Jay and Linnet.
A dead Canada Goose was found on the scrape in the week, cause of death unknown.
29 December 2022
Sunny periods, cool, 7° to 8°C; wind SW 1-4. Rainfall since last week 25mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 43 species. Not as dramatic a week as last week but not without interest. Sadly the carcass of a juvenile Mute Swan was found at The Beach. The carcass was largely consumed and the cause of death is not known. 12 Canada Geese flew up in early morning. There were single female Shoveler and Teal on the scrape. A single Cetti’s Warbler was heard as were 2 Water Rails. A single Stonechat was recorded in the Middle Hedge. Fieldfares have been scarce this winter but 2 were recorded in the afternoon. There were plenty of Redwings in the morning, 79 were recorded. A single female type Blackcap appeared and just one Goldcrest.
25 Dec 22: A female Wigeon was found on the main pool.
22 December 2022
Overcast, damp, poor light, 5° to 8°C; wind calm. Rainfall since last week 40mm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 45 species. The remarkable feature of this morning was the relatively high counts of some species; 400 Lapwings, 26 Stock Doves, 3 Kingfishers, 15 Pied Wagtails, 104 Redwings, 9 Mistle Thrushes, 7 Goldcrests and 20 Linnets. There were 3 Teal and 2 Shovelers on the scrape and 3 Meadow Pipits on a wire near the ‘white house’. An overwintering Blackcap eating Mistletoe berries was an interesting record. It was also the second week in a row that we recorded all 3 finches, Chaffinch, Greenfinch and Goldfinch.
21 Dec 22: A Barn Owl was seen hunting over the northern part of the reserve in the late afternoon.
20 Dec 22: A Cattle Egret flew over from Mill Lane today. This is a new species for Avon Meadows,our 135th.
15 December 2022
Clear, sunny, cold, -11° to -3°C; wind N 2.
BIRDS: Total species count = 38 species. Highlights of the morning were a single Common Gull and a pair of overwintering Blackcaps. All 3 common finches were recorded, Chaffinch, Greenfinch and Goldfinch. In spite of ice covered pools 8 Common Teal were seen. For the second week in a row, Common Snipe appeared. A Peregrine Falcon flew over too as did both a Sparrowhawk and a Buzzard. Sadly no winter finches though in spite of freezing weather and northerly winds. A Water Rail was seen on a frozen Piddle Brook.
8 December 2022
Clear, sunny, cold, -6° to +1°C; wind calm. 1mm of rain fell over the last week.
BIRDS: Total species count = 40 species. A lovely cold, crisp day! We saw something I cannot recall seeing before, leaves falling off the trees in profusion, like big golden raindrops. The birds got off to a slow start. 6 Goodanders reported yesterday from the River Avon south of Avon Meadows were sadly not recorded on the meadows. All the pools and scrape were frozen over so no waterfowl other than a few flying over. A Fox prying on the ice on the scrape explained part of the reason for a lack of ducks there! Less usual sightings today included Common Snipe flying over and a Skylark, 5 Pied Wagtails and 3 Stonechats. Two Common Pheasants were flushed by a dog! Water Rails and Cetti’s Warblers were both heard. All the thrushes that overwinter were present, Blackbirds, Song and Mistle Thrushes, Redwings and Fieldfares. Finches and warblers were in short supply.
1 December 2022
Overcast, misty, cold, 2° to 5°C; wind calm. 38mm of rain fell over the last week.
BIRDS: Total species count =
24 November 2022
Overcast, showers, very windy, cool, 7° to 11°C; wind S 3 gusting 7. 38mm of rain fell over the last week. Plenty of water in the scrape now and being used by wildfowl, particularly Mallard.
BIRDS: Total species count = 42 species. The missing winter visitors arrived today in modest numbers plus one or two surprises. A flock of Lapwings flew over followed soon after by a flock of Golden Plover. A single Meadow Pipit flew over the scrape soon followed by a number of others. A reasonable number of Fieldfares turned up. A single Goldcrest showed briefly near the HQ and there was a pair of Greenfinches in the top of the big tree beside the HQ. The vast majority of wildfowl on the scrape were of course Mallard but among them there were 5 Teal and a single female Wigeon.
17 November 2022
Overcast, dry, cool, 8° to 10°C; wind W 1-2. 17mm of rain fell over the last week. There enough water in the scrape to encourage the Teal to use it.
BIRDS: Total species count = 44 species. A good week for birds this week with lots of more unusual species. This week’s highlight was finding 2 pairs of Gadwall on the main pool, the first time this species has been recorded this year. Other interesting sightings were a female Wigeon on the main pool, 3 Grey Herons, 3 Mistle Thrushes and 3 Goldcrests! Two winter Chiffchaffs turned up too. There was a Sparrowhawk in the roof briefly Cherry Orchard House, Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers were recorded and both Grey and Pied Wagtails too.
10 November 2022
Overcast, mild, 13° to 14°C; wind S 4-6. 27mm of rain over the last week. There was more water in the scrape but not enough to attract any birds so far.
BIRDS: Total species count = 36 species. The highlight of the morning was finding a small flock of Linnets along Piddle Brook. 5 Stonechats this week, the extra one, a female, found in the paddock beside Mill Cottage. A Water Rail called just once and this week only 2 Cetti’s Warblers where heard. A few Fieldfares flew over with a flock of Redwings and Mistle Thrushes are showing more regularly as winter approaches. A single Goldcrest was heard behind the school but did not show amidst the fronds of the conifer in which it was hiding.
3 November 2022
Overcast, rain, clearing for sunny periods, cool, 9° to 10°C; wind calm to SW 3. 31mm of rain over the last week.
BIRDS: Total species count = 40 species. There were 2 pairs of Stonechats this morning. A Grey Heron put in appearance briefly on the main path beside the river before being disturbed by walkers. The Goldcrest beside the HQ was a good find. At least 4 Water Rails were calling, 2 near the scrape and 2 near the boardwalk. A single Chiffchaff was reported, a good winter record. The Mistle Thrush near the tilting weir was the first since 10 March. A Jay was found behind Cherry Orchard.
A Tawny Owl was reported calling in the evening.
BUTTERFLIES: A late Red Admiral was recorded today.
DRAGONFLIES: A Common Darter was spotted on reeds.
27 October 2022
Overcast, rain, clearing for sunny periods, mild, 13° to 16°C; wind S 1 to 3. 62mm of rain over the last week.
BIRDS: Total species count = 38 species. Rain cleared as we started however the scrape has only a little water in it in the form of puddles. Notable records included up to 7 Cetti’s Warblers and 2 pairs of Stonechats plus a single female, 5 in all. Two pairs of Wigeon on the main pool and now Reed Buntings are more mobile and easier to find. Water Rails calling frequently early on. Pied and Grey Wagtails present. Plenty of Redwing this morning and a single Song Thrush turned up. The Blackbird count was back to a normal number, 8. A single juvenile/female Blackcap turned up too as did a Jay and a female Chaffinch, a species reducing in number on Avon Meadows.
Two Barn Owls were seen hunting along the river on 9th.
BUTTERFLIES: A single Red Admiral was recorded on 25th.
MAMMALS: A Roe Deer was on the scrape this morning, clearly a male.
20 October 2022
Steady rain, mild, 13° to 15°C; wind calm to SW 1.
BIRDS: Total species count = 38 species. A lot of bird movement today with birds arriving from Europe. There was a noticeable increase in the number of Blackbirds, nearly all male and our first Redwings of the winter began to arrive, all flying south at this stage. Three Wigeon arrived on the main pool and a Merlin flew over. There were at least 5 Cetti’s Warblers calling and one Water Rail was recorded from deep inside the reedbeds. A single Skylark flew over. Most of the resident passerines showed well in good numbers as shown by the number of tit species recorded; 31 Long-tailed Tits, 49 Blue Tits and 20 Great Tits. Two Common Snipe flew over but kept going as the scrape is still dry.
13 October 2022
Overcast with mist clearing slowly, 12° to 15°C; wind calm to N 1.
BIRDS: Total species count = 30 species. The birds were very quiet today except for Crows and Robins. A Water Rail was heard once or twice from near the boardwalk and Cetti’s Warblers were heard too. Numbers generally were low. The scrape is still completely dry so no chance of water birds there. A Grey Wagtail can often be found in a recently cleared ditch from beside the carpark. There were 10 Common Teal moulting on the main pool. In spite of recent rain, water levels generally are still very low.
BUTTERFLIES: Sun came out later allowing a surprising Holly Blue to take to the wing, a new late record for Avon Meadows.
OTHER INSECTS: The sun also brought out a Dark Bush Cricket.
6 October 2022
Sunny, 17°C; wind SW 5. (Sunrise 7h18 BST)
BIRDS: Total species count = 33 species. Species numbers still down on what might be expected. A pair of Stonechats is always a nice sight in autumn. Recently, records of all 3 common finches is unusual, Chaffinch, Greenfinch and Goldfinch. 6 Cetti’s Warblers is a good autumn count and the Chiffchaff count at 16 is good too.
29 September 2022
Overcast with light rain, 10° to 13°C; wind calm to NW 1.
BIRDS: Total species count = 28 species. An unusually low count today mainly due to the first cool, damp weather for some weeks. Highlights were a skein of Greylag Geese flying east and a female Stonechat on the scrape. The number of Common Teal on the scrape remained high for us as were the number of Chiffchaffs. Four Cetti’s Warblers were heard. A single Greenfinch was recorded. Late Swallows and House Martins still passing through.
~22 September 2022
Overcast at first but sunny later and the wind picked up, warm, 12° to 19°C; wind calm to SW 4.
BIRDS: Total species count = 34 species. A Coal Tit was heard from one of the gardens along Cherry Orchard, our first record for 2022. 23 Chiffchaffs were counted, our highest count for this species. A Water Rail called just once and we counted 4 Cetti’s Warblers. The Common Teal number had built up to 12 on the main pool. A single of each, Blackcap and Willow Warbler were recorded. Reed Warblers are present but hard to find at the moment.
Both male and female Stonechats were recorded during the last week.
INSECTS: A Dark Bush Cricket was found on the boardwalk.
15 September 2022
Generally cloudy with occasional sunny periods, cool, 14° to 17°C; wind NW 2-4.
BIRDS: Total species count = 36 species. It was nice to find a Stonechat on the scrape this morning but it was extremely elusive. Pied and Grey Wagtails were recorded, the latter seems to be quite regular in the recently cleared ditch beside the car park. Both Water Rail and Cetti’s Warblers were heard occasionally. The 4 Common Teal are still present on the main pool and have been jointed by a Mute Swan, the first there for several weeks. There was a good number of Swallows passing through heading south. There were plenty of Chiffchaffs but only one each Chaffinch and Greenfinch.
8 September 2022
Broken cloud with sunny periods, 16° to 21°C; wind calm to SE 1.
BIRDS: Total species count = 38 species. A Little Egret flying downriver was the bird of the morning. Two Canada Geese and a Cormorant were on the river too. The scrape is still dry but there was an elusive male Stonechat there. House Martins and Swallows continued to fly over on their way south. A Water Rail called once and a Common Pheasant was flushed. A pair of Sparrowhawks was seen circling above the hirundines. Two Cetti’s Warblers called and a Great Spotted Woodpecker flew into the top of a willow tree. Both male and female Blackcaps were noted among the elderberries and as last week there were plenty of Chiffchaffs. Two young/female Chaffinches turned up too.
1 September 2022
Cloudy with occasional sunny periods, 17° to 22°C; wind NE 3-5
BIRDS: Total species count = 43 species. After a number of weeks of comparatively low counts today was a big improvement which birds moving through from the north on the NE wind. The biggest surprise was 2 Spotted Flycatchers which have been elusive in recent years. There were good numbers of Swallows and House Martins too with a couple of Sand Martins and 3 late Swifts to boost the numbers. A field was being mown just north of the reserve which brought out a Kestrel. Both Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers put in an appearance. There was a pair of Stonechats on the scrape and 2 Cetti’s Warblers were singing occasionally. Sedge and Reed Warblers are still here in small numbers. A Lesser Whitethroat was recorded on passage together with a Willow Warbler. Finally, 4 Ravens flew over.
BUTTERFLIES: A Small Heath butterfly was recorded on the meadows on 30 August. The only previous record for this species on Avon Meadows was on 18 August 2011 also after a prolonged period of hot, dry weather.
MOTHS: A moth count was held on the evening of 30 August and a total of 40 species were recorded. There was one new micro moth for Avon Meadows, Bryotropha domestica, the 402 nd species for the reserve. Other species of note were; Chinese Character, Green Carpet, Turnip Moth, Centre-barred Sallow, Pale Mottled Willow, Clepsis consimiliana, Agriphila selasella, Agriphila geniculea and Brown China-mark.
25 August 2022
Overcast, cool, heavy showers, autumnal, 16° to 15°C; wind NW 1-3.
BIRDS: Total species count = 33 species. The highlight of the morning was a Common Sandpiper, flushed from ‘the beach’ brought in by a heavy shower, the first record for 2022. Another early Stonechat was seen on the scrape and a Grey Wagtail in the ditch beside the carpark completed the less usual sightings. 15 Chiffchaffs were recorded, the number boosted by passage birds. Cetti’s Warblers have begun to call occasionally, 3 were recorded. There were still one or two Reed Warblers present and a Sedge Warbler.
18 August 2022
Overcast, clearing to sunny periods, warm, 18° to 23°C; wind calm to SW 2. Heavy rain 2 nights ago but still very dry.
BIRDS: Total species count = 34 species. Many birds feeding in the elderberry bushes. These included Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, lackbird and Chaffinch (first Chaffinch since 16 June). Birds of prey turned up nicely with 3 Buzzards, a Sparrowhawk and a Red Kite. Two Ravens flew over and although Reed Buntings were not singing 3 were located. Both Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers showed.
11 August 2022
Clear, sunny, hot, 18° to 31°C; wind calm to NE 2.
BIRDS: Total species count = 39 species. This count took place during a period of exceptionally hot weather. The variety of birds recorded was surprisingly good. A European Treecreeper was recorded in the carpark, the first for 2022. There was an exceptionally early Stonechat, presumably passing through. Other passage birds were two Willow Warblers, a number of Swallows and House Martins and a single Swift. The water level in the main pool is very low but this leaves muddy margins and a Water Rail was recorded there, the first record since 28 April 22.
MOTHS: During the week another Emperor Moth caterpillar was found.
4 August 2022
Light cloud, clearing, warm 18° to 24°C; wind SW 2-4.
BIRDS: Total species count = 36 species. The biggest surprise was a Little Egret flying up the river. The ‘wetland’ is so dry it did not stop. There are quite a few young Sedge and Reed Warblers present. 2 Cetti’s Warblers called briefly. Two young Sparrowhawks were watched ‘play fighting’ high overhead. Quite a few House Martins and Swallows were recorded passing through. A Great Spotted Woodpecker and a Raven flew over, the first of each for several weeks. Young Blackcaps were watched eating the few ripe elderberries. A single Common Whitethroat was recorded.
BUTTERFLIES: A Marbled White was reported on 13 July. The first Common Blue of the year was recorded on the scrape on 29 July.
MOTHS: A Mint Moth was recorded on Water Mint on the scrape on 29 July. The caterpillar of an Emperor Moth was found on the boardwalk on 3 August, only our second record for this moth.
28 July 2022
Overcast, cool, 15° to 20°C; wind NE 1.
BIRDS: Total species count = 36 species. Another very quiet day most birds either calling very briefly or not at all. High points were a Grey Heron on the main pool, small numbers of House Martins and Swallows flying overhead, and a Green Woodpecker calling. A single Linnet was recorded but the Swift count was good with 19 birds recorded. A Common Whitethroat called once, briefly. Two Cetti’s Warblers made a shortened version of their normal call.
MOTHS: There was a moth trapping session on Tuesday which went well. A total of 72 species were recorded of which 2, Dusky Sallow and September Thorn were new records for Avon Meadows bringing the total recorded now to 401 species. Other notable records were; Red Twin-spot Carpet, Magpie, Bordered Beauty, Buff-tip, Lesser Swallow Prominent, Scarce Footman, Muslin Moth, Turnip Moth, Cloaked Minor, Lobesia abscisana, Cydia splendana and Endotrichia flammealis.
21 July 2022
Sunny with some cloudy periods, 18° to 20°C; wind N 2.
BIRDS: Total species count = 38 species. After 2 days of temperatures exceeding 40°C a mercifully cooler day today. Perhaps the nicest sighting of the day was a small party of Barn Swallows flying over as it was some time since we have seen them. House Martins and Swifts too. Sedge Warblers were seen feeding young, presumably a second brood. Cetti’s Warblers were heard to, mostly making their shot contact call. The presence of two Goldcrests along Mill Lane was a good record. There was a small flock of Long-tailed Tits near the tilting weir and a good number of Chiffchaffs. Some species are hard to find now they have stopped singing including Robins and Great Tits, one of each was recorded.
A pair of Tawny Owls was heard near our nest box during the week.
14 July 2022
Sunny with some cloudy periods, 16° to 26°C; wind NW 2-3.
BIRDS: Total species count = 36 species. We are rather in the “dog days of summer” with many birds not singing and therefore difficult to find again. Two Red Kites and a Peregrine Falcon stooping lifted the spirits. The Moorhens and Coots were showing off they fully fledged young on the main pool. Four House Martins this week were the only hirundines on show. A Grey Wagtail on the dipping platform was a nice surprise. Reed and Sedge Warblers are still present but in small numbers.
DRAGONFLIES: The first Brown Hawker of the year was recorded today together with a Scarce Chaser and Black-tailed Skimmer.
The most recent transect count was carried out on 11 July turning up 9 species including White-legged, Blue-tailed, Azure, Common Blue and Red-eyed Damselflies.
MOTHS: The results from the moth trapping session on 6 July are now confirmed and 60 species were recorded. The highlight was the 399th species for Avon Meadows, a Slender Pug (Eupithecia tenuiata). Other unusual species were Green Pug, Short-cloaked Moth, Coronet, Dingy Shears, Celypha striana, Ancylis achatana and Crambus lathionellus.
7 July 2022
Overcast only clearing in late morning, 15° to 20°C; wind N 2.
BIRDS: Total species count = 32 species. After previous days of warm weather the birds were quiet this morning making them more difficult to detect. Highlights would be a party of Common Swifts, a Kingfisher flying by, a Skylark singing overhead but only one House Martin. No Cetti’s Warbler heard today but all others were present; Sedge and Reed Warblers, Common Whitethroat and Blackcap. The young Coot chicks have now fledged. A Lesser Whitethroat was heard in the week and the Barn Owl was seen on the 6 July.
BUTTERFLIES: Large Skipper, Essex Skipper and Gatekeeper were all recorded this week.
MAMMALS: A Roe Deer was seen on the scrape during the morning.
30 June 2022
Sunny, broken cloud, warm, 16° to 23°C; wind NW 1-3.
BIRDS: Total species count = 37 species. The Grey Heron was on the main pool this week. A pair of Sparrowhawks was hunting for most of the morning. The Coots on the main pool still have all 4 of their chicks. 9 Swifts and 4 House Martins were recorded. Only 1 Cetti’s Warbler was calling this morning. Robins and Dunnocks were recorded but were generally very quiet. Blackcaps and Whitethroats were still calling. A pair of Linnets was recorded flying along a hedge.
The Barn Owl was recorded hunting in late evening and early morning during the week. There was a number of records for Red Kite too. A Tawny Owl was seen near one of the nest boxes. The last adult Cuckoo was heard on 26 June.
INSECTS: We made our 3 rd record for the Thistle Picture-wing Fly on Thursday.
FLOWERS: Yellowrattle and Common Knapweed are flowering nicely at present. These are both species we are trying to reintroduce.
23rd June 2022
Clear, sunny, hot, 18° to 26°C; wind S 1.
BIRDS: Total species count = 39 species. A Grey Heron put in an appearance on the main pool today and a Sparrowhawk was recorded, both for the first time this month. Generally the records were unremarkable.
BUTTERFLIES: Both Small Skipper and Ringlet emerged this week.
DRAGONFLIES: Our first Southern Hawker was recorded today. A Four-spotted Chaser was recorded during the week.
MOTHS: The first moth trapping session of the year took place last Tuesday. Modest beginnings with a total of 42 species recorded. Among the species less commonly recorded on Avon Meadows were; Peach Blossom, Barred Yellow, a probable Tawny Marbled Minor (dissection necessary for certain identification), Middle-barred Minor, Plum Tortrix, Crambus lathionellus and Ephestia woodiella.
WILD FLOWERS: The first orchid was discovered on Avon Meadows today, a single Pyramidal Orchid.
16 June 2022
Clear, sunny, hot, 16° to 25°C; wind N 1.
BIRDS: Total species count = 40 species. The scrape is now totally dried out and overgrown but does provide food for passerines. Some interesting birds this week including our first Cormorant for 9 weeks and Chaffinch for 6 weeks. 2 Red Kites flew over (8 weeks since the last sighting). Both male and female Cuckoos were calling in the morning. Our resident Coots still have their 4 downy young. This week both House Martin and Swallow were recorded as well as at least 10 Swifts flying over. Warbler counts were good with 5 Cetti’s Warblers and 15 Blackcaps. A Jay put in an appearance again and there were 4 Linnets recorded. Reed Buntings seemed to be everywhere, 18 were logged. A pair of Pied Wagtails put in an appearance too.
A Barn Owl was recorded during the week hunting over the N Meadow in the evening.
DRAGONFLIES: Our first dragonfly survey took place this week and delivered very good results. Species recorded were Banded Demoiselle, White-legged, Large Red, Blue-tailed and Azure Damselflies, Scarce Chaser and Black-tailed Skimmer.
9 June 2022
High cloud, sunny, 14° to 20°C; wind SW 3-4.
BIRDS: Total species count = 42 species. A rather unremarkable count for today in terms of variety of species. A Tufted Duck flew over, a scarce species in recent years. A Peregrine Falcon flew over flying towards the Abbey, possibly one of the pair there. There was a good number of Common Swifts but no hirundines. Two Kingfishers were seen along the river. 5 Cetti’s Warblers were recorded. Warbler counts were good; Sedge Warbler (4), Reed Warbler (7), Whitethroat (2), Blackcap (7), Chiffchaff (4). Young Long-tailed Tits were recorded for the first time this year. A Jay flying out of a willow tree was a nice surprise. 4 Greenfinches and 3 Linnets were recorded.
2 June 2022
Fine, clear, warm, 14° to 22°C; wind E 1.
BIRDS: Total species count = 46 species. There has been a Turtle Dove around since 9 May but today is the first time it has been seen on a Thursday Bird Count. Rook and Kestrel were unusual sightings too. Mute Swans on the river have raised 2 cygnets. Male and female Cuckoos were present this morning, both calling. Adult and juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker were seen in Mill Lane. It was nice to see Swifts (15), Swallows (2) and House Martins (7) today which have been a rare sight until today. A Pied Wagtail flew over to add to the list. Only 3 Cetti’s Warblers were heard this morning. There were 2 Goldcrest in the NW corner. A Rook flying over was an unusual record for Avon Meadows, the previous record was on 27 Jan 22. It was nice to see plenty of Linnets about.
DRAGONFLIES: Still quite scarce. Banded Demoiselle and Blue-tailed Damselfly were seen during the morning as was a Black-tailed Skimmer, this a new early record for Avon Meadows.
26 May 2022
Overcast with occasional bright periods, 15° to 18°C; wind SW 3-5.
BIRDS: Total species count = 35 species. Male and female Cuckoos were heard and seen this morning, the female only briefly. There were Swifts overhead early on. The Mute Swans seem to have given up any idea of breeding this year. A Great Spotted Woodpecker flew over, the first sighting for several weeks. Just 1 Coot today although a pair with 4 chicks was seen yesterday. There were big numbers of House Sparrows and Starlings as young birds joined their parents feeding. A single male Linnet was recorded beside the scrape. In spite of recent rain, the scrape is mostly dry and quite overgrown.
DRAGONFLIES: Still quite scarce. Banded Demoiselle and Blue-tailed Damselfly were seen during the week as was a Scarce Chaser, this a new early record for Avon Meadows.
FLOWERS: Hogweed, Yellow Flag Irises and Dog Rose are all in full bloom which together with the Cow Parsley and both Creeping and Meadow Buttercups show the meadows at their best.
19 May 2022
Sunny periods, warm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 39 species. The Cuckoo was back singing this morning. The Garden Warbler is still present and there are good numbers of Sedge, Reed and Cetti’s Warblers together with Blackcaps, Common Whitethroats and Chiffchaffs. Barn Swallows and House Martins were recorded but only single birds.
Interesting records during the week included one Little Ringed Plover on 14th, 3 Little Egrets on 16th and a pair of Coots with 3 chicks on 21st. The Turtle Dove is being harassed by Collared Doves but was recorded on 17th.
Mammals: Roe Deer have been regularly seen on the scrape where they eat the young reed shoots. A Fox has also been a regular visitor.
12 May 2022
Clear, sunny mild morning, 14°C to 18°C; wind SW 3-4.
BIRDS: Total species count = 43 species. No Cuckoo this morning! Little Egret on the scrape early on. A Garden Warbler was singing from the same spot as last week. Young birds are on the wing now including, Starlings, Robins, Goldfinches and House Sparrows. It looks very much as though both Mute Swan’s nests have been predated by Foxes.
A Turtle Dove has returned to the same site just N of Avon Meadows for the second year running. We did not find it during the Thursday bird count but it was recorded the day before and the day afterwards!
5 May 2022
Overcast, clearing to sunny morning, warm, 12°C to 22°C; wind calm to NW 2.
BIRDS: Total species count = 49 species. Much Cuckoo activity this morning with 2 males and 1 female cavorting around the sky. A Garden Warbler was new for the year. Other warblers were well represented, Sedge Warbler – 13, Reed Warbler – 9, Whitethroat – 2, Blackcap – 12, Chiffchaff – 6 & Cetti’s Warbler – 6. Just 4 Swallows and 1 House Martin was all the hirundines recorded. A single Goldcrest was heard. Fly-byes included Canada Goose, Grey Heron and Jay. Starlings and House Sparrows look to be feeding nestlings. 7 Greenfinches and 2 Linnets turned up.
The first Swifts were seen on 4 May. Lesser Whitethroat and Sand Martin were recorded during the week.
28 April 2022
Overcast, cool, 8°C to 11°C; wind N 2-3.
BIRDS: Total species count = 45 species. Another Cuckoo arrived this morning, so far they are not staying. The first Lesser Whitethroat of the year was heard together with several Common Whitethroats. Both Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers were recorded. Warblers were in good song, Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warblers were singing as were Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs. Hirundines continue to be scarce but today 4 Swallows flew over. Linnets were present and a Skylark was heard singing in spite of the cold weather.
A Little Egret was present from last week until Tuesday. A Common Tern flew past up river on 22 April. Another Willow Warbler was recorded in the week
21 April 2022
Clear with light cloud, sunny, 11°C to 18°C; wind NE 2-4.
BIRDS: Total species count = 44 species. A Little Egret was present on the scrape and a single Little Ringed Plover. The first Common Whitethroat of the year was recorded. A Cuckoo greeted us at 09h00 but was not heard later in the morning. The first House Martin passed through; hirundines are scarce so far this spring. Sedge and Reed Warblers have arrived in small numbers and were singing from the reed beds. A single Goldcrest was heard
14 April 2022
Overcast, clearing to sunny, warm morning, 9°C to 18°C; wind calm to SW 2.
BIRDS: Total species count = 45 species. What a difference a week makes, mild weather and light winds brought in the first wave of summer visitors. Sedge, Reed and Willow Warblers were all recorded. It was pleasing to hear a Water Rail calling after the fire of 3 April. No less than 8 Cetti’s Warblers were heard. Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps were present in number, overwintering bird numbers boosted by recent arrivals. Linnets and a Goldcrest were also present. 4 Sand Martins flew over but otherwise hirundines have been hard to find so far this spring.
7 April 2022
Sunny periods, very windy, cold, 7°C to 11°C; wind N 5-8.
BIRDS: Total species count = 31 species. High winds throughout the day kept the bird count down. No new summer visitors have arrived. The Kingfisher continues to use the scrape to feed. There is a pair of Canada Geese showing very sign of nesting on one of the scrape islands. Most interesting sightings were at the previous weekend.
3 April 2022: A Tufted Duck and a single Oystercatcher flew over, both the first sightings for 2022. There were late Common Snipe and Meadow Pipits recorded too. No less that 6 Cetti’s Warbler territories were located.
On Saturday night (9 Apr) fire set by yobs destroyed about half an acre of reed bed and we are fearful that a number of birds nests will have been destroyed, particularly those of Water Rail.
FLOWERS: Marsh Marigolds have just started to appear. The meadows are full of Dandelions now.
31 March 2022
Overcast, cold, 5°C; wind N 4.
BIRDS: Total species count = 38 species. A lull between winter visitors departing and summer visitors arriving continues although Blackcap and Chiffchaff numbers are beginning to build. A late Meadow Pipit was recorded. There are now 2 Little Grebes on the main pool leading to hopes that they might breed again. This week 4 Greylag Geese were recorded.
FLOWERS: Ladies smock (Cuckooflower) have just started to appear.
24 March 2022
Clear, sunny warm, 18°C; wind light.
BIRDS: Total species count = 36 species. A lull between winter visitors departing and summer visitors arriving continues it seems. Chiffchaff numbers are beginning to build and this week 2 Blackcaps were recorded. Cetti’s Warbler numbers are strong with 6 heard calling. A Common Snipe dropped in
During the week there were several interesting records, a pair of Little Grebes in breeding plumage on the main pool, a Shoveler stopped over briefly and our first Greylag Geese of the year appeared as did our first Sand Martins on 28th. A Green Sandpiper was recorded on 20th and Linnets have been much in evidence during the week.
17 March 2022
Clear, sunny cold, 4° to 12°C; wind SW 2-4.
BIRDS: Total species count = 34 species. A lull between winter visitors departing and summer visitors arriving. The highlight of the morning was a Common Kingfisher hunting over the scrape, much of the time in front of the bird screen. Recent heavy rain had made the river extremely turbid so fishing over the clear water of the scrape was easy for him. Three Linnets flew over and Greenfinches are singing. The Little Grebe is still at the S end of the main pool although elusive. Chiffchaffs are singing and their numbers slowly increasing.
10 March 2022
Overcast, sunny later, mild, 10° to 14°C; wind SE 3-4.
BIRDS: Total species count = 42 species. A fire in a reed bed yesterday destroyed about half an acre of reeds. Effectively extinguished by Pershore Fire Brigade. Most birds not affected. A single male Stonechat was recorded this morning. 2 Water Rails were heard and at least 5 Cetti’s Warblers. A handsome Red Kite flew over in mid-morning. A single Skylark flew over high up and there were 3 Meadow Pipits present. There were still 25 Redwings which had not left for the summer. No less than 6 Ravens were counted and it was good to see 9 Greenfinches, a species under pressure.
On 7 March, a flock of 25 Linnets were recorded in the late afternoon over the scrape.
3 March 2022
Overcast, mild, 9° to 11°C; wind calm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 43 species. 2 pairs of Stonechats this morning, presumably birds on passage. Cetti’s Warblers and Water Rails very audible. As for waterfowl, 90 Mallard but only 2 Mute Swans (resident pair) and 2 Canada Geese. 11 Redwings still present. 2 Chiffchaffs and two Goldcrests recorded along the North Hedge. In short, a good number of birds around but none of them unusual.
24 February 2022
Mostly sunny with cloudy periods, windy, 3° to 7°C; wind SW 3-6.
BIRDS: Total species count = 40 species. A Cetti’s Warbler allowed itself to be photographed. There were still plenty of Redwings present although no Stonechats since 22 Feb. There were 2 pairs of Shovelers on the scrape. A single Meadow Pipit was recorded. There were two Sparrowhawks seen hunting from time to time and 4 Buzzards. One Common Snipe flew into the scrape. There was a nice Grey Wagtail near the beginning of the boardwalk. No less then 4 Greenfinches were recorded and a single Raven flew over.
17 February 2022
Sunny and windy, 6° to 12°C; wind SW 4-6.
BIRDS: Total species count = 41 species. Two Canada Geese on the scrape marked a return after several weeks missing. 25 Teal was an unusually high count. Sparrowhawk (female) and Buzzard were both present today. 231 Black-headed Gulls were recorded feeding on waterlogged meadows. A Kingfisher was seen on the scrape, the river and brooks were muddy after recent rain. There are still plenty of Redwings present. A Skylark was located singing very high up. 4 Cetti’s Warblers were heard, none seen!
10 February 2022
Overcast, clearing, sunny 3° to 8°C; wind SW 2-4.
BIRDS: Total species count = 40 species. An unremarkable day. There was a Peregrine Falcon on Pershore Abbey, a small party of Meadow Pipits flew over and there were 23 Teal on the scrape together with 3 Shoveler. There was a pair of Stonechat there too. Several Cetti’s Warblers were calling as were 2 Water Rails, no Moorhens were seen but two heard.
3 February 2022
Overcast, sun breaking through in late morning, 7° to 11°C; wind W 2-3.
BIRDS: Total species count = 42 species. The nice surprise of the morning was a Red Kite flying over low enough to be seen properly. There were an unusually high number of wintering duck on the scrape, 23 Teal and 7 Shoveler. A Rook was a nice sighting as was a Grey Wagtail feeding in a wet, wooded area. Water Rails and Cetti’s Warblers were calling. A single Siskin afforded brief views and an overwintering Blackcap gave rather better views. Reed Buntings have started to sing. There was a pair of Stonechats on the scrape.
27 January 2022
Overcast, sun breaking through in late morning, 7° to 11°C; wind calm to NW 1.
BIRDS: Total species count = 42 species. The big surprise was a Merlin flying through at speed early on. A pair of Mandarin Ducks, 3 Shoveler and 10 Teal were present to boost the resident Mallard population. In late morning small flock of Meadow Pipits flew in. There was a Peregrine on Pershore Abbey. 3 Stonechats showed, a pair on the S Meadow and a male beside Piddle Brook. A Jay put in a brief appearance.
20 January 2022
Long sunny periods, cold, -4° to +4°C; wind calm to N 1. Ice on pools
BIRDS: Total species count = 43 species. The ice kept many of the water birds away but a Little Grebe was found on the river. A flock of about 100 Lapwing flew over. Water Rail and Cetti’s Warblers were heard. A male Blackcap was a welcome winter visitor. Chaffinch, Greenfinch and Goldfinch were all present. The winter thrushes were all present; Blackbird, Song Thrush, Mistle Thrush, Redwing and Fieldfare
13 January 2022
Overcast, frost and mist, -2 to 5°C; wind calm to SW 1. Ice on pools.
BIRDS: Total species count = 37 species. Another miserable cold morning this time with mist which did not clear until late morning. Ice on the pools kept most of the waterfowl away. Today was mostly the "usual suspects" turning up. The sun breaking through the mist in late morning brought 9 Moorhens out onto the main pool. One tree at the end of Mill Lane held 22 Collared Doves. A large flock of Redwing (150+) was feeding on the N Meadow. Several Chiffchaffs were recorded, a less usual sight in winter.
During the week there was a pair of Mandarin Duck on the main pool and a Peregrine was recorded flying over.
6 January 2022
Overcast, sunny, cloud later, poor light, -1 to 2°C; wind S 3-5. Ice on pools.
BIRDS: Total species count = 44 species. A miserable cold morning but quite a few birds about. Ice on the pools kept most of the waterfowl away. A Lapwing landed on the scrape and a Bullfinch turned up along Mill Lane. The morning was notable for the large number of Redwing present, 221 were recorded but this was probably an undercount. It was a good morning for thrushes as in addition to the Redwing, Blackbird, Fieldfare, Song and Mistle Thrushes were seen. Two pairs of Common Stonechat were around, and a Goldcrest turned up. A Kestrel flew over, a less common sight than in the past. Cetti’s Warbler and Water Rail were heard. Chaffinch, Greenfinch and Goldfinch were recorded. Two overwintering Blackcap were found. There was a Kingfisher on the ditch beside Mill Lane
In the week, a Common Gull was recorded on the main pool together with two Common Teal drakes and our resident Coot.
30 December 2021
Overcast, very poor light, 11°C; wind SW 3-5
BIRDS: Total species count = 43 species. In spite of the weather some interesting sightings today. Two flocks of Shoveler flew over totalling 46 birds and 146 Mallard were counted. Two Peregrine Falcons flew over both flying towards the town. There were over 300 Black-headed Gulls feeding on the waterlogged meadows. An overwintering Chiffchaff and a pair of Blackcaps showed well. Wintering thrushes were all present as on 9 Dec, but today there were 46 Pied Wagtails and 3 Stonechats. Greenfinches have been scarce but one turned up today and there were 4 Meadow Pipits in the N Meadow.
23 December 2021
Overcast, occasional drizzle, poor light, 6° to 9°C; wind S 1-3
BIRDS: Total species count = 41 species. Today a single female Tufted Duck put in an appearance on the scrape, the first for some months. Shoveler and Teal were present and there was a Little Grebe on the river. Water Rails were noisy, 4 were logged of which 2 were seen, not easy with such a skulking species. A flock of over 100 Lapwing flew over. A single Cetti’s Warbler was heard and two pairs of Stonechat were present.
16 December 2021
Overcast, damp, 8° to 12°C; wind SW 1
BIRDS: Total species count = 42 species. Plenty of wildfowl today, Canada and Greylag Geese flocks were present, together with resident Mallard, Shoveler and Teal. There were 3 Coot located, a recent high count. Water Rail and Cetti’s Warbler were heard. A Sparrowhawk flew over and a Kingfisher flew by along the river. Two pairs of Common Stonechat were present. There was a Goldcrest along Mill Lane. Both Grey and Pied Wagtails were found and a single Linnet flew by.
9 December 2021
Light cloud, clearing, sunny, 2° to 6°C; wind SW 1-2
BIRDS: Total species count = 45 species. Today the wind dropped after several very windy days. Notable today were the thrush count when all 5 common species were recorded; Blackbird, Song Thrush, Mistle Thrush, Redwing and Fieldfare. Similarly our 2 common finches were recorded; Chaffinch, Greenfinch and Goldfinch. A Kingfisher flew by at speed and a Great Spotted Woodpeckerstrong> turned up in the carpark. There were several Blackcaps and this week we found a Chiffchaff. There was a single Canada Goose and female Shoveler on the scrape
2 December 2021
Clear, sunny, cold -2° to +2°C; wind NW 2-5
BIRDS: Total species count = 45 species. A very cold day today in spite of the sunshine with a strong north-westerly breeze. This week there were 3 Wigeon present including 2 drakes. Water Rails and Cetti’s Warblers were calling. A Kestrel put in an appearance over the N Meadow. Five Blackcaps were recorded and a similar number of Skylarks flew over. Two Song Thrushes were located as were 6 Reed Buntings,0 all rather hard to find at this time of year. A single Linnet flew over the scrape and this week there were 3 Stonechats in the S Meadow.
The highlight of the week was 2 Nuthatches recorded on 28 November, the second record for Avon Meadows. A Little Egret flew over on 29 November. The total species count so far in 2021 is 108 species.
25 November 2021
Clear, sunny, cold 1° to 7°C; wind NW 3-5
BIRDS: Total species count = 41 species. There was a pair of Wigeon on the main pool together with Mallardand Teal. A Jay is now regularly recorded. A Mistle Thrush was a welcome sight as was a Goldcrest. Two Greenfinches were recorded, a species which has declined recently. There was a pair of Stonechats on the S Meadow. Winter thrushes, Fieldfare and Redwing, are now well established.
18 November 2021
Broken cloud with short sunny periods, 8° to 12°C; wind SW 3-4
BIRDS: Total species count = 39 species. Far fewer birds around this week both in number and variety. However, two species turned up that were not recorded last week, Wigeon (female on the main pool) and Coot, our first for 8 months! The Teal number was back up today with 11 on the main pool, the drakes now looking very smart. Both Blackcap and Chiffchaff were recorded, good winter records. It was pleasing to find several Chaffinches which have been scarce in recent months.
11 November 2021
Overcast, damp, 10° to 12°C; wind calm to S 3.
BIRDS: Total species count = 52 species. An exceptionally high count today, our highest ever November count. 3 Sparrowhawks, 3 Red Kites, a Kestrel and a Buzzard made it an excellent day for raptors. A female Shoveler and a hard- to-find Little Grebe on the main pool were unusual sightings. Water Rails were most vociferous, 5 were recorded and 10 Snipe got up off the scrape. A Kingfisher put on an excellent display at ‘The Beach’, a single Skylark flew over, no less than 5 Jays were recorded and both Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers turned up. A single Chiffchaff and a Mistle Thrush were discovered and 2 Ravens flew over.
BUTTERFLIES: A late single Red Admiral flew by.
4 November 2021
Clear with light cloud, 3° to 9°C; wind N 3.
BIRDS: Total species count = 42 species. A Jay appeared which has been a common species in recent weeks. 105 Canada Geese flew over, there were 11 Teal on the scrape and 42 Mallardsplit between the scrape and the main pool. A Common Snipe was an unusual record due mainly to its difficulty in detection. A single Blackcap was recorded and a small flock of Fieldfares. A good day for thrushes as Redwing and Mistle Thrush were recorded too. Unusually, recently, all 3 common finches turned up, Chaffinch, Greenfinch and Chaffinch.
28 October 2021
Overcast with occasional sunny periods, 14°C; wind S 4-6
BIRDS: Total species count = 42 species. 42 Canada Geese and 12 Common Teal were recorded today. Two pairs of Stonechat were present albeit well separated. A Peregrine flew over and the black backed race of Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus intermedius) was found overhead. A large flock of over 70 Linnets was unusual. Meadow Pipits, Grey and Pied Wagtails all showed. Stonechats and Cetti’s Warblers both had 4 individuals recorded.
21 October 2021
Clear and sunny, 3° to 12°C; wind calm to NW 3.
BIRDS: Total species count = 36 species. The first survey where we went round as a group since the COVID lockdown started on 23 March 2020! A female Wigeon has been on the main pool for several days. A Common Kingfisher flew across towards the main pool. 5 Common Stonechat and a Chiffchaff were found. A Goldcrest was found in Mill Lane and this week 4 Linnets turned up.
14 October 2021
Overcast, 12° to 16°C; wind calm.
BIRDS: Total species count = 40 species. Once again, there were 10 Teal on the main pool. 2 Water Rails and 4 Cetti’s Warblers were heard. Two flocks or Redwing, totally 70 birds, herald the start of winter proper. Two Linnets were present.
7 October 2021
Overcast with occasional sunny periods, 14° to 18°C; wind calm to SW 2-4.
BIRDS: Total count = 44 species. Birds were moving through in small numbers making the count rather a hit and miss affair. There were 10 Common Teal back on the main pool. A Pheasant put in a brief appearance, the first recorded for some time. Both Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers showed. An early Stonechat showed on the scrape. It was nice to see a flock of 25 Greenfinches fly out of a willow tree, a species that has been hard to find of late.
There were a number of interesting sightings during the week; 1 Oct saw a late Reed Warbler appear and the first Stonechat of the autumn. A Siskin and Lesser Redpoll flew over as did a Red Kite.
30 September 2021
Sunny periods, 17°; wind calm to SW 5.
BIRDS: Total count = 44 species. Quite a lot of bird movement over the week before which brought in an early Lesser Redpoll and a flock of European Golden Plover which brought the species count for 2021 up to 106.
The bird count found a late Whinchat and Garden Warbler. Small numbers of Swallows and House Martins were passing through. Grey Wagtails flew over. A Water Rail was heard and there is a good number of Cetti’s Warblers present.
23 September 2021
Clear and sunny, 13° to 22°C; wind calm to SW 2-3.
BIRDS: Total count = 50 species. Quite a lot of bird movement today. 2 eclipse Shoveler on the main pool, 14 Jays flying through, and still Swallows and House Martins on the move. Warblers present in small numbers including Reed Warbler, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler and Blackcap. An apparent influx of Robins too. A Hobby flew over and 2 Water Rails were heard. The Cetti’s Warbler population is holding up well, 6 were recorded.
16 September 2021
Clear and sunny, 14° to 19°C; wind calm to SW 1.
BIRDS: Total count = 53 species. Yet another day when birds were hard to find. However the result was an excellent count with 43 species being found in 1.5 hours from the boardwalk and path beside the scrape. Highlights were; a Jay flying over, new late records for Sand Martin and Garden Warbler and a new early record for Siskin. 7 Cetti’s Warblers were recorded and a single Water Rail heard.
Reed and Sedge Warblers are still present in small numbers.
In the preceding week, there was only the second record for Yellow-legged Gull, a juvenile flying over with juvenile Herring Gulls.
9 September 2021
Light cloud, mild and humid, 17° to 21°C; wind calm to S 1.
BIRDS: Total count = 50 species. Another day when birds were hard to find. Barn Swallows and House Martins continue to head south. Up to 13 Common Teal were found on the main pool and a Water Rail called from there. No less than 6 Cetti’s Warblers were heard calling reflecting a good breeding year for this species. Another British Yellow Wagtail flew over and both Common and Lesser Whitethroats turned up.
4 September 2021
Overcast at first, sunny later, 14° to 22°C; wind calm to E 1.
BIRDS: WEST MIDLANDS ALL-DAYER: Total count = 60 species. 4 of our experienced observers worked from 05h00 until 17h00 to bring in a best total ever for one day. Birds of interest included a late Common Swift, a Spotted Flycatcher and a Whinchat all passing through. A British Yellow Wagtail flew over.
2 September 2021
Overcast at first, sunny later, 13° to 17°C; wind calm to N 3-4.
BIRDS: Total count = 49 species. A highlight not from Avon Meadows that must be mentioned is a European Spoonbill that turned up at Lower Moor on 1 September, possibly only the 10th record for the County. On Avon Meadows, there the strong warbler passage continues, 24 Chiffchaffs being recorded today together with a late Common Whitethroat. 5 Cetti’s Warblers were heard and our first Common Snipe of the autumn arrived. The sighting of a European Jay was a new species for 2021
26 August 2021
Overcast at first, sunny later, 14° to 20°C; wind calm to N 4.
BIRDS: Total count = 47 species. The Common Sandpiper was a new late sighting. There are still warblers passing through, Willow Warbler, Common Whitethroat although summer residents are reducing in number, Sedge and Reed Warblers. Resident warbler numbers are good, Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Cetti’s Warbler.
INSECTS: A Roesel’s Bush Cricket was recorded.
MOTHS: 2 new species were recorded for Avon Meadows, Cypress Pug and the micro moth Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix.
19 August 2021
Clear and sunny with some cloud later, 14° to 20°C; wind SW 1-3.
BIRDS: Total count = 44 species. Hard work finding birds early on but they began to move through once the sun was up. A fairly late Common Swift flew over and the warbler passage included Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Common. and Lesser Whitethroats. Common Teal made a return to the main pool. A Water Rail was seen on the margins of the main pool taking advantage of the low water level.
12 August 2021
Clear and sunny with some cloud later, 12° to 20°C; wind SE 1-4. Scrape bone dry once more and very much overgrown.
BIRDS: Total count = 45 species. The bird of the day was a juvenile Cuckoo flying over the scrape. There was an apparent movement of birds which included Little Egret, Common Whitethroat, Swift, Swallow, Sand Martin and House Martin. Cetti’s Warbler has started singing more that of late following its post-breeding silence. 3 Ravens were recorded too.
5 August 2021
Light cloud sunny at first clouding over later with sunny periods, 13° to 16°C; wind SE 1-4. Scrape with puddles after heavy rain.
BIRDS: Total count = 39 species. Highlight was a single Common Sandpiper circling the main pool. Good numbers of Mallard, Black-headed Gulls and Moorhen present. It was good that Linnets were located again. Cetti’s Warblers are only calling very occasionally at the moment and so difficult to locate.
29 July 2021
Cloudy clearing then sunny, 11° to 16°C; wind SW 2-4. Scrape dry.
BIRDS: Total count = 40 species. Birds remain quiet and numbers begin to fall off as summer visitors begin to move off. A few Common Swifts were present as were both Barn Swallows and House Martins were present. Geese are beginning to reappear with both Greylag and Canada Geese flying over. A family part of 4 Linnets was recorded. A Sparrowhawk was flushed from a reedbed. Young birds of all breeding species are very apparent.
22 July 2021
Clear, sunny and hot, 18° to 27°C; wind calm to SE 1.
BIRDS: Total count = 42 species. The scrape is now bone dry. Birds are quieter now as the breeding season passes its peak and the hot weather makes everything lethargic! Common Swifts were present in good numbers and both Barn Swallows and House Martins were present. All the summer warblers are present. Singles of Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers were recorded. Common Whitethroats were observed feeding young. There was a good number of Reed Buntings singing in the reed beds.
DRAGONFLIES: A Ruddy Darter recorded today was our earliest record for this species.
MOTHS: A moth trapping session on 14 July brought in 3 new species for Avon Meadows; Privet Hawk Moth, Dwarf Cream Wave and the micro moth Endotrichia flammealis.
OTHER INSECTS: The moth trapping session also brought in 2 new species of Caddis fly for Avon Meadows (others awaiting identification);
15 July 2021
Light cloud, sunny, 15° to 22°C; wind calm to NW 4.
BIRDS: Total count = 39 species. The hay was cut on 12 July. Oystercatchers have been seen flying over and Goldcrests were found too during the week. A Grey Wagtail turned up on Thursday morning. There are 2 Grey Herons around, an adult and a juvenile. The Tawny Owl has been heard calling from the usual area behind Cherry Orchard.
8 July 2021
Light cloud, sunny, 16° to 22°C; wind calm.
BIRDS: Total count = 40 species. Only our third Spotted Flycatcher record this morning. A Little Egret was found on the scrape as was a pair of Pied Wagtails. 3 Linnets were recorded and there were plenty of juvenile Reed Warblers on show.
Away from the Thursday count, a Turtle Dove was heard again in the week just outside the reserve. A Common Sandpiper turned up on the riverbank opposite the scrape and a Willow Warbler was heard near the tilting weir.
1 July 2021
Sunny at first, overcast later, 14° to 20°C, humid; wind calm to SE 2.
BIRDS: Total count = 41 species. A Hobby was seen keeping station above Swifts during the morning. Two Sparrowhawks were seen both carrying prey.
BUTTERFLIES: The first Ringlet for the year seen this morning.
MAMMALS: A Roe Deer reported on the scrape during the week.
24 June 2021
Overcast, with shower at first, 14° to 19°C, humid; wind SW 1
BIRDS: Total count = 41 species. No big surprises today. Two Moorhen broods with 3 chicks in total indicating a high mortality rate. A Grey Heron turned up on the scrape which still has water in it. Mallards are moulting but 53 were recorded. A Sparrowhawk cruised overhead. There was both a mail and female Cuckoo present, it is now getting late to see adults. Another good Swift counts, today 40 and 2 Swallows which have been scarce this year.
17 June 2021
Light cloud clearing later, 15° to 23°C; wind NW 2
BIRDS: Total count = 45 species. Two Tufted Duck on the main pool provided a nice surprise. A Red Kite was recorded again today flying very high up to the north. Today there were 4 Cuckoos present, one female and the rest males. No less than 50 Swifts were seen feeding over the meadows and a single Sand Martin passed through. 7 Cetti’s Warblers were recorded. Indeed warbler counts were high today; Sedge 10, Reed 7, Whitethroat 3, Blackcap 7, and Chiffchaff 11. Chaffinch and Greenfinches were hard to find.
BUTTERFLIES: An early Meadow Brown was recorded today.
10 June 2021
Generally sunny, 18° to 22°C; wind SW 2-3
BIRDS: Total count = 40 species. A Red Kite flew over to enliven proceedings and a Sparrowhawk and 2 Buzzards completed the raptor count. Swallows are still scarce. There was an unusual summer record for Pied Wagtail. 6 Common Whitethroats were recorded only to be outdone by 9 Blackcaps.
3 June 2021
Overcast with sunny periods later, 17° to 19°C; wind SW 2
BIRDS: Total count = 38 species. Swifts were present in small numbers flying very high up. Once again there were 3 Cuckoos present their competition making them easy to see. Two Ravens flew over. Linnets were present as last week. Sedge and Reed Warblers were singing.
27 May 2021
Clear and sunny, 6° to 18°C; wind calm to SW 1
BIRDS: Total count = 42 species. Our first Hobby of the spring passed through giving a lucky one of two observers brief views. The Canada Geese that bred on the scrape were seen with 3 goslings. There were 3 Cuckoos present for most of the morning, one female and two males. Warblers were present in good numbers as were House Martins and Swifts although Swallow numbers seem to be down. 5 Cetti’s Warblers were recorded. Linnets seem to be breeding with us this year.
20 May 2021
Sunny early one but overcast with showers later, 9° to 12°C; wind SW 2-7
BIRDS: Not helped by inclement weather, the count today was 41 species. Both male and female Cuckoos were calling early in the morning. The first young Goldfinches turned up. At one time there were 4 Canada Geese on the scrape but no sign of any goslings. There are good numbers of Reed and Sedge Warblers as well as Common Whitethroat and Blackcap. Cetti's Warblers are singing from 4 territories.
The highlight of the week was a Turtle Dove recorded flying and calling over the North Meadows on 17 May, a first for Avon Meadows, our 134th species. Other notable record during the week was a pair of Teal on the scrape on 16th and a Skylark on 19th..
FLOWERS: The Hawthorn is now all in flower, the Creeping Buttercups have come into flower in the last few days and Hogweed is about to flower.
13 May 2020
Overcast with light rain showers, 9° to 15°C; wind NE 2-3
BIRDS: Relatively cool today but even so 44 species were recorded. Young Starlings are on the wing leading to large feeding flocks on the meadows.
Notable records during the week included our first brood of Mallard chicks, a Tawny Owl calling from behind Cherry Orchard and a Peregrine Falcon flying over. A Barn Swallow and several Sand Martins flew over during the morning. Up to 5 Linnets were recorded apparently breeding.
MAMMALS: During the week a family of Roe Deer were recorded, buck, doe and foal on the scrape.
6 May 2021
Cloudy, clearing later, 5° to 13°C; wind calm to NW 2
BIRDS: As the breeding season gets under way it becomes harder to find species that do not actually breed on Avon Meadows so the count this week is down to 41. The big news is that a male Montagu's Harrier flew over this afternoon, the 133rd species for Avon Meadows. Cuckoo's are around but have not settled to a territory as yet. A Kingfisher can often be seen fishing from the screen. Sedge and Reed Warblers are now numerous and Cetti's Warblers are singing strongly (as they do) from 4 territories. Sadly both Mute Swan's nests have been predated although the Canada Goose nest on the scrape is undisturbed so far. Swallows and House Martins continue to arrive. A single Mistle Thrush was recorded.
A Lesser Whitethroat was recorded during the week, another new species for 2021.
FLOWERS: Meadow Buttercups and Cow Parsley are just coming into flower.
29 April 2021
Clear and sunny with cloudy periods, 1° to 11°C; wind calm. The coldest April since the 60's.
BIRDS: Perhaps it is the cool weather but the bird count was a more modest 48 species today. The main arrival of hirundines is now under way. Notable sightings were a Kingfisher hovering over the scrape for 5 mins and hearing a Water Rail which have been very quiet of late. Good numbers of warblers now present. Cuckoos can be hard to find as they are not calling all the time. Linnets are being recorded regularly so breeding very likely. No really unusual birds this week.
Common Swifts arrived on Tuesday 27 April.
22 April 2021
Clear and sunny, cold at first, 0° to 14°C; wind calm to NE 2
BIRDS: Lovely weather brought out birds and bird observers! The total count was 52 species. Most notable was the arrival of Cuckoos with at least 4 present early in the morning. This coincided with the arrival of good numbers of Reed Warblers. Both Green and Common Sandpipers were found beside the river and a small number of Sand and House Martins passed through. Sadly the Grasshopper Warbler of last week did not stay. However there were plenty of other warblers including Sedge & Willow Warblers, Blackcaps, Common Whitethroats and Chiffchaffs.
BUTTERFLIES: Sunshine equals butterflies at this time of year. New observations for 2021 today were; Large, Small and Green-veined Whites, Orangetip and Holly Blue.
20 April 2021
BIRDS: Our first Cuckoo of the year arrived this evening! It seemed to be part of a general bird movement. In the morning the number of Reed Warblers had arrived and a Little Ringed Plover appeared on the scrape. Later in the afternoon a Common Redstart was recorded (only the 3rd record for Avon Meadows), a Little Egret and 4 Swallows flew over.
15 April 2021
Clear and frosty at first, sunny later, -1° to 11°C; wind calm to E 2
BIRDS: Another high total today of 52 species as the summer visitors begin to arrive. Perhaps the highlight of the morning was a record of Common Grasshopper Warbler singing just one day earlier that it arrived in 2020. A single Sand Martin and Barn Swallow flew over during the morning and both Reed and Sedge Warblers were recorded although very small numbers at the moment. There are two established nests for Mute Swans and one for a Canada Goose, this last is on the scrape. A Little Ringed Plover appeared briefly on the scrape. Several Common Whitethroats were recorded as were several parties of Linnets.
A Common Oystercatcher and two Jack Snipes were recorded during the week.
8 April 2021
Overcast at first and sunny later, 4°-11°C; wind SW 2-4
BIRDS: Better weather brought out lots of observers resulting in a total count of 50 species today. 5 Common Teal and 2 Common Snipe were recorded on the scrape. A male Sparrowhawk was observed displaying. Coots continue to be hard to find and Sedge Warblers are only present in very small numbers at the moment. 6 late Meadow Pipits were seen and a Linnet flew over.
2 April 2021: 2 Green Sandpipers dropped onto the scrape in mid-morning and stayed for the rest of the day.
4 April 2021: The first Sedge Warbler to arrive was recorded today.
5 April 2021: 3 Little Egrets landed on the scrape briefly before being chased off by Mute Swans! 2 Little Ringed Plovers put in a very brief appearance and the first Yellow Wagtail of the year flew over.
6 April 2021: The first Common Whitethroat of the year was recorded today.
7 April 2021: The Little Ringed Plovers returned this afternoon only to be chased off by a dog!!!
A Roe Deer stag was seen on the scrape on the afternoon of 7 April.
1 April 2021
Overcast with a cold breeze, 8°-10°C; wind NE 4
BIRDS: I not very pleasant conditions we managed a count of 43 species. Cetti's Warblers could be holding as many as 6 territories but the Water Rails are silent so although we know they are present counts are difficult. All birds on site are very much in breeding mode, prominent among them are Mute Swans (2 nests) and Stock Doves (2 territories). Most of the summer visitors are awaited.
29 March 2021: 3 Little Egrets landed on the scrape very briefly before being chased off by the swans. An Osprey flew over in the afternoon, the 4th record for Avon Meadows.
30 March 2021: A Willow Warbler was recorded in the afternoon, the first for 2021
31 March 2021: The first House Martins arrived today.
FLOWERS: Ladies Smock (Cuckooflower) dot the meadows now and Marsh Marigold are in flower in their usual spot behind Cherry Orchard.
29 March 2021
BIRDS: An Osprey flew over Avon Meadows this afternoon, heading west - just the 4th record.
25 March 2021
Sunny periods, 6°-12°; wind S 3-4
BIRDS: An in-between period now the winter visitors have left and most of the summer visitors yet to arrive. Reasonable weather resulted in a count of 41 species. The Mute Swans have established 2 nests now on Avon Meadows. Small parties of Linnets were recorded, not a common species on Avon Meadows. No hirundines have been recorded this week. There seem to be 4 established Cetti's Warbler territories now. This is the best time of year to actually see this species! A Kingfisher uses the scrape regularly but you have to be either lucky or very patient to see it as it does not come often and does not stay for long.
MAMMALS: A Roe Deer has been seen on the scrape on several occasions recently.
18 March 2021
Overcast and cool, 1° to 7°C; wind calm to W 1
BIRDS: A good count today of 50 species. The first Swallows of the year were recorded today, ahead by 12 days from the previous early record for this species. Cetti's Warblers and Water Rails are both calling regularly indicating the possibility of several breeding pairs of each. 2 Mute Swans nests are under construction. 6 Common Teal were present on the scrape which is also being used by Black-headed, Lesser Black-backed and Herring Gulls from time to time. A single Common Snipe was recorded today. A Kingfisher often perches in the willow tree in front of the bird screen although sadly it does not often stay for long.
Earlier in the week a pair of Tufted Duck was recorded on the main pool. Also a pair of Linnets. Remarkably, on 17 March, a Merlin was watched for 10-15 minutes chasing a Lapwing over Avon Meadows.
11 March 2021
Very windy! Overcast at first, sunny later, 7°-9°C; wind W 5 gusting 8.
BIRDS: The high winds kept the birds down thereby limiting the count to 41 species. A Great Black-backed Gull flew over, not common inland but our second record for this year. Water Rails were present but comparatively silent, not so Cetti's Warbler that were singing lustily! Flocks totalling 90 Redwings are present but the Fieldfares seem to have gone and only 1 Meadow Pipit was found. Chiffchaffs are beginning to sing.
The highlight of the week was the sighting of a new species for Avon Meadows when 4 Corn Buntings flew over making 132 species recorded on Avon Meadows in total. A Peregrine Falcon flew down the river in the week which was new for 2021.
4 March 2021
High cloud, sunny later, 8°-11°C; wind SW 2
BIRDS: Really poor light today moderated the bird count. The two key sightings today were of Merlin and Sand Martin. A single Linnet also turned up. Pied and Grey Wagtails were recorded from the scrape. There were up to 5 Common Teal on the scrape.
2 Sand Martins seen on Wednesday 3 March are a new early record for this species on Avon Meadows. On the same day a pair of Northern Shoveler spent the day on the scrape.
25 February 2021
Overcast, thick cloud, 3°-5°C; wind NE 2
BIRDS: Nice weather brought out the birds leading to a total of 51 species recorded today. A Little Grebe had been on the main pool for a couple of days. Water Rails and Cetti's Warblers are all calling. A pair of Kingfishers was seen checking a possible nest site. Meadow Pipits and Redwings still present as were Stonechats. Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Goldcrest were nice birds to find.
A Red Kite flew over the scrape at the weekend.
AMPHIBIANS: Common Frogs calling.
18 February 2021
Overcast with rain early on, sunny later, 8°C; wind SW 3-4
BIRDS: The nice weather later on in the day encouraged more observers to venture forth and the birds liked it too resulting in a total species count of 50 today. Several less common birds on Avon Meadows turned up today including Common Snipe, Lapwing, Goldcrest and Linnet. It is pleasing to note that the Greenfinch count is increasing, 6 today. Cetti's Warblers were heard in 4 locations and Water Rails were vociferous too. Stock Doves are establishing their presence too. It seems that there is a passage of birds at the moment and today 7 Stonechats were recorded in the afternoon including 3 pairs.
BUTTERFLIES: A Small Tortoiseshell found in a sunny spot today was a new early record for Avon Meadows.
11 February 2021
Mainly sunny with occasional cloudy periods, -5° to -1°C; wind calm to NE 2
BIRDS: The find (albeit cold) weather brought out plenty of birds resulting in a count of 44 species. The highlight species was a Great Black-backed Gull flying over. The frozen pools tended to keep water birds away. However a party of 8 Lapwings was spotted. The female Stonechat in the S Meadow seems to be quite tame and allows quite close approach. The overwintering Blackcap is still around. Tawny Owls are calling behind Cherry Orchard regularly from about 22h00 onwards.
4 February 2021
Clear at first, cloudy later, 1° to 7°C; wind calm.
BIRDS: The sunshine encouraged the birds to sing and there were plenty of them giving rise to a total count of 47 species. The surprise sighting of the morning was a pair of Treecreepers in one of the big Oak trees along Mill Lane. 5 Stonechats were recorded as well as both Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers. 4 separate Cetti's Warblers were recorded including one that was watched displaying; a rare pleasure for such a shy bird. The Coot was back on the main pool again. In less disturbed areas flocks of up to 100 Redwing could be seen foraging on the ground.
The highlight of the week was a Great White Egret flying over on 3 February.
28 January 2021
Sunny with cloudy periods, 10° to 12°C; wind SW 3-5
BIRDS: Birds were more difficult to find today reducing the count to 40 species. The Kingfisher was again evident. An overwintering Blackcap was discovered. Up to 4 Mistle Thrushes were a nice sighting. A pair of Stonechats were recorded near the pools in the S Meadow. 4 Greenfinches were recorded, several singing, something which has been an uncommon species recently. 3 Ravens flew over.
21 January 2021
Light cloud clearing to sunny morning, 3° to 6°C; wind SW 4-5
BIRDS: Today's count was 43 species, normal for this time of year. The highlight was a flock of 80 Northern Lapwings taking advantage of partially flooded meadows. A Kingfisher was seen several times as it searched for clear water to fish. A Common Coot was recorded for the first time since 4 June 2020! Water Rail and Cetti's Warbler were heard and seen respectively. All 3 common raptors appeared during the morning, Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel.
14/15 January 2021
Overcast but dry, 1° to 2°C; wind calm.
This week's count was spread over 2 mornings as the weather forecast for Thursday was awful. In the event it did not rain at all! A reasonable count today of 42 species without anything very unusual turning up. A dozen Common Snipe flew over, Kestrel, Buzzard and Sparrowhawk were recorded. Cetti's Warblers have been relatively visible and Water Rails have been heard. There are still one or two Blackcaps to be found and there were 2 Common Stonechats in recorded. Reed Buntings are present but hard to see.
7 January 2021
A dull cold morning with mist throughout, -4° to -1°C; wind W 1 to SW 2
BIRDS: A total of 40 species were recorded today in poor visibility. Highlights were 2 pairs of Northern Shovelers, a Little Grebe on the river with a Common Kingfisher showing well in the same area. At least 3 Common Snipe were present. 2 Moorhens were seen up in one of the large willow trees beside the main pool. There are now 4 Common Stonechats present, 1 male and 3 females.
There have been some interesting sightings since the turn of the year including; Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Bullfinch, Goldcrest, Coal Tit, Linnet and Tawny Owl.
31 December 2020
A cold, crisp morning with mist rising off the meadows. A nice clear sky, -3° - +1°C; wind calm.
BIRDS: A good count this morning totalling 46 species. Highlights were a single Little Egret flying down the river and a flock of 70 Lapwings. Water Rail and Cetti's Warbler were both heard. There were at least 2 overwintering Blackcaps present. I single Common Snipe was noted in the late afternoon on the scrape. Fieldfares were scarce but there were plenty of Redwings to be counted. Chaffinch, Greenfinch and Goldfinch were present in small numbers and there were small numbers of Meadow Pipits in the North Meadow..
24 December 2020
Whole wetland flooded after 40mm of rain fell on 23rd. This limited access for counting. Otherwise a nice sunny day, 1°-4°C; wind NW 2-3.
BIRDS: A lower than usual total today, 38 species. No new species for the month but large counts of Black-headed Gulls and Starlings. Cetti's Warbler and Water Rail both heard. Highlight was a pair of Peregrine Falcons chasing pigeons over Cherry Orchard. There were two Stonechats present and a Kingfisher desperately seeking water he could see through to fish.
17 December 2020
Clear and sunny, 4°-10°C; wind S 2-3
BIRDS: A good count this week of 44 species but no new birds for December. No new species for the month though. There were 5 Mute Swans in addition to our resident 4. No waterfowl are showing any signs of Avian Flu at the moment. A grand total of 81 Mallard were recorded. Oddly, no Coot, no Snipe. The Redwing population seems to be building, ~150 were recorded this week. 2 Blackcap wre recorded and 10 Long-tailed Tits. It was nice to find 6 each of Chaffinch and Greenfinch.
10 December 2020
Sunny periods at first clouding over later, 6°-10°C; wind S 2 veering E 3
BIRDS: An excellent count this week of 52 species. There were Northern Shoveler and Common Teal on the scrape to accompany the Canada Goose with a damaged wing. Kingfishers have been much easier to see on Avon Meadows of late presumably because of the turbidity of the river (can't see the fish!). A European Siskin in the N hedge was a good record as was a pair of Goldcrests. An overwintering Blackcap was a good find. Thrushes performed well with, 2 Mistle Thrushes, 3 Song Thrushes. 32 Blackbirds, 7 Fieldfares and 90 Redwing recorded.
3 December 2020
Heavily overcast with light rain, 5°C; wind S 2
BIRDS: Given the weather, a good out this week of 45 species. A Jay put in an appearance from across the river. It is nice to be sing Greenfinches and Chaffinches more frequently. A Cetti's Warbler was seen and Water Rail heard from time to time. There are certainly two Stonechat's present as a male and female were recorded. The winter ducks have had a good week with small numbers of Common Teal, Gadwall and Northern Shoveler all appearing today.
26 November 2020
Clear sky but mist all morning with weak sun, -1°-3°C; wind calm.
BIRDS: Just 40 species recorded today. The Canada Goose on the scrape seems to have a damaged wing. Rook was a new species for this month. Common Stonechats are hard to find at the moment but the winter thrushes, Fieldfare and Redwing are present together with the resident Blackbird, Song Thrush and Mistle Thrush. One Meadow Pipit was seen. Cetti's Warbler and Water Rail are heard regularly although not frequently.
19 November 2020
Overcast at first, clearing later as the wind veered NW; 9°C; wind SW 3 veering NW 4
BIRDS: Anot her respectable total of 47 species today. 10 Mute Swan were recorded, an unusually high count. Common Teal were present and a Common Snipe flushed from near the scrape. A pair of Stock Doves can often be found in one of the willows in the S Meadow. Skylarks and Meadow Pipits were recorded during the day particularly over the N Meadow. Common Stonechats are present along Piddle Brook and in the S Meadow. Unusually, 3 Kestrels were seen today.
During the week a Red Kite soared over, a Green Woodpecker was recorded and an oddly scarce Greenfinch turned up.
12 November 2020
Light cloud, sunny, 7°-10°C; wind SW 1-3
BIRDS: A respectable total of 46 species were recorded. Waterfowl are roosting overnight on the scrape resulting in high counts of Canada Geese and Mallard. Teal and Wigeon have turned up in smaller numbers. Small numbers of over wintering Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs were recorded. 3 Common Stonechats were recorded and a flock of 20 Lesser Redpolls flew over in the late afternoon. 2 Goldcrests were found and both Pied and Grey Wagtails were present. Cetti's Warblers and Water Rails were present as has become the norm.
5 November 2020
Early morning mist giving way to a lovely sunny morning, 5°-10°C; wind calm.
BIRDS: A good total of 44 species with some interesting ones among them. The undoubted highlight was a Green Sandpiper dropping onto the scrape quite early on. Other interesting species were, a Coal Tit near Wyre Mill, a Chiffchaff behind Cherry Orchard and a pair of Goldcrests near the N Gate. Stonechats (pair) were very mobile, Cetti's Warblers and Water Rails could be heard from time to time. There were unusually high counts of Robins and Blackbirds suggesting that there were some arrivals from Europe joining the resident population. A Common Snipe was found on the scrape and there were several Common Teal, the males now fully moulted into their smart breeding plumage.
29 October 2020
Overcast with drizzle, 9°-11°C; wind S 3 gusting 6.
BIRDS: A good total of 44 species today in spite of the wind. The species listed for last week were all recorded again today. Only 3 Common Stonechats could be found today but 2 Goldcrests was a nice record as were 5 Chaffinches. There are large numbers of roosting birds that move off at first light, these are Canada Geese (34), Mallard (56) and Black-headed Gulls (150). Another early bird was a Common Snipe on the scrape. There were 6 Northern Shoveler on the main pool at first light, only our second record for 2020.
22 October 2020
Cloudy at first clearing later to a lovely sunny day, 10°-12°C; wind SW 1-3
BIRDS: An interesting day without any really unusual sightings but a total species count of 44. Winter visitors were recorded including Fieldfares, Redwings and Meadow Pipits. The Common Stonechat count is now 5. Less usual residents showed too including a Kingfisher and a pair of Chaffinches. As is almost usual, both a Water Rail and 4 Cetti's Warblers were heard. Reed Buntings are present but hard to detect at the moment. 2 Ravens flew over and parties of Long-tailed Tits could be found with patience.
BUTTERFLIES: A late Peacock was recorded this morning.
17 October 2020 - 2 Jack Snipe put up off the scrape during a work party. This was the first sighting of this species in 2020.
15 October 2020
Light cloud slowly clearing to give a nice sunny morning, 5°-10°C; wind N 1-2
BIRDS: The nice weather brought out the birds and bird watchers leading to a total count of 45 species. Most notably Fieldfares and Redwings were arriving in number for the winter. The Mute Swan cygnets are now flying. Cetti's Warblers and Water Rail were heard. There are 3 Stonechats on site at present, mostly in the S meadow around the newly cut reeds or the temporary ponds, let us hope these will stay for the winter. 2 Goldcrests were located well away from their normally preferred conifers. Meadow Pipits and Skylarks were recorded flying over. There were several Common Teal on the main pool. A female Sparrowhawk was recorded on a number of occasions. Although not present today, Common Snipe have been recorded on the scrape during the week.
11 October 2020
BIRDS: Winter visitors are beginning to find the recently flooded scrape, there were 2 Common Snipe present this morning to join the Mute Swans, Mallard and Grey Heron.
8 October 2020
Sunny periods and showers, cool.
BIRDS: Only 35 species recorded this week but some interesting ones. The most significant news is that the heavy rainfall at the beginning of October has put water back into the scrape for the first time since the end of May. Hard work by our volunteer work parties have cleared the scrape area before the rain came so that we now have clear areas of open water.
The most notable record of the week was of a flock of Northern Pintail flying over in late morning. This is only our second record for this species. The Cetti's Warblers are singing again and Meadow Pipits are a regular sight, usually flying over. Records for Rook, Linnet and the occasional Swallow passing through have all contributed to the total species count for October rising to 51.
1 October 2020
Broken cloud with long sunny periods, 8°-12°C; wind SW 1-3
BIRDS: Much nicer weather from last week but still a total of 41 species. The Water Rail continues to show well on the main pool. The Teal number on the main pool has increased a little. Overall there seemed to be plenty of birds to be seen. This week 2 Cetti's Warblers were recorded; Blackcap and Chiffchaff boosted the warbler number. Many wildfowl seem to be using the main pool to roost overnight and most fly off at first light. Birds of prey are still hard to find but there were 2 Buzzards recorded today. Skylarks flyover from time to time and Meadow Pipits are a more frequent sight although none are stopping at present. Goldcrest and Coal Tit were the least usual sightings today. A small party of Swallows flew over, it is getting late for them now.
24 September 2020
Overnight rain followed by heavy showers and sunny periods. cool, 9°-11°C; wind SW 2-5
BIRDS: Total species count of 41 species today in spite of the weather. The low level of the main pool encouraged the Water Rail to show. A party of Common Teal have moved onto the main pool during their moult. A Red Kite flew over to cheer up those that managed to see it. There was a late Swallow & a House Martin flying over and a Willow Warbler and Common Whitethroat turned up. Cetti's Warbler has begun to sing again from time to time. A pair of Mistle Thrushes flew over too which was a surprise. Meadow Pipits are passing through regularly now.
17 September 2020
Light cloud clearing, sunny and warm, 12°-18°C; wind NW 2-5. No rain since 2 Sep 2020.
BIRDS: A count total of 36 species today. A Sparrowhawk and Common Snipe made their first appearance for this September. A few Meadow Pipits were flying over and some Swallows too. A Water Rail was showing well on the muddy margins of the main pool. There was a pair of Teal on the main pool and Chiffchaff numbers were good. Otherwise the only warbler was a young Blackcap. A Kingfisher showed on the river but Reed Buntings, although present, were hard to find.
10 September 2020
Overcast, cool, 8°-16°C; wind calm.
BIRDS: The group managed to find 40 species today in spite of superficially quite bird life! A Meadow Pipit flew over and both our Water Rails and Cetti's Warblers were heard. There were 2 Whinchats on the scrape today after having been just one all week. There were small numbers of House Martins and Swallows passing through. There were still one or two Reed Warblers present and a late Willow Warbler turned up. Three Ravens flew over and there 3 Common Teal at the far end of the main pool among the tree stumps making them difficult to see.
5 September 2020
BIRDS: It was the West Midlands All-dayer today whereby bird watchers across the West Midlands select a site and count as many bird species as they can over a 24-hour period. 2 FoAM Bird Group members took on the challenge and finished with a very creditable 55 species, this particularly in consideration of how dry it still is. Bird highlights were, a Tawny Owl soon after dawn, a Little Egret flying over and four Siskins, new for 2020 and our 99th species for the year.
3 September 2020
Overcast with rain later, 17°-20°C; wind S 2-4
BIRDS: It is that time of year, birds can be hard to find so we struggled to find 39 species today. A Whinchats eventually showed itself in the late afternoon, this is a new late record for the species.. There was an early Meadow Pipit which was good and a Cetti's Warbler was heard for the first time in several weeks. Warbler numbers are beginning to dwindle, no Sedge or Reed Warblers, 2 Willow Warblers and a single Blackcap were recorded. An early Meadow Pipit was recorded in the late afternoon. After careful consideration, a Mallard-sized duck with a red bill was deemed to be a male Red-crested Pochard in eclipse plumage, only our second record of this species.
29 August 2020
BIRDS: There were 2 Whinchats on the scrape this morning.
BUTTERFLIES: A Purple Hairstreak was reported sunning itself on brambles. This is a new species for Avon Meadows. It is unusual to find this species so far from oak trees.
BEETLES: A small red beetle was found and photographed, Anthocomus rufus , this is a new species for Avon Meadows.
DRAGONFLIES: Although there was a cool breeze there were dragonfleis about. A Ruddy Darter was recorded which is an unusual species to see on Avon Meadows. There were Southern and Brown Hawkers flying too.
27 August 2020
Light cloud and sun early on, overcast and heavy rain later, 13°-15°C; wind calm to SW 1
BIRDS: Dry to just after 11h00 allowing 44 species to be recorded. Whinchats have been present all week which is unusual for Avon Meadows. Heavy rain has caused the level of the main pool to rise sufficiently to submerge the muddy margins so a Water Rail was only heard today. A late Common Swift flew over and there was a significant passage of Swallows and House Martins. The two Mute Swan cygnets on the main pool have fully developed flight feathers and can be seen trying to take off from time to time. A good variety of warblers are still present including W illow Warbler, Blackcap and Whitethroat.
During the last week, since 20 Aug, a female/juvenile Common Redstart and 2 Spotted Flycatchers have been recorded passing through.
23 August 2020
FUNGI: A new fungus was found and photographed today, Yellow Fieldcap, which is an attractive small species.
20 August 2020
Clear, cool, sunny, 14°-23°C; wind S 2-5
BIRDS: After heavy rain on Wednesday, Thursday was nice and sunny allowing 44 species to be recorded. During the week a Tree Pipit passed through which was new for Avon Meadows, our 131st species. Another scarce passage bird in the week was Common Redstart. The warbler passage continued with Garden Warbler and Lesser Whitethroat added to the list. Today no less than 5 Whinchats were recorded, remarkable for birds usually seen in 1's and 2's. A Cetti's Warbler was recorded today too and a Water Rail was seen at the edge of the main pool.
12 August 2020
Light cloud, humid, sunny, 21°-34°C; wind calm - NE 1. Note that this week's count was brought forward by one day as the weather forecast was for thunderstorms on Thursday.
Water levels in the main pool were extremely low but there were plenty of birds about and 49 species were recorded on Wednesday with a few records from Thursday. The day was notable for the number of birds passing through, particularly warblers. There were particularly good numbers of Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers. A Whinchat was seen on the scrape and there were 2 Teal in eclipse plumage on the main pool. A Water Rail was seen on the main pool taking advantage of the muddy foreshore. A total of 60 House Martins passed through. During the week a Tawny Owl had been seen and heard. Several small parties of Linnets were present.
6 August 2020
Overcast, clearing later, 18°-22°C; wind SW 1-3
BIRDS: Another good total species count today of 45. There were several interesting records today. A Common Snipe turned up which was a new early autumn record, a Little Egret flow over, 2 young Hobbies were watched interlocking their talons in play and at least 3 Willow Warblers were located. A single immature/female type Bullfinch turned up, only the second record this year. It was a good day for birds of prey for in addition to the Hobbies there was a Sparrowhawk, Buzzard and Peregrine Falcon.
31 July 2020
Light cloud and moonlight, mild, 21°-15°C; wind SW 3
MOTHS: Due to COVID-19 precautions we are only running 2 traps this summer and with only one person per trap so as to maintain social distancing. With that qualification, our results have been very good. A total of 74 species this evening was an excellent result. There were 2 new species for Avon Meadows; Antler Moth and the micro moth Brachmia blandella . There were big numbers of Ruby Tiger, Shuttle-shaped Dart and Large Yellow Underwing.
30 July 2020
Light cloud and long sunny periods, 15°-22°C; wind SW 0-2
BIRDS: A good count of 43 species this morning. Unusual sightings this morning were Garden Warbler and Lesser Whitethroat. A Sand Martin turned up this morning, the first for several weeks and both Linnet pairs were recorded. There was a good number of Barn Swallows this morning which has not been the case for much of the summer.
23 July 2020
Overcast clearing by late morning, 15°- 20°C; wind SW 1-2
Just 39 species today. Common Swifts were present in good number and Barn Swallow numbers have improved, presumably out feeding young in the nest. Many birds have stopped singing now so finding them is harder! Among the young birds there was a young Green Woodpecker around today. Common Linnets are still present but moving around whereas last week they were loyal to a particular bush. There is still water in the main pool but levels are getting low. All our warblers are still around.
16 July 2020
Overcast clearing by late morning, 15°-18°C; wind SW 1-2
BIRDS: Better counts this week with a total of 43 species. A Common Tern flew over in mid-morning almost exactly a year after one flew past last year! The Moorhen's nest in the middle of the main pool has been dismantled by the Grey Heron but the two Mute Swan cygnets continue to do well. There are lots of young warblers (e.g. Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Whitethroat, Reed and Sedge Warblers) and tits about and the Linnets are still very much in evidence.
BUTTERFLIES: Over the last week, Gatekeepers and Ringlets have made an appearance and if you are luck you can find Marbled Whites too.
DRAGONFLIES: Brown Hawkers can be seen now on sunny days without too much wind.
9 July 2020
Overcast after overnight rain, clearing slowly, 14°-19°C; wind SW 2-4
BIRDS: A slow day today when a comparatively modest 40 species were recorded. A pair of Common Linnets had been showing well all week. Common Swift numbers remain good but Barn Swallows are down. Cetti's Warbler was heard just once but as with many birds they have moved away from their nesting territories as young birds take to the wing. In spite of recent rain, the scrape remains dry so no incentive for water birds to drop in. A Moorhen is nesting in the middle of the main pool as the level is so low. A Grey Heron has been taking advantage of the pool's low level as it can stand on the bottom and fish!
BUTTERFLIES: On recent sunny days, Small Coppers, Common Blues and Small Skippers can be seen now.
2 July 2020
Broken cloud at first light thickened and a sharp shower dampened mid-morning, then the sun broke through, 12°-18°C; wind SW 2-3
BIRDS: After a slow start the birds perked up with the weather and a total of 48 species was recorded. The Mute Swans retain their 2 cygnets and the main pool is enlivened by second Mallard broods. Young Whitethroats and Reed Warblers were particularly noticeable. A young Cetti's Warbler was recorded and a Grasshopper Warbler called briefly. A Red Kite flew over as did 3 Ravens. Robins were quiet and hard to find but Wrens and Blackbirds were plentiful. A pair or Linnets was located which is a nice summer record for us.
25 June 2020
Clear and sunny all morning, 17°-30°, wind NE 0-3
BIRDS: A vast difference in weather from last week! The birds liked it too and we recorded 40 species. Second Mallard broods are on the main pool and a Moorhen is nesting in the middle of the pool. Young Long-tailed, Great and Blue Tits are easy to find. Reed Warbler young can be seen too as they are not quite as shy as their parents. Common Swifts are numerous and Swallows and House Martins are present but not in large numbers. Two Grey Herons and a Little Egret flew over. A Red Kite was reported during the last week.
DRAGONFLIES: The transect that took place on 24 June turned up good numbers of dragonflies in the hot weather. Species recorded were Banded Demoiselle, White-legged, Blue-tailed, Common Blue, Azure and Red-eyed Damselflies, Emperor Dragonfly and Scarce Chaser.
MAMMALS: Early this morning an adult Red Fox and a cup were seen together on the scrape and a Roe Deer was disturbed off one of the paths. There was a report of a European Otter on the river "two weeks ago".
22 June 19
Two members ran 3 traps on what turned out to be a very good night. A total of 68 species were trapped, identified and released among which were 2 new micro-moths for Avon Meadows; Pseudargyrotoza conwagana and Eucosma hohenwartiana, two long names for tiny moths. Some attractive species turned up too including Swallowtail Moth, Elephant Hawk Moth, Buff-tip, Beautiful Hook-tip among many.
18 June 2020
Heavy rain all morning, 13°-14°, wind NW 2
BIRDS: The weather kept the bird fairly quiet and reduced the enthusiasm of the observers! The count today was down to 40 species. There were at last 3 Cuckoos present and there are a lot of young birds on the wing now. A Great Spotted Woodpecker flew over. More Mallard chicks continue to appear too. A possible Rose-ringed Parakeet has been seen in the area so something to look out for. Otherwise all the usual suspects!
11 June 2020
Overcast with occasional light rain, 11°-14°C; wind NE 2 strengthening to 6
BIRDS: The weather did not presage a high count but today we did manage 44 species. The scrape is now completely dry so fewer water birds will come in. Generally breeding birds are doing well with 7 more Mallard chicks on the main pool and many species feeding young. The main pool is quite shallow in places which allows a Grey Heron to visit and fish. Sad news is that one of our Mute Swan cygnets has disappeared, presumed dead, with a Fox the suspected culprit. Common Cuckoos have been very active in the early morning with several males competing for one female. Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Common Whitethroat are all singing as are Cetti's, Reed and Sedge Warblers. A non-breeding Teal turned up on the Thursday bird count.
FLOWERS: In spite of everything the weather has thrown at us there are small patches of Yellow-rattle and Meadow Vetchling in flower.
MAMMALS: A Fox has been seen a number of times, it is in the frame for the lost or one of our cygnets. A male Roe Deer has taken to using the scrape.
4 June 2020
Overcast, cool, 8°-12°C; wind N 0-3.
BIRDS: A count of 50 species in spite of the weather. Highlights were a pair of European Jays flying through, Grasshopper Warbler showing definite evidence of breeding and good numbers of Swifts and House Martins. A single Willow Warbler put in an appearance in the afternoon. A Raven flew over during the morning. It appears that Common Linnets are breeding. There are big numbers of Starlings and House Sparrows as the young birds take to the wing.
28 May 2020
Clear and sunny, 12°-25°C; wind E 0- 1. A lovely morning!
BIRDS: The total species count for the day is 54. Two new species for the year were recorded, Common Tern and Garden Warbler. The Grasshopper Warbler was heard briefly on the scrape. Both Water Rail and Cetti's Warbler were recorded today. Oddly no birds of prey were seen. At least 3 Cuckoos are present (2 male and 1 female) leading to competition between the males. A Tufted Duck put in a brief appearance on the main pool where where was a Grey Heron standing in the middle as the level is quite low.
BUTTERFLIES: An early Meadow Brown was see this morning, a new early date for Avon Meadows.
FLOWERS: The Water Lilies are coming out on the river and Thread-leaved Water Dropwort is out in drainage channels that still have water in them! The floods of winter followed by the draught of spring have not been kind to our wild flowers and the variety coming into bloom is much reduced.
21 May 2020
After a cloudy start the sky cleared with a consequent rise in temperature, 12°-22°, wind calm to SW 3. With only a trace of rain so far in May, the scrape is now almost completely dry.
BIRDS: The count was down a little today at 45 species after 2 excellent weeks. There were 2 new birds for the month, a Common Pheasant was seen in the week and a European Jay today. Cuckoos are still very busy and audible around the reserve but the greatest commotion was caused by the Starlings whose number has ballooned as the young birds take to the wing. The Mute Swans on the river have moved off but those on the main pool are looking after their 3 cygnets and were joined by 3 goslings of the Greylag Geese. Another Hobby was seen in the week and Swift and House Martin numbers are beginning to build. A Grasshopper Warbler has been heard very occasionally.
BUTTERFLIES: An early Common Blue was seen in the N meadow this morning.
DRAGONFLIES: On warmer days dragonflies are beginning to show. At early Emperor Dragonfly was recorded on 20 May.
14 May 2020
Clear and sunny with cool breeze, 0°-10°C; wind NE 0-4
BIRDS: Birds were relatively quiet today although we did manage to log 46 species. It was exciting to learn that a Barn Owl has been using one of our nest boxes. A small number of Whinchats passed through today. Our Mute Swans have been generating a lot of interest, those on the main pool hatched 4 cygnets, sadly one of which as disappeared, and those on the river produced no less than 7 cygnets! The Cuckoos are putting on an excellent display with both male and females calling and as many as 4 Cuckoos present at any one time. There has been no sign of the Grasshopper Warbler since last week. All our summer warblers are in full song!
DRAGONFLIES: Our first transect of the year was undertaken on 8 May, the most recent warm day! A total of 5 species was logged, good for the time of year, including; Banded Demoiselle, White-legged, Large Red, Blue-tailed and Red-eyed Damselflies.
The unusually dry weather is not helping the flowers but even so the grassland is full of Meadow Buttercups and both Hogweed and Cow Parsley are in flower. More recently, Yellow Iris is out in the reed beds and Black Mustard along field edges.
7 May 2020
Clear and sunny with occasional light cloud, 6°-20°C; wind calm.
BIRDS: The nice weather brought the birds in and our new coronavirus recording regime (as individuals) means we cover a longer period in the morning overall. This has resulted in a new Thursday morning high count of 54 species! New birds for the year were Lesser Whitethroat and Whinchat. Cetti's Warblers are singing loudly There was a Little Egret on the scrape and a Little Ringed Plover dropped in during the morning. There is a pair of Cuckoos present in and around much of the time now. The Grasshopper Warbler is heard very occasionally but mobile and hard to find.
During the week we had our first Hobby and Yellow Wagtail for the year.
30 April 2020
Light cloud with sunny periods, rain later 6°-9°C; wind SE 3-5
BIRDS: Reasonable weather soon after sunrise but cold and windy later but still 50 species. Two Cuckoos present from time to time one female and one male (call). A Little Egret and 2 Oystercatchers put in an appearance on the scrape. Barn Swallows are becoming more numerous. All the usual warblers were singing.
Common Grasshopper Warbler heard yesterday for the first time in several days. A Tawny Owl has been reported calling at night.
Meadow Buttercups are colouring the meadows, Hawthorn is in flower as are both Hogweed and Cow Parsley.
23 April 2020
Clear and sunny, 6°-16°C (21°C later); wind NE 0-1
BIRDS: Another good week this week with a total species count of 52. Attention continues to be drawn to the Grasshopper Warblers of which 2 were seen together today and up to 4 in the week. Common Whitethroats are arriving now. 2 Cuckoos were seen together early in the morning in trees to the south of the main pool. The can be heard now calling most of the time. Mute Swans have 2 nests and Cetti's Warblers are holding 3 territories. Swifts have arrived and were seen with small numbers of Swallows and House Martins. A Little Ringed Plover put in a brief appearance on the scrape where Greylag and Canada Geese make a noisy presence. A pair of Linnets were seen in late morning, not a common species with us.
BUTTERFLIES: Orangtips were particularly numerous today. Peacocks and Large Whites were also in evidence.
REPTILES: A Grass Snake was seen swimming in the channel near the bird screen.
16 April 2020
Mist over the meadows early one quickly burned off to give a lovely sunny morning; 4°- 20°C; wind calm.
BIRDS: Summer visitors are arriving in number now and we ended up with a total of 51 species. Hirundines are only present in small numbers so far but the bird of the morning was a Grasshopper Warbler singing in the reed beds, our first spring record. There were plenty of Sedge Warblers, Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs with Reed Warblers and Whitethroats are just beginning to arrive. The first Cuckoo was heard yesterday and again today but only very early in the morning. Goldcrests are nesting.
BUTTERFLIES: As the day warmed up there were plenty of Orangetips and Peacocks together with Holly Blue, Speckled Wood, Brimstone, Large White and Small Tortoiseshell.
FLOWERS: Meadow Buttercups are just beginning to come into flower.
9 April 2020
Early morning cloud clearing rapidly for a warm, sunny morning, 8°- 20°C; wind NE 0-3
BIRDS: A lovely spring morning with the beginning of summer arrivals led to a total of 42 species. Two Swallows passed through and we found our first Willow Warbler and Sedge Warbler, one of each. There is a pair of Little Grebes on the main pool and this morning they were jointed by a pair of Tufted Ducks. One of our nesting Coots has produced two chicks. The most surprising sighting of the morning was a flock of 50 Black-tailed Godwits flying over. As last week, there were plenty of Wrens and Reed Buntings singing as well as Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs.
In the last week we saw our first Swallow arrive, the Oystercatcher paid us several visits and a Little Egret spent a day on the scrape.
2 April 2020
Sunny periods, mild, 6°-13°C; wind SW 0-2
BIRDS: A total species count of 44 today with some evidence of bird movement. A single Oystercatcher and Little Ringed Plover were seen, the latter on the scrape. 11 Chiffchaffs today as the count continues to increase. Tufted Ducks have been on the scrape during the week but not today. A Grey Wagtail remains faithful to the riverside carpark. A single Raven flew over.
Marsh Marigolds are coming into flower.
26 March 2020
Sunny, cold -1°-10°C; wind calm
Nice weather but only 39 species recorded today, spring bird movement has not really started for us. We have two Mute Swans nesting (1 on main pool) and two Coots nesting on the main pool. A Mallard with 9 chicks showed, the first young birds of 2020. Water Rail and Cetti's Warbler can be heard in the reeds from time to time. 7 Chiffchaffs were recorded today as the summer visitors continue to arrive. Reed Buntings were very active today.
19 March 2020
Sunny and rather windy 5°-6°C; wind NE 3-4
Today was the first of many counts to be conducted under our Coronavirus regime. This means that we go out on a Thursday morning to count as usual but at a time of our choosing but as individuals not as a group. The recorder then consolidates the separate results into a single list.
The total species count today was 42. No Redwing today so perhaps they have gone back to Scandinavia. Highlights were pairs ot Gadwall and Tufted Duck on the scrape. A couple of Meadow Pipits were present and a Peregrine Falcon and 6 late Fieldfare flew over. Chiffchaff numbers are increasing, we recorded 4 today and a single Blackcap. Wrens seemed to be everywhere today, we logged 17.
FLOWERS: The first Cuckooflower (Ladies Smock) was seen in flower yesterday.
12 March 2020
Sunny and rather windy 5°-10°C; wind SW 4 gusting 7
We managed 40 species again this week so another rather quiet week. Our Stonechats have gone but Redwing and Meadow Pipits are still present. A Chiffchaff showed singing this morning, in the the vanguard of the spring arrivals. Tawny Owl, Rook and Red Kite have been recorded during the week. Water Rail and Cetti's Warblers are calling and Reed Buntings are singing.
5 March 2020
Sunny and rather windy 5°-6°C; wind N 3-5
BIRDS: We struggled to find 40 species today but managed it in the end. Our winter visitors are still around, Fieldfare, Redwing and Meadow Pipits included. A large number( 247) of Redwing flew over presumably starting their journey back to Scandinavia. We heard 2 Cettti's Warblers and 4 Water Rails so things are good there. Both Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers showed and two Mistle Thrushes showed up. The Grey Wagtail is still present in the carpark. Spring is around the corner!
27 February 2020
Sunny and rather windy 3°-7°C; wind N 2-6
Mostly the usual suspects were on show mixed with one or two nice surprises led to a total of 45 species. There are few birds on the scrape at present due presumably to disturbance as the reed screening that is usually there has been flattened by the weather. Winter visitors are beginning to move off and Redwing and Meadow Pipit counts are beginning to reduce. A pair of Gadwall on the scrape was a nice surprise but they were soon chased off by a pair of Coot! There are at least 4 Common Stonechats present at the moment plus 3 Cetti's Warblers and 3 Water Rails, the latter two only heard calling. There was a Grey Wagtail on the south carpark (presently closed due to flooding). A Linnet flew over and we found 3 Bullfinches (an unusual bird for us) just north of our north hedge.
21 February 2020
Overcast following flooding, 6°-9°C; wind SW 3-5
A largely uneventful morning saw us recorded 42 species. Water Rails and Cetti's Warblers were in good voice and the Reed Buntings are singing now. Grey and Pied Wagtails and Meadow Pipit numbers are all down. It was interesting to find a pair of wintering Blackcaps in one of the large willows behind Cherry Orchard. A pair of Linnets flew over.
13 February 2020
Sunny periods and showers, 7°-10°C; wind SW 3
BIRDS: Decent weather allowed us to amass a total of 44 species. Notable records included 2 Shelduck flying over, Water Rail and Cetti's Warbler continue to call and a high count (16) of Stock Doves, We logged one Kingfisher, both Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers and Grey and Pied Wagtails. Two Skylarks flew over, our first Thursday records for 2020. A Raven flew over and there were good numbers of Chaffinches and Greenfinches.
6 February 2020
Sunny with mist clearing, cold, -1°-6°C; wind calm.
BIRDS: In spite of the lovely weather new birds seem to have been in short supply although in the end we managed 40 species. Common Teal had been present in the week and we found 2 today on the scrape and a single Snipe flew up as the Teal moved off. The Water Rails were noisy, we counted 4 by call, similarly Cetti's Warbler where we recorded 5. Meadow Pipits and Pied Wagtails were present but in small numbers. On the assumption that the Stonechats were not especially mobile we counted 5 today, interestingly a pair was occupying the gardens around Cherry Orchard House. Two Blackcaps were seen near the school and there was a Goldcrest in the NW corner. A single Coal Tit turned up beside the 'white house' and today Dunnocks seemed to be everywhere displaying. Two Ravens flew over and that was it. No birds of prey and not many gulls.
30 January 2020
Overcast with light rain clearing later, 8°-11°C; wind S3 to calm
BIRDS:: Overcast skies kept the birds quiet although we did manage to record 38 species. Meadow Pipits, Grey and Pied Wagtails present in small numbers. We found 4 Coal Tits, a high count for Avon Meadows. A pair of Stonechats were found in an area of recently cut reeds. Two Goldcrests were a nice find and there were plenty of Chaffinches to be seen. Reed Buntings have begun to sing making them easier to locate. A pair of Cetti's Warblers were heard calling.
23 January 2020
Overcast, dull, misty, 6°-8°C; no wind.
BIRDS: Few birds around today but we managed 39 species with some of interest. 3 Water Rails and 3 Cetti's Warblers were heard. Five Lapwing flew over, scarce with us. There were quite a few Stock Doves around as indeed there were Blue Tits, we counted 44. Meadow Pipits and Pied Wagtails are still using the waterlogged meadows from time to time. Two Blackcaps turned up and one Treecreeper and a Linnet flew over, all three scarce on Avon Meadows..
16 January 2020
Sunny periods, 6°-10°C; wind SE to S, 4-6
BIRDS: A very good count today of 48 species in spite of the blustery weather. First records for 2020 were; Greylag Goose, Shelduck, Gadwall, Peregrine Falcon and Kingfisher. Common Gulls have been scarce so far this winter but there was one today in the Black-headed Gull flock. A Sparrowhawk flew over, our first Thursday record. 4 Cetti's Warblers were heard and there was a lot of Redwings flying over. Ravens and Buzzards put up a good show with 5 of each being recorded.
9 January 2020
Overcast with sun breaking through later, 10°C; wind SW 4-5
BIRDS: Harder to find birds than the count might indicate, the wind not helping. Total species count was 43. Grey Heron on the scrape and one found dead in the N meadow, cause unknown. Black-headed Gulls continue to dominate in numbers. It was nice to find 4 Stonechats today, one pair and two lone females. A European Treecreeper in the N hedge was a good find. Pied Wagtail numbers were still good and there were two Grey Wagtails, Meadow Pipits were present but harder to find today. For the second week in a row a Blackcap was recorded. Up to 3 Cetti's Warblers are present and a similar number of Water Rails.
2 January 2020
Overcast, 7°-10°C; wind SW 2-4
BIRDS: Good numbers of birds around today brought the total up to 41 species. Flocks of 120 Black-headed Gulls and 220 Redwings were typical. 3 Water Rails heard, one Coal Tit found and a male overwintering Blackcap. 4 Ravens flew over and the wet meadows are still attracting Pied Wagtails and the occasional Meadow Pipit.
27 December 19
Light cloud, clouding over later, 7°-9°C; wind calm. Flooding from Piddle Brook during the last week, subsiding again today.
BIRDS: The last count of the year produced 40 species. The least usual sighting of the morning was a female Bullfinch (possibly two). Water Rails were heard from 5 widely spaced locations and at least two Cetti's Warblers were calling. A Sparrowhawk flew by, the first record for this December. Small flocks of Meadow Pipits and Pied Wagtails were seen feeding on the waterlogged meadows.
19 December 19
Sunny, clouding over later, 10°C; wind S 3-5
BIRDS: Hard work today but eventually we managed to record 42 species. Two new for the month, Grey Heron and Raven. Plenty of Redwings and Mistle Thrushes but few Fieldfares. Both Water Rail and Cetti's Warbler called but not often. Just one female Stonechat this week.and Reed Buntings were present but hard to find.
12 December 19
Rain clearing, dull, 5°-8°C; wind S 2-4
BIRDS: Given the conditions we managed a reasonable total of 41 species. A wintering Chiffchaff was a good record. Cetti's Warbler and Water Rail are both present and call occasionally. A Kingfisher was spotted fishing in the channel beside the main path. Pied Wagtail numbers were down and were mostly recorded flying over as were Fieldfare and Redwing. Two Greylag Geese flew over to boost the December species count.
A small flock of Golden Plover flew over during the week and both Linnet and Skylark have been recorded.
5 December 19
Mist clearing, hazy sun, 4°-8°C; wind SW 3-4
BIRDS: Large numbers of birds moving today, species count was 47. Peregrine Falcon seen twice, presumably chasing large flocks of winter thrushes - Redwing 106 & Fieldfare 78. Jack Snipe flushed from meadow. Cetti's Warblers and Water Rails heard. Goldcrest, Long-tailed Tit and Coal Tit recorded. Small flocks of Common Snipe present. More Stock Doves than is usual.
28 November 19
Overcast, 7°-9°; wind W 1-2
BIRDS: Conditions were similar to last week but more birds, the total count was 50 species. Notable records were Common Teal on the main pool, a pair Northern Shoveler on the scrape, large numbers of Pied Wagtails (50+) and Meadow Pipits (30+), a large movement of Fieldfares and Redwings, 2 Cetti's Warblers and 2 Water Rails heard, 8 Snipe on the scrape following a week with high counts of Snipe and both Blackcap and Chiffchaff present.
21 November 19
Overcast, 4°-5°C; wind NE 2-3
BIRDS: A good day for birds as they enjoyed the wet meadows left by the receding floods. Total count = 48 species. Notable records included Little Grebe on Piddle Brook, Water Rail and 2 Cetti's Warblers heard, 5 Stonechats, an overwintering Chiffchaff and 4 Goldcrests and all 3 finches, Chaffinch, Greenfinch and Goldfinch.
MAMMALS: European Otter seen on Piddle Brook at 8:15am.
14 November 19
Steady, 6°C with a NE wind Force 2-4. The meadows are still waterlogged following the recent floods and likely to be flooded again following heavy overnight rain.
The miserable weather meant we only counted for about an hour and a half and many common species were sheltering out of sight. The count was 27 species. Notably there was a pair of Gadwall on the scrape, the first record for 2019, the 103rd species for the year. There was a Kingfisher on the scrape with was interesting. In spite of the weather both Water Rail and Cetti's Warbler were calling.
7 November 19
Sunny with scattered cloud, 7°-10°C with a SW breeze Force 3-4. The meadows are still waterlogged following the recent floods.
BIRDS: A good total of 48 species today. 3 Cetti's Warblers seen flitting in the reeds together and a Water Rail heard several times. The first Common Gull of the autumn flew past along the river. Fieldfares and Redwings all flew over. A pair of Stonechats present mostly around the scrape. 2 Coal Tits were found, one on the N path and one in the Cherry Orchard gardens. A single Rook flew over. Two Linnets and two Greenfinches seen in the same tree!
BUTTERFLIES: A late Red Admiral was seen sunning itself.
DRAGONFLIES: Common Darters are still on the wing and 2 Migrant Hawkers were seen.
31 October 19
Overcast, 6°-11°C with a NE breeze Force 1-3. Meadows waterlogged following recent flooding.
BIRDS: The total bird count for the day was 42 species. Sightings were characterised by the falling water level after extensive flooding at the weekend. In particular 55 Pied Wagtails were recorded. A Water Rail was heard, a Grey Wagtail flew over as did a single Fieldfare. No warblers today but there was a good number of Meadow Pipits.
24 October 19
Overcast, 10°C with no wind.
BIRDS: A total count of 44 species today. A Water Rail and 2 Cetti's Warblers were heard. Song and Mistle Thrushes showed and now there is a pair of Stonechats present. Two Lapwing dropped in which was a nice surprise. Other interesting sightings were, Blackcap, 3 Goldcrest, 2 Coal Tits and a Linnet.
17 October 19
Sunny, cold with cloudy periods,5°-15°C; wind S Force 1-3
BIRDS: An excellent count of 50 species today. There was a lot of bird movement today allowing records of both Canada and Greylag Geese and plenty of Skylarks, Meadow Pipits and Pied Wagtails. A surprise was 3 late Swallows. The Stonechats are back and good numbers of Redwings were arriving. Cetti's Warbler called several times. For the first time in a long time we logged Chaffinch and Greenfinch on the same day. A Goldcrest showed briefly and both Siskin and Linnet flew over. Several Chiffchaffs were still present.
A flock of sheep arrived on Avon Meadows this afternoon.
10 October 19
Sunny, clouding over later, 15°C; wind SW Force 3.
A better total of 46 species this week with some interesting sightings. The scrape is now full of water again and cutting of the vegetation complete. We found Common Teal, Common Snipe, Meadow Pipit and a single Stonechat there. Both Cetti's Warbler and Water Rail called from time to time. A single Redwing appeared, equalling our early arrival record. Parties of Rooks and Skylarks flow over, unusual for Avon Meadows. A Eurasian Treecreeper was recorded in the carpark in late morning.
BUTTERFLIES: A single Speckled Wood showed in the sun.
DRAGONFLIES: Both Southern Hawker and Common Darter were present, the latter quite numerous.
MOTHS: A caterpillar of a Buff Ermine was seen basking in the sun early on.
3 October 19
Overcast, 6°C to 10°C, calm.
We struggled to make 37 species this dull morning. Once again both Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers declared their presence. Swallows were present in good numbers but House Martin numbers were beginning to tail off. There was a good number of Pied Wagtails to be seen as young birds made use of the wet meadows. Warblers were represented by a single Chiffchaff. The first Stonechat of the winter was seen on 28th September.
BUTTERFLIES: A lone Red Admiral served to brighten the morning.
26 September 19
Sunny, 14°C to 17°C; wind SW Force 3-5
A good count today of 46 species again. The highlights were Common Teal on the main pool, a big passage of Barn Swallows and House Martins and both Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers showed. Reed Warblers are still present in small numbers and a Cetti's Warbler called once or twice. A Jay flew over ( unusual for Avon Meadows - woodland species) and a pair of Goldcrests revealed themselves.
BUTTERFLIES: A Painted Lady was seen basking in a good year for this species and a Red Admiral showed too.
DRAGONFLIES: Both Brown and Southern Hawkers were taking advantage of the late sunshine.
19 September 19
Sunny, 16°C to 20°C, calm.
BIRDS: A good count today of 46 species, perhaps the late summer doldrums are over now! Early on a Water Rail with its chick was seen on the margin of the main pool. Common Teal have made a return after the summer. A Red Kite flew over in early afternoon. There was a small party of 4 Buzzards flying through. A Green Woodpecker was heard and there were several Great Spotted Woodpeckers. Small numbers of Swallows and House Martins are still present and Meadow Pipits arrived during the week and were present today. A pair of Mistle Thrushes flew over. Most of the warblers seem to have gone although Reed Warbler and Blackcap were present, conversely there were plenty of Chiffchaffs. A single Linnet flow over.
DRAGONFLIES: A nice sunny day brought forth, Brown and Migrant Hawkers and Common Darters.
13 September 19
Sunny, 12°C to 18°C, NW wind.
BIRDS: A hard-won count of 39 species today. Canada Geese were heard today and Kestrel was successfully hunting Field Voles! Swallows and House Martins were present but not in the numbers of last week. A Great Spotted Woodpecker flew over. A Lesser Whitethroat showed which was our first autumn record. Other warblers present were Common Whitethroat, Reed Warbler, Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler. Small parties of Long-tailed Tits were flitting though the bushes.
5 September 19
Sunny periods, 12°C to 15°C, SW wind.
BIRDS: Just 38 species this week, everything was very quiet. Cormorants have made a return. There were good numbers of Swallows and House Martins passing through. Reed Warblers, Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers were present.
29 August 19
Sunny periods, 12°C to 17°C, SW wind.
BIRDS: A rather better total this week, 38 species. Highlights were a Green Sandpiper on the scrape and Garden and Willow Warblers feeding on elderberries. We only saw one bird of prey today when a Sparrowhawk flew over. Reed Buntings are present but hard to find.
MAMMALS: An Otter was seen in the channel beside the main path just before we started out.
22 August 19
Sunny periods, 16°C to 21°C, stiff S wind.
BIRDS: A difficult day for birds with comparatively few about resulted in a count of only 33 species. During the week a Red-legged Partridge was seen, our 101st species for 2019. The last Swifts were seen on 19 Aug. Canada Geese were seen early on and there were two Great Spotted Woodpeckers on show. Warblers are still present but rather few Blackcaps and Common Whitethroats now. Chiffchaff numbers are still up and there are still a few Reed Warblers present.
15 August 19
Overcast, clearing later, 17°C to 21°C, stiff W to NW wind.
BIRDS: Not an easy morning for birds although we did end up with 42 species. A few common Swifts still present, otherwise hirundines mostly heading south. No Sedge Warblers today but some Reed Warblers apparently still feeding young. Goldcrest heard and a Treecreeper too. Two Common Whitethroats recorded and plenty of Chiffchaffs. Four Ravens flew over. Several Common Snipe seen on the scrape during the week; this is the first year that the scrape has still held water at this time of year.
BUTTERFLIES: A good selection of butterflies present including; Large, Small and Green-veined Whites, Red Admiral, Peacock, Painted Lady, Meadow Brown and Speckled Wood.
Dragonflies appeared in sheltered, sunny spots. Banded Demoiselles were present in small numbers, Southern, Migrant and Brown Hawkers and Common Darters.
8 August 19
Sunny with light cloud, 17°C to 23°C, light SW breeze.
BIRDS: A modest 37 species today, however it was not without interest. We had a new early record for Common Snipe on the scrape and a Grey Wagtail flew over. Swifts are still present and there were plenty of Swallows and House Martins. Reed Warblers are still present but Sedge Warbler numbers are now low.
BUTTERFLIES: The first Common Blue of the summer seen today, very late. A single Painted Lady flew through.
DRAGONFLIES: Many Common Darters seen mating and a Southern Hawker perched to give excellent views.
MOTHS: A new moth for Avon Meadows! A Hummingbird Hawk-moth was recorded feeding on Buddlea in a garden.
1 August 19
BIRDS: It was not as hot as last week, starting out with overcast skies which cleared by mid-morning raising the temperature from 16°C to 23°C with a light southwesterly breeze. Overall it was a good morning for birds and a total of 43 species was accumulated. Grey Herons put in an appearance and for the first time in several months we recorded both Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers. Swifts and House Martins were still present but no Swallows or Sand Martins. The warbler passage continues with Garden and Willow Warblers recorded in addition to the breeding species. A Coal Tit appeared early on as did two Ravens. Finally a Linnet flew over, a once common species in the Vale of Evesham but now rather scarce.
26 July 19
MOTHS: It turned out to be a good moth night with over 80 species recorded, no wind and the temperature did not fall below 19°C. There was one new species for Avon Meadows on the night, Black Arches.
25 July 19
BIRDS: Today was a hot summer day with clear skies and the temperature rising during the morning from 23° to 31°C during the morning with only a light southerly breeze. None the less 40 species were recorded, the most interesting undoubtedly was a juvenile Cuckoo being fed by Reed Warblers. Even when the location of the Cuckoo is known they are extremely difficult to catch sight of. A second brood of Coot chicks was on the main pool. Swifts, Swallows and House Martins are still present. There was evidence of the start of the warbler migration south with the presence of Lesser Whitethroat, Garden and Willow Warblers, none of which bred on Avon Meadows this year.
18 July 19
Overcast with sunny periods, 18°-22°C with a SW breeze.
BIRDS: Two surprises served to raise our count to 44 species this week. Two Little Egrets flew over early on and at least 2 Common Terns were seen along the river. The meadows were cut yesterday, 17 July, and this brought in raptors which continued to appear today. Today's were Sparrowhawk, Buzzard and Kestrel. Swifts and hirundines are still present but young Swallows were seen flying south. A Mistle Thrush was an unusual summer sighting. All warblers are present still. We recorded a singly Chaffinch flying over.
BUTTERFLIES: A small area of thistles have been left after the mowing which held Marbled White and a Narrow-boardered Five-spot Burnet, a diurnal moth.
11 July 19
A sunny morning becoming overcast later, 15°-26°C with a light SW breeze.
BIRDS: The dog days of summer. 41 species recorded today. The undoubted highlights were a pair of Hobbies chasing hirundines and a Linnet. Moorhens and Coots are producing second broods. There were 3 Grey Herons and 2 Sparrowhawks. All the usual hirundines and warblers still present.
BUTTERFLIES: The first Gatekeeper of the year seen this morning and a Holly Blue.
MAMMALS: Two Water Shrews were recorded today near the settling pit.
5 July 19
MOTHS: An excellent moth night tonight when we recorded 76 species. Three new species were recorded; 2 micro-moths, Lazotaeniodes formosiana and Homoeosoma sinuella . The new macro-moth, Dotted Fan-foot was new for Avon Meadows and Worcestershire.
4 July 19
It was a nice summer day, sunny throughout, 17°-24°C with a light SW breeze.
BIRDS: Among a total count of 41 species the unusual ones were; two Common Shelduck flying over, a Water Rail called once from a dense reedbed beside the 'cross roadws', a Common Kingfisher was seen along the river and a Goldcrest seen feeding young. A number of young birds were seen including Moorhen, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Swallow, Reed Warbler, Whitethroat and Blackcap.
BUTTERFLIES: A patch of flowering Creeping Thistle near Piddle Brook had literally hundreds of butterflies feeding; mostly Mead ow Browns but including Large Skipper, Small Tortoiseshell and Marbled White.
DRAGONFLIES: It was a perfect day for butterflies and Black-tailed Skimmer, Scarce Chaser, White-legged and Red-eyed Damselfies and Brown Hawker were located.
MOTHS: A single Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet was found, sadly missing one wing and there were large numbers of grass Pyralids in the meadows.
27 June 19
After a period of cool, wet weather this was the start of a spell of hot weather. Today was sunny, 14°-21°C with a NE breeze.
BIRDS: A total count of 41 species today with nothing particularly unusual to report. There were two each of Sparrowhawk and Buzzard and at least 5 Ravens. This week the hirundines all turned up, House and Sand Martins plus Swallows. A Skylark was heard and a Great Spotted Woodpecker flew by in the distance. A Cuckoo flew over silently. All the warblers of last week were still present.
BUTTERFLIES: There was a multitude of Meadow Browns flying in the meadows with a few Ringlets. Three Painted Ladies appeared and two Large Skippers plus several Red Admirals and Small Tortoiseshells..
DRAGONFLIES: It was really a bit too windy for dragonflies but some turned up in sheltered, sunny spots. These included both Beautiful and Banded Demoiselles, Blue-tailed Damselfly and an Emperor Dragonfly was defencing its territory over the main pool beside the boardwalk. We also found and early Common Darter.
MOTHS: A Scarlet Tiger was found clinging to a grass stem in the breeze and several Plum Tortrix micro moths.
FLOWERS: Lots of Yellow-rattle Rhinanthus minor in flower in the meadows and Narrow-leaved Water Plantain Alisma lanceolatum in some of the channels.