About the Friends of Avon Meadows CIO
Our Community Group was formed in 2010 and is actively engaged in conservation work parties, biological recording, species counts and promotional activities. In 2017 we became a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), registered charity no. 1174083.
The Friends of Avon Meadows is a non-profit making environmental body whose objectives are:
- To conserve, maintain and enhance the Avon Meadows site as a natural habitat using volunteers for the benefit of the public consistent with the owners’ Management Plan
- To educate members and the public in the principles and practice of conservation
- To monitor the fauna and flora of the site and maintain records
- To promote Avon Meadows as a community asset for Pershore
- To monitor the benefits of the wetland for flood alleviation and water quality improvement
Supporting Members pay an annual subscription of £5 (£10 for couples) towards the cost of running the Friends and their conservation work - to join please see the "Join us as a Supporting Member" page. For any other enquiries please use the "Contact Us" page.
Our Constitution and Code of Practice can be seen here:
Constitution Code of Practice
Page last updated 28th November 2017